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Does anyone know the prefix dialing code that you must use for
sending a fax from America to Thailand?
I need to have sent a fax sent to this fax number in Thailand from America:  0XX-XX4-993

Thank You...

In 2011 my bank suggested if I wanted a money transfer that was the way to request the authorisation. Even then there were very few fax machines around the city. When i did find one it didnt work.

Faxes were just about obsolete in 2010 in the uk for sure.


The US end would dial 011-66-53-764-993.  As mentioned earlier, knocked off the Zero in the province code (053). 



Dial the fax number beginning with the digits 011, which is the international dialing code, followed by 66 for Thailand’s country code. Next, dial the digits that stand for the city code of the city in which the individual or business you are faxing is located. Finally, dial the fax number and hit send or the applicable button.


Geographic area codes

Geographic (fixed line) area codes are, excluding the STD prefix 0, one digit in Bangkok and nearby provinces (area code 2) and two digits in all other provinces (area codes 3x, 4x, 5x, and 7x). In Thailand, an area code is usually shared by several provinces and roughly follows provincial borders.




When businesses say "fax" they are generally fine with receiving a clear photo of the document, particularly is it has been run through a "scanning" app that applies filters to make it appear more document-like, and crops out the extraneous parts of the photo.

Don't ask, just email them the photo and let them ask for a fax if it is really necessary. I have actually never had anyone insist on that, not even government departments that need my signature.

FYI, most organizations scan all the faxes they receive to turn them into digital images that they can put into their computer system and throw the paper away. You can bet that none of their internal communication is by fax.

Emailing an image makes their job a lot easier and eliminates the real possibility (TIT) that they will fail to get one of your pages into their system.


13 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

Do fax machines exist anywhere anymore ? Thought they had gone out with the slide rule

I am aware of some medical practices which will not allow email documents etc due to fear of hacking of systems.

Prescriptions are more likely to be faxed to pharmacists for client to collect to avoid doctors consultation for regular medications

15 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

Do fax machines exist anywhere anymore ? Thought they had gone out with the slide rule

Still very common in the US.


Especially as the post above this one states - for medical issues.


Perhaps the document requires a signature to be added here.  A PDF is an answer to that, of course, and there may be other avenues.  But a photo would not allow for an added signature.

Perhaps the document requires a signature to be added here.  A PDF is an answer to that, of course, and there may be other avenues.  But a photo would not allow for an added signature.
You can use the electronic signature format

/s/ full typed name here

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