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The revolutionary and delicious meatlike-but-meatless hamburgers and sausages are appearing in grocery stores and fast food restaurants all over the world. Does anyone know if they are available in Chiang Mai yet?


Please leave the burgers alone, if you stop  using beef what will happen

More green house gases to ruin the planet

Help by eating a large portion of a bovine each day

The farmers will thank you :cowboy:


I hope so!

Last summer back home in Canada I discovered the Beyond Meat burger being peddled by A&W, I never ate more there in one month than I did in the past 30yrs. The burger was so popular that they sold out of it right across the country.

Burger King and the multi-national fry pits are all getting onboard with this stuff.

6 hours ago, monkeycu said:

Please leave the burgers alone, if you stop  using beef what will happen

More green house gases to ruin the planet

Help by eating a large portion of a bovine each day

The farmers will thank you :cowboy:

You got it wrong.  Raising beef results in very large increases in green house gasses.


If its only a beef equivalent then there is no urgency in Thailand as their beef intake is problably lower than a British Lamb intake.


Why is it on this forum when someone give a direct question all the nobs come out and don't answer the question? Except for myself. If you don't know the answer to the question why post?



Try this link.     https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enTH838TH838&ei=QEvhXPCwAYLbvgTL4IiYAg&q=vegan+burgers+in+chianf+mai&oq=vegan+burgers+in+chianf+mai&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30l4.5112.15491..16307...0.0..0.150.1369.4j9......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0j0i22i10i30j33i22i29i30j33i22i10i29i30.DcLZZEzs6to

2 hours ago, HaleySabai said:

I hope so!

Last summer back home in Canada I discovered the Beyond Meat burger being peddled by A&W, I never ate more there in one month than I did in the past 30yrs. The burger was so popular that they sold out of it right across the country.

Burger King and the multi-national fry pits are all getting onboard with this stuff.

Exactly. This product is a game-changer and I expect a massive drop in real meat consumption in the coming years as people discover this cruelty-free, healthier and delicious meatlike alternative. Real meat will eventually be heavily taxed, reflecting its true cost, as the Green New Deal movement spreads around the world.

1 hour ago, Rally123 said:

Why is it on this forum when someone give a direct question all the nobs come out and don't answer the question? Except for myself. If you don't know the answer to the question why post?



Try this link.     https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enTH838TH838&ei=QEvhXPCwAYLbvgTL4IiYAg&q=vegan+burgers+in+chianf+mai&oq=vegan+burgers+in+chianf+mai&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30l4.5112.15491..16307...0.0..0.150.1369.4j9......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0j0i22i10i30j33i22i29i30j33i22i10i29i30.DcLZZEzs6to

Thanks for that link. There are many kinds of vegan burgers.....mushroom burgers, chickpea burgers, bean & vegetable burgers, etc. I'm looking a specific kind made with pea protein under brands such as Beyond Meat and Lightlife, and which are available at grocery stores too. I guess they will be appearing at Tops and Rimping soon.

  • Like 1

What are the source of the veggies? GMO, organic, sprayed with herbicides? Does it represent a better product than animal protein, or is it a marketing hype?


I saw the label to one of three faux meat products, and it included 'beef flavor' - what is this catch all term used for? - chemical additives? - if it is just vegetable add-ins, then include them with the ingredients.

  • Like 2

 I got it wrong, Really :blink:

And what happens if you leave the cattle to multiply, as in don't slaughter them for food.

Think about it, the answer is right in front of you  ????

 I got it wrong, Really :blink:
And what happens if you leave the cattle to multiply, as in don't slaughter them for food.
Think about it, the answer is right in front of you  ????

You think people are eating a significant number of wild cattle? And people are unable to control the population of wild cattle?


Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
1 hour ago, Bill97 said:

You think people are eating a significant number of wild cattle? And people are unable to control the population of wild cattle?


Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

So is your reply but who cares life is too short to worry, just give me a steak  :wai:

  • Haha 1
19 minutes ago, monkeycu said:

So is your reply but who cares life is too short to worry, just give me a steak  :wai:



And we have another vote for eating dead animal carcasses.      ????

15 hours ago, steven2018 said:

What are the source of the veggies? GMO, organic, sprayed with herbicides? Does it represent a better product than animal protein, or is it a marketing hype?


I saw the label to one of three faux meat products, and it included 'beef flavor' - what is this catch all term used for? - chemical additives? - if it is just vegetable add-ins, then include them with the ingredients.

Whatever the shortcomings of this new meatless meat product, it is far better for us and the planet than continuing our flesh-eating ways. They will eventually make the product more wholesome as time goes by.

  • Like 1
  • Sad 1
6 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

 Beef for me thanks. I don't need any frankenfood.


If the Asians think the same way, than we're all done. As in "well done."

9 hours ago, chingmai331 said:

IMO, the OP has been duped by the hype surrounding the meatless burger.  Plenty of good veg food here in CM, why seek high priced imported highly processed fake ingredients western food? 

Want more info, look here:


Hype? According to your own link above, the author fully supports this new product and hopes people will adopt it. He just doesn't like the taste. However, most people do.

  • Sad 1
7 hours ago, watcharacters said:



And we have another vote for eating dead animal carcasses.      ????

Make that two.

Even the most rudimentary study of the progression of mankind will reveal that the dramatic increase in brain size and intelligence is directly related to the consumption of animal protein. I'm sure I will now be inundated by the whacko pseudoscience that the Internet is well known for.


A simple question..... Has anyone ever met a normal, healthy looking vegan or vegetarian. Nor me either.


With any luck the lack of protein will see a natural dying off of this particular mutation of the human race.


I respect  people's opinions and free choice decisions. Even when they are wrong.

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, emptypockets said:

A simple question..... Has anyone ever met a normal, healthy looking vegan or vegetarian. Nor me either.

Pretty simple all right.  A quick google of vegan athletes returns this. 


Twenty Three World Class Athletes

Twenty Three athletes who set World Records or became World Champions

See over 100 other elite vegan athletes here 

  • Like 1

Many animal are vegans; horses and apes are a few (very hard creatures) However it is the quality of what they eat that matters. And what we eat that matters.

Crops in the U.S. are sprayed with the chemical glyphosate (aka: Roundup) - the manufacturer Monsanto has been purchased by the European mega company Bayer. Now allowing the global use of glyphosate and its derivatives.

When a company such as the one mention in this post creates a product with alternative lean in the food chain - I would question their claims and sources of the products used in their product; is it organic, sprayed, etc.

If they say it is good; must be - right!I Maybe.

Questioning companies and vetting their products is more up to the consumer - or do we take blanket statements that it is good for us.

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