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Two sims

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As far as infidelity is concerned, what is the benefit of having two sim cards?


I'm asking for a concerned friend (neighbour).


The husband has two Sims.  Otherwise totally clean phone.  What could he be up to?  Hiding messages in line, facebook, viber, Skype, etc?  Is this possible?  Thanks in advance. 


Anything else she should know to look for?

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If he is hiding things on a modern smartphone you won't find them if you haven't already. Secure storage apps require passwords/patterns/fingerprints to access them.


Personally I would stay well away from this kind of situation. If the husband finds out you are involved I doubt he will be pleased.


Personally I would tell your next door neighbor to ask her husband, rather than involving other people in her and her husband's business.

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...unless the neighbors wife is a bit of a looker and the OP reckons he has a good chance?


I am (mostly) happily married with 2 SIMS in my phone. Both are data-enabled so I have a backup if either network goes tits-up or, depending on location (it is a mobile phone after all) the network isn't very good.


I also have a UK SIM and US SIM in my other, 'international gypsy' global roaming phone. In this manner, I can give the appearance of being up close and personal with all my overseas ex-'s, girlfriends, banks, amazon, PayPal and whoever else has decided that OTP (one-time passwords) via SMS are the solution to their rubbish internet security regimens.

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For cheating you don't use 2 SIMs, you use 2 phones, the second phone is normally called a 'Gik Phone'

I have 2 SIMs, one is for phone calls and bank security SMSs, the other is for data.

The data SIM changes if I see a better deal.

My phone number SIM is always the same.

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The dude hangs out in a bar that has bar girls in it but he seems to just play pool and cards and watch football there.  Kind of a greasy looking guy but I can't find anything wrong with him.  I can see why she's distraught, she's worried he will get her sick.  And just the betrayal.  You're right though I'm better off not getting involved.  I'm just in a weird situation because she's the only one I talk to here really.

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