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Immigration Crackdown - Need To Carry Passport?


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Knowing Thailand I think if you ask 100 cops about which ID is acceptable, none of them will know the legally correct answer. They're just told by someone higher up to go check ID. I'm sure if you present a Thai DL 99% of the cops will accept that if you're otherwise polite and don't rouse suspicions. Of course, if you start acting up or being rude they will most likely throw the book at you as they would any place, including require original passport etc.

Edited by Phil Conners
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A few years ago (5?) I went to a Kinko's in downtown San Franciso to make a color photocopy of the photo page of my US passport. When I was paying for the copy, I was told by the clerk that it was a violation of some federal law to make a color copy -- black and white was okay -- and that they were required to confiscate such a copy or notify the authorities. I tore it up and handed her the pieces and she was satisfied. I went to a different self-service copy shop and didn't show them what I had copied.

Does anybody know if it's legal to make a color copy of a US passport?

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wp, I had a similar experience in the US at a Kinkos making color copies of my passport. I asked the clerk about using the color machine and he saw my passport and he basically went postal. Backed off from me and said it is illegal to make a copy of my passport. Not sure about color vs. regular. So he was saying he couldn't help me do this illegal thing and that he didn't want to know of such horrors. I was amused but not intimidated, made my copies, and paid at the cashier, based on the meter device. TIA?

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24 hours to produce the original? Where did you get this little chestnut from? Did you just make it up?

It is Thai law that states you must carry the original document at all time. The same rule applies to Thai people and ID cards, If you don't have it with you and are taken to the station then you must arrange for it to be brought for you.

If you are unable to do this then it's your problem, not anyone elses.

True but although they might lock you up. you have 24 hours before they press charges to let someone bring in your passport. But than again you seem to me like an I AM WHITE I KNOW IT ALL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I just got back from 3 weeks in Patters, and the only people who wanted to see MY passport was the hotel reception, I left MINE in the hotel safe the whole time, cant understand what the fuss is about

Spoke to others about it, they NEVER carried theirs either, or any copies

Tried to speak to a cop about it and the tourist police, they didnt know anything either about carrying passprts 24/7

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Well, I just got back from 3 weeks in Patters, and the only people who wanted to see MY passport was the hotel reception, I left MINE in the hotel safe the whole time, cant understand what the fuss is about

Spoke to others about it, they NEVER carried theirs either, or any copies

Tried to speak to a cop about it and the tourist police, they didnt know anything either about carrying passprts 24/7

Hi Pepsi,

I've been coming to/living in Thailand for over 30 years and I've never been stopped by a cop and asked for my passport.

That doesn't alter the fact the the law clearly states that aliens - i.e us foreigners are required to carry our passports with us at all times. This is very similar laws to other 3rd countries I have worked and lived in and is not at all unusual.

I too, don't know what the fuss is all about. The law is the law and that is that. If you choose, as I do - for most of the time - to leave your passport at home, because you are worried about losing it or having stolen, or wearing the poor thing out. then that is your decision and the chances are very high that nothing will ever happen to you.

But if you do happen to get caught up in a police raid and get hauled off to jail for not having a passport then you have no one to blame but yourself as you know the law and you have been warned.

A copy passport will suffice in most circumstances, but is not 100% guaranteed.

An awful lot of words written on a subject that has been done to death, IMHO :o

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Well, I just got back from 3 weeks in Patters, and the only people who wanted to see MY passport was the hotel reception, I left MINE in the hotel safe the whole time, cant understand what the fuss is about

Spoke to others about it, they NEVER carried theirs either, or any copies

Tried to speak to a cop about it and the tourist police, they didnt know anything either about carrying passprts 24/7

Hi Pepsi,

I've been coming to/living in Thailand for over 30 years and I've never been stopped by a cop and asked for my passport.

That doesn't alter the fact the the law clearly states that aliens - i.e us foreigners are required to carry our passports with us at all times. This is very similar laws to other 3rd countries I have worked and lived in and is not at all unusual.

I too, don't know what the fuss is all about. The law is the law and that is that. If you choose, as I do - for most of the time - to leave your passport at home, because you are worried about losing it or having stolen, or wearing the poor thing out. then that is your decision and the chances are very high that nothing will ever happen to you.

But if you do happen to get caught up in a police raid and get hauled off to jail for not having a passport then you have no one to blame but yourself as you know the law and you have been warned.

A copy passport will suffice in most circumstances, but is not 100% guaranteed.

An awful lot of words written on a subject that has been done to death, IMHO :D

Hi Mobi,

I suppose its down to the places you got to, we went to plenty of bars, resturants, walking street, chatterd with the tourist police, tried to talk to the cops (but limited Thai) didnt get that drunk I was going to cause problems,

We did see some bloke get a good hiding from the cops on beach road, a German decided to get invoveled, he ended up with the Thai in the paddy wagon (why get involved??) The Thi grabbed someones bag and got caught

BUT I did have ID of a sort with me, but not sure if the Thai's would have acccepted it, still, it may have done until I got me passort :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it finally happened to me! Just been stopped on the way home from foodland and was pulled in at a road block on Sukhumvit Road (10:45pm) the first officer explained "songran" and indicated I needed driving licience. Was directed to a table the officer asked where I come from I produced my Thai driving licience, details were logged(as was everyone stopped) explained to me it was routine alcohol check as it was songran, then passed to next officer who explained the limit of alcohol in the blood is 50mg etc showed me new tube being inserted and invited me to blow!! result was zero as my personal policy is if I want to drink my partner drives (they are tt) he then shook my hand and with a big smile gave me a leaflet plus two stickers for the car, one was a monk and a blessing the other was something about drinking and driving and showed a cartoon wioth cars skidding, he said very good you not drunk! I was then thanked and sent on my way.

My point of writing is a) I was treated exactly the same as the other drivers in front and behind me who were Thai, at all times the police were polite as I was! and :o At no time was a passport mentioned and there were some senior officers present overseeing the procedure it would appear that in this instance at least a Thai driving licience was acceptable for id and of course driving! I know some will argue that this was a exercise to catch drunk drivers but again the original thread suggested a crackdown on foreigners carrying passports and what better opportunity than when you have stopped a car driven by a farang?

I know that with everything else when things go wrong people post their bad experiences and I feel in the interest of balance that good experiences should also be posted.

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the original thread suggested a crackdown on foreigners carrying passports

The OP was about a β€œPolice hunt for foreign β€œmafia” here in Pattaya”. I don’t know how this works but I could imagine that the police has a listed of the names of wanted persons, perhaps also their nationality, and they stop everybody who looks foreign, check his/her identity and compare the name against the list.



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Well it finally happened to me! Just been stopped on the way home from foodland and was pulled in at a road block on Sukhumvit Road (10:45pm) the first officer explained "songran" and indicated I needed driving licience. Was directed to a table the officer asked where I come from I produced my Thai driving licience, details were logged(as was everyone stopped) explained to me it was routine alcohol check as it was songran, then passed to next officer who explained the limit of alcohol in the blood is 50mg etc showed me new tube being inserted and invited me to blow!! result was zero as my personal policy is if I want to drink my partner drives (they are tt) he then shook my hand and with a big smile gave me a leaflet plus two stickers for the car, one was a monk and a blessing the other was something about drinking and driving and showed a cartoon wioth cars skidding, he said very good you not drunk! I was then thanked and sent on my way.

My point of writing is a) I was treated exactly the same as the other drivers in front and behind me who were Thai, at all times the police were polite as I was! and :o At no time was a passport mentioned and there were some senior officers present overseeing the procedure it would appear that in this instance at least a Thai driving licience was acceptable for id and of course driving! I know some will argue that this was a exercise to catch drunk drivers but again the original thread suggested a crackdown on foreigners carrying passports and what better opportunity than when you have stopped a car driven by a farang?

I know that with everything else when things go wrong people post their bad experiences and I feel in the interest of balance that good experiences should also be posted.

Thanks John, this what I experience when a license check is carried out too, cheers mate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Your License along with 200 baht backup!

I never needed my passport on me for the three years I been here.

even when you get jerked over for a ticket on your motorcycle all they ever want is your drivers lic, go down to soi 8 pay 200-400 baht & pick up your licence(with your passport #'s on it) They never even want to see the bikes papers just the baht!

hel America does not even require you carry(or should I say enforce) the passport law for foreigners unless a bank has been robbed or a murder & you are in the wrong area at the right time!

And if your Mexican you can always swim back later!

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So can we assume that for non drivers a laminated copy

of passport and visa is equivalent to those carrying drivers licences ??

I mean at least it is some I.D. ?

The confusion came about from those who suggested that if you didnt

have the ORIGINAL passport on you - you would immediately

go to the detention centre even if you had I.D. copies on you ?

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So can we assume that for non drivers a laminated copy

of passport and visa is equivalent to those carrying drivers licences ??

I mean at least it is some I.D. ?

The confusion came about from those who suggested that if you didnt

have the ORIGINAL passport on you - you would immediately

go to the detention centre even if you had I.D. copies on you ?

Of course, never assume anything, especially in a foreign country where we don't know the laws exactly, and the laws aren't enforced exactly. But yes, IMHO, I'd say a laminated copy (or a full color photocopy) of pp & visa is good enough, because it functions as a form of ID. Me, I carry the photocopies and my Thai licenses, even though they almost never ask.
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When the police ask me for my passport on producing it I always like telling them it is the property of the government which issued it and can only be surrendered to a representative of that government. they can look but not touch. When asked if they wish to accompany me to the embassy for a closer inspection they usually decline and I go on my way.

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the original thread suggested a crackdown on foreigners carrying passports

The OP was about a β€œPolice hunt for foreign β€œmafia” here in Pattaya”. I don’t know how this works but I could imagine that the police has a listed of the names of wanted persons, perhaps also their nationality, and they stop everybody who looks foreign, check his/her identity and compare the name against the list.



yeah! that's the same system that the US Dept of Homeland Paranoia has foisted on the US immigration service. works great!

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Since the apparent crackdown started I thought I had better start carrying some form of identification, so got the picture page of my passport reduced to credit card size and laminated in plastic (black and white only)

Have now had 3 occaisions to need it - one an accident where a motorbike ran into my car, and twice on the road to Issan in a police checkpoint. Every time the police officer was satisfied with the laminated copy, but also asked to see my UK driving license (which IO was also carrying)

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Just left Pattaya after 9 month overstay. Every day I prayed I didn't have any accidents or get stopped by police or have a spot check at my apartment. I think it was worth it to overstay. I didn't have the means to fly to Penang to get back to back tourist visas every 3 months and I'm under 50. Beats going home for winter where I am now.

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You think a nine month overstay was worth the gamble vis Γ  vie getting stopped by the Police and getting slung in the Immigration Detention Centre. :D

The mind boggles. :o

Yep, worth the gamble. I've lived in Pattaya already a few years so I knew the chances of being caught were very remote. Either way, I was prepared to do it because it would allow me to stay in Thailand. IF I were sent to IDC, I'd get deported and pay a fine but could always return (the stories about Persona Non Grata are urban legends). I've heard from others that farangs get better treatment than others in IDC and if you have the $$, it's a temporary stay of usually not more than a week at most. I was prepared for all this and waiting for it to come. Going back to my home city in winter would be worse than jail anyway. Right now it's 10 degrees or less at night and I really miss Pattaya (for the weather at least...)

In the end, I walked up to the overstay counter at the airport, paid my 20k, and boarded my flight with not a care in the world. Oddly, I had to transfer my expired visa from an old now expired passport to my new and I went to BKK's immigration office (Suan Plu) to have the transfer done. They did it in the blink of an eye and I walked out of there even though they knew I was on overstay! Wow.

I would never encourage anyone to break the law but I didn't get all bent out of shape about overstaying. Well worth it for all I experienced and gained out of it. Best of all, no visa runs! :D

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You think a nine month overstay was worth the gamble vis Γ  vie getting stopped by the Police and getting slung in the Immigration Detention Centre. :D

The mind boggles. :D

Yep, worth the gamble. I've lived in Pattaya already a few years so I knew the chances of being caught were very remote. Either way, I was prepared to do it because it would allow me to stay in Thailand. IF I were sent to IDC, I'd get deported and pay a fine but could always return (the stories about Persona Non Grata are urban legends). I've heard from others that farangs get better treatment than others in IDC and if you have the $$, it's a temporary stay of usually not more than a week at most. I was prepared for all this and waiting for it to come. Going back to my home city in winter would be worse than jail anyway. Right now it's 10 degrees or less at night and I really miss Pattaya (for the weather at least...)

In the end, I walked up to the overstay counter at the airport, paid my 20k, and boarded my flight with not a care in the world. Oddly, I had to transfer my expired visa from an old now expired passport to my new and I went to BKK's immigration office (Suan Plu) to have the transfer done. They did it in the blink of an eye and I walked out of there even though they knew I was on overstay! Wow.

I would never encourage anyone to break the law but I didn't get all bent out of shape about overstaying. Well worth it for all I experienced and gained out of it. Best of all, no visa runs! :D

Oh my you sound so smart indeed...

But it is people like you who turn things difficult for people who stay in Thailand legally.

I suggest you look for a proper and sound way to stay in the Kingdom.... :D:o

anyway cheers

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You think a nine month overstay was worth the gamble vis Γ  vie getting stopped by the Police and getting slung in the Immigration Detention Centre. :D

The mind boggles. :D

Yep, worth the gamble. I've lived in Pattaya already a few years so I knew the chances of being caught were very remote. Either way, I was prepared to do it because it would allow me to stay in Thailand. IF I were sent to IDC, I'd get deported and pay a fine but could always return (the stories about Persona Non Grata are urban legends). I've heard from others that farangs get better treatment than others in IDC and if you have the $, it's a temporary stay of usually not more than a week at most. I was prepared for all this and waiting for it to come. Going back to my home city in winter would be worse than jail anyway. Right now it's 10 degrees or less at night and I really miss Pattaya (for the weather at least...)

In the end, I walked up to the overstay counter at the airport, paid my 20k, and boarded my flight with not a care in the world. Oddly, I had to transfer my expired visa from an old now expired passport to my new and I went to BKK's immigration office (Suan Plu) to have the transfer done. They did it in the blink of an eye and I walked out of there even though they knew I was on overstay! Wow.

I would never encourage anyone to break the law but I didn't get all bent out of shape about overstaying. Well worth it for all I experienced and gained out of it. Best of all, no visa runs! :D

Oh my you sound so smart indeed...

But it is people like you who turn things difficult for people who stay in Thailand legally.

I suggest you look for a proper and sound way to stay in the Kingdom.... :D:o

anyway cheers

Nothing difficult for anyone if they have the right paperwork. The govt are more than happy to take my "20k let me out" fee. For my age and financial position, the only sound way to stay in the Kingdom was overstay and it worked out just fine. I was prepared for whatever doom may have come my way but the odds worked in my favor and if I were considering another long Thai stay, I would probably do it again. Still better than winter n my country!

Anyway, I find it hilarious that all the do-gooders enjoy speaking down to those that thwart the law that most farangs complain about: the visa issue. Victimless offense IMO. While I always kept the overstay story to myself, I was approached by many over my 9 month overstay who confessed they were overstaying as well. Mai pen rai.

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You think a nine month overstay was worth the gamble vis Γ  vie getting stopped by the Police and getting slung in the Immigration Detention Centre. :D

The mind boggles. :D

Yep, worth the gamble. I've lived in Pattaya already a few years so I knew the chances of being caught were very remote. Either way, I was prepared to do it because it would allow me to stay in Thailand. IF I were sent to IDC, I'd get deported and pay a fine but could always return (the stories about Persona Non Grata are urban legends). I've heard from others that farangs get better treatment than others in IDC and if you have the $, it's a temporary stay of usually not more than a week at most. I was prepared for all this and waiting for it to come. Going back to my home city in winter would be worse than jail anyway. Right now it's 10 degrees or less at night and I really miss Pattaya (for the weather at least...)

In the end, I walked up to the overstay counter at the airport, paid my 20k, and boarded my flight with not a care in the world. Oddly, I had to transfer my expired visa from an old now expired passport to my new and I went to BKK's immigration office (Suan Plu) to have the transfer done. They did it in the blink of an eye and I walked out of there even though they knew I was on overstay! Wow.

I would never encourage anyone to break the law but I didn't get all bent out of shape about overstaying. Well worth it for all I experienced and gained out of it. Best of all, no visa runs! :D

Oh my you sound so smart indeed...

But it is people like you who turn things difficult for people who stay in Thailand legally.

I suggest you look for a proper and sound way to stay in the Kingdom.... :D:o

anyway cheers

Nothing difficult for anyone if they have the right paperwork. The govt are more than happy to take my "20k let me out" fee. For my age and financial position, the only sound way to stay in the Kingdom was overstay and it worked out just fine. I was prepared for whatever doom may have come my way but the odds worked in my favor and if I were considering another long Thai stay, I would probably do it again. Still better than winter n my country!

Anyway, I find it hilarious that all the do-gooders enjoy speaking down to those that thwart the law that most farangs complain about: the visa issue. Victimless offense IMO. While I always kept the overstay story to myself, I was approached by many over my 9 month overstay who confessed they were overstaying as well. Mai pen rai.

You're probably full of shit also.

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I'll scan my passport one of these days. It's all there in stamps. No worries.

cannot afford to do the visa runs but can afford to pay a 20k overstay charge at the airport?

something sounds not quite right there

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I'll scan my passport one of these days. It's all there in stamps. No worries.

cannot afford to do the visa runs but can afford to pay a 20k overstay charge at the airport?

something sounds not quite right there

I am afraid he is right 20K at the end of 9 months overstay is cheaper than doing a number of visa runs which are expensive, especially if you fly out to Singapore or Malaysia, time consuming and tedious. Also you can not now do more than 2 visa runs.

I do not condone breaking the law especially here in Thailand and I for one would not risk it but as a person under 50 living in Thailand I can certainly understand why people (like freckle) do.

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I'll scan my passport one of these days. It's all there in stamps. No worries.

cannot afford to do the visa runs but can afford to pay a 20k overstay charge at the airport?

something sounds not quite right there

I am afraid he is right 20K at the end of 9 months overstay is cheaper than doing a number of visa runs which are expensive, especially if you fly out to Singapore or Malaysia, time consuming and tedious. Also you can not now do more than 2 visa runs.

I do not condone breaking the law especially here in Thailand and I for one would not risk it but as a person under 50 living in Thailand I can certainly understand why people (like freckle) do.

Yes, it worked out this time because he didn't get caught. But nine months living with one eye over your shoulder scared of the shadows? Not for me. All the time worried about a minor accident, a police raid on the wrong bar at the wrong time, unknowingly p1ssing off the wrong person, an inquisitive immigration officer who wonders how that farang can be in Thailand so long. Plus, the chance that one day the immigration department will wake up to this bargain offer and up the anti to max 40k, 50k whatever they like, could even decide to throw in a free PNG stamp for good measure.

Oh well, it is truly up to you freckle but if by some mischance you do get caught you know where to come for a sympathetic ear.

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