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UK PM candidate Gove: rushed no-deal Brexit would give Labour's Corbyn power


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Have a look at the idiocy on display here - we will fight we will never give up until we have got our country back from these fools by any means necessary. We are in the foothills of fascism where populist politicians give simplistic solutions based on division to a disenfranchised manipulated populace.



Edited by beautifulthailand99
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1 hour ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Have a look at the idiocy on display here - we will fight we will never give up until we have got our country back from these fools by any means necessary. We are in the foothills of fascism where populist politicians give simplistic solutions based on division to a disenfranchised manipulated populace.




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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:


Not so much "sad".  Rather a poster who is more than dishonest, and cares nothing about democracy.  Far more interested in 'winning' - at any cost......

“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.” 
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare.” 
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


I love my country and despair at what has been done to it and what is happening here all set in tow by the reckless behaviour of Eton toff Cameron to attempt to gain an electoral advantage in the 2015 election.  We are now the laughing stock of the world any sane and reasonable person would seek to reverse this madness. The problem is that 'Leavers' take it as a religion - just watch a Farage rally vid that I have posted above. Mostly old white people wetting their knickers as the saintly Nigel and his failed politico chums churn chant out fact-free slogans of betrayal and stirs them up so yes by any means necessary. Can we have a coup and round up the ringleaders please. Oops wrong country...


Sad to no longer see Grouse here but I suspect he has had enough of rebutting this nonsense sanely and intelligently and has better things to do. Or at least I hope so rather he is ill or something. Does anybody know?

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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On 6/7/2019 at 7:09 AM, helpisgood said:

It sounds like this "Irish backstop" issue is an important sticking point for Brexit.  I have some familiarity for what has been called "The Troubles" in No. Ireland, because it was in the US news and I had lived through them. 


This is not a rhetorical question.  I really do not know.  During the Brexit campaign, how well, if at all, was this backstop problem discussed?  Were the electorate given enough information of the potential problems this "backstop" could raise, and/or given sensible solutions for it, if the "leave" campaign would win? 


I do not mean to take sides here, because I am not that well informed of all the Brexit issues.  I would just like to learn more, especially since I feel very bad for the turbulence that has followed the Brexit vote. 


The UK is too fine a nation to be agitated, especially for so long, by all of this.  I am sure that many would like to have spent more time on other problems and for a smoother Brexit.  I wish for a sensible and satisfying solution, whatever that may be, for the British people and all the others so affected.   



before and during the referendum a lot of of lies misinformation/fake news from the Brexiters campaigners, you should refer to a recently law suit filed against Boris for misleading people while campaigning, he and others didn't care about the potential future problems or any potential adverse effect Brexit would have in NI and/or the existing good Friday treaty and much to many people surprise not one media news outlet cover that possibility either, they didn't provide a lot of details about the risks of Brexit because if they did told the truth, (the majority)  people would have voted against Brexit




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22 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

555 like all Brexitteers they huff and they puff and then they walk away when there's real work to be done rather than grandstanding with cheap soundbites and outright lies. Always someone else's fault. The only fools are those that believe a No Deal will lead to a land of milk and honey. You still don't get it do you Dyson - moved to Singapore, JRM moved his funds to Dublin, Redwood tells his investors not to back Britain essentially. A rich cabal of the elites they profess to despise are gaming the UK for their own ends. 


Have a read again of Peter Oborne - an arch leaver who saw sense and ask yourself who is the fool? Let me summarise his bullets points for those that have a problem reading a few pages.  It's no coincidence that the English football hooligans have a new pro-Brexit chant as they cause mayhem in hapless Portugal and Stephen Yaxley-CokeHead Lennon throws a punch at a fan. 


  • I was a strong Brexiteer. Now we must swallow our pride and think again
  • There’s zero chance of a sensible Brexit amidst the pandemonium and hysteria at Westminster just now
  • The economic arguments for Brexit have been destroyed by a series of shattering blows
  • Economic disaster
  • Britain’s departure from the EU will be as great a disaster for our country as the over-mighty unions were in the 1960s and 1970s
  • When hedge-fund managers and the Communist Party see eye-to-eye on any question, it’s time to be concerned
  • Well done Britain for challenging remote oligarchs based in Brussels
  • The European Union is not a dictatorship
  • The UK will be weaker and more isolated
  • Like almost everybody else I underestimated the importance of the Good Friday Agreement
  • Phrases such as 'vassal state', 'empire' and 'supplicant' do not even remotely characterise our relation with Europe


A poor try at not answering my questions.


Who has been in charge of Brexit from day one? Not the Brexiteers but the government and the politicians who have carelessly mismanaged Brexit into a FUBAR and completely ignored the electorate who put them where they are and pays them.


What I offered was my thoughts and opinions.


So did you and I thank you for that but I disagree all the way.


A little thought for you as you mentioned Dyson. It is from Wikipedia so you may not accept or believe it.




Dyson Ltd is a British technology company established in the United Kingdom by Sir James Dyson in 1991. It designs and manufactures household appliances such as vacuum cleaners, air purifiers, hand dryers, bladeless fans, heaters, hair dryers, and lights. As of February 2018, Dyson had more than 12,000 employees worldwide.[5] In January 2019 it was announced that Dyson would move its headquarters to Singapore to ramp up manufacturing for their electric vehicle, stating Asia trade will be their main focus and commenting that the company was unhappy with EU/UK bureaucratic restrictions.[6][7][8]


I highlighted the text at the bottom.


Did you know that Dyson moved production of vacuum cleaners and washing machines to Malaysia in 2002? This move was driven by lower production costs in Malaysia (30% less than in the UK); it resulted in the loss of 65 jobs.


Try reading the link I posted and you will find out more about Dyson.


JRM did NOT move its assets to Ireland, but they did open a new branch there.




The Conservative MP faced questions when it emerged that Somerset Capital Management (SCM) had launched a new investment vehicle in Dublin amid concerns about being cut off from European investors.

A prospectus for the new business, which was registered in March and will be governed by EU and Irish rules, listed Brexit as one of the risks, as it could cause “considerable uncertainty”.

Edited by billd766
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20 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:


OK, fair enough comment, so I'll do my best to respond to some of the comments made by Osborne.


"There’s zero chance of a sensible Brexit amidst the pandemonium and hysteria at Westminster just now"


Agree, but this IMO is the result of Westminster being determined to remain, without losing their seats at the next election.....  Why doesn't Osborne realise this?


"The economic arguments for Brexit have been destroyed by a series of shattering blows"


Precisely which "blows"?  Until brexit happens, there is no way of knowing how it will turn out.


"Economic disaster"


He was a genuine leaver???  There is no genuine proof either way, until the uk leaves the eu.


"Britain’s departure from the EU will be as great a disaster for our country as the over-mighty unions were in the 1960s and 1970s"


He hates unions and, - I wish I had his crystal ball.....  This is where he makes it very clear that he's a determined remainer.


No point in responding to the rest, as they are pure remainer propaganda......


I'll give you about two out of ten for at least trying to cherry-pick and deviate from the key explanations without giving any contra facts or links, especially regarding the economic disaster which is underway as per the government's own statistics and forecasts which have widely been commented on by economic publications. To ignore that is just sticking one's head in the sand and hoping it will all go away. 


As you rightly have proven by your last sentence.

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23 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Scrap the Northern Ireland backstop and settle the Irish border issue only when the EU was ready to agree a future relationship.


24 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Step up preparations for no-deal and prepare for “disruption”.


25 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Change the Brexit negotiating team to put ministers in charge — code for removing civil servant Oliver Robbins

I have little issue with BJ taking over Brexit apart from the fact he's a political lightweight backed up by 'team brains'. But whether he'll have any success in negotiating with the EU, is debatable. 


As for the above, scrapping the NI backstop is a laughable objective, as is having ministers in charge of negotiating. Is he serious?


Which combined, would lead to the quoted no-deal scenario, which would end his reign and bury the Tory party when parliament rejected it for the very reason that it would be 'disruption' of the highest magnitude and would not benefit Britain.


About time Brexiteers understood that.



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9 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

But whether he'll have any success in negotiating with the EU, is debatable. 

No one succeeds in negotiating with the EU.


About time Brexiteers understood that.

Finger pointing......again?

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1 hour ago, evadgib said:

No one succeeds in negotiating with the EU.

Finger pointing......again?

All I get on here and probably elsewhere is that Brexiteers have a one track mind like Farage, and that's to leave the EU on whatever deal or no deal. And that's as far as it goes. That Johnson wants to save the Tories from a Farage Brexit is a political move without any consideration as to how the UK would benefit if the UK leaves the EU. As has been demonstrated by him, that the only plan in place is to prepare for a no deal 'disruption'. And that's about it. 



Edited by Rimmer
general flame
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4 minutes ago, billd766 said:

But that is simply your opinion and worth just as much as as malagateddy's, mine, Chomper Higgot's, Vogies or anybody elses on the forum.


It does seem that you and a few other Remainers just can't help insulting Brexit posters, can you?


So in your opinion who should be negotiating Brexit?


TM and the current lot are totally and completely responsible for the position that the UK is in now. It was left to the Tories, the PM and her cabinet and the rest of the 650 MPs who make up parliament.


NOT to the Brexiteers who were not included, nor to the population nor anyone else.


Blind Freddies dog could have done a better job than this slow motion Brexit crash caused by the Remainers.


This my personal opinion.



While it could be your opinion, brexit is not about remainers or leavers. It's about what is best for Britain. Until you get your head around that and accept whatever course is taken by the government and parliament, the overriding objective is to make the UK a better place for the whole population - not a (less than 20%) percentage of either remainers and leavers - whether it's in the EU or outside it.  


This is my personal opinion.






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3 minutes ago, transam said:

You still don't understand that the people voted to leave the EU....Folk like you keep bleating on about the problems trying to leave the EU and want to give up..

"D" Day celebrations have just past, our forefathers did not give up....They paid a heavy price but we are free to make our own decisions because of it and not be pandered too by folk very different from me and others that think like me.....

Read my post 93. How many more times need i explain it's about benefitting the whole population, not a pandering to a small percentage of it. That's democracy in action.

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