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Don't vandalize in Thailand you'll get caught and face jail! - US man warns tourists


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1 hour ago, VocalNeal said:

Shouldn't the headline apply to all countries not just Thailand?

Agree, this is a crime against the entire nation and the punishment should be severe. In Singapore it's several strokes of the cane and prison.

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5 hours ago, nikmar said:

Tribute by shocking pink graffiti?? If i was their deceased friend, I'd come back and haunt them!

They paid a "tribute" to their deceased friend.... On somebody else's Truck?...and left him to clean up the mess afterwards?

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24 and 28 years old ?????? How retarded are these people ?? These are supposed to be adults not stupid kids !!! 

I hope they jail them , but I suspect they will be allowed to give a public Wai and sent packing . 

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2 hours ago, pattjock said:

Agree, this is a crime against the entire nation and the punishment should be severe. In Singapore it's several strokes of the cane and prison.

Beat them mercilessly with khwai whips and send to immigration. Don't let them go until they fully comprehend all the expat rules.   

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This will be very costly for the individuals concerned as once dealt with (probably a fine) they will be deported on an airline with a direct flight home and the airline can charge whatever they like for this service (think very expensive ). I suspect they or some parents will be pretty pissed of with the costs involved and rightly so for these childish individuals.





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Wow, my first positive post on here, yep graffiti and vandelism is a no no, you behave and 

respect other countries laws and culture, if it was a foreigner in australia i would be upset

also, its just so stupid and blaming alcohol and drugs should cop a bigger penalty, not an

excuse, do the crime serve the time i say, then get deported and banned. 

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A bit of jail will perhaps make you start thinking about the damage you do to others and maybe you will stop with these stupid things!

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The new Thai, not quite a civilian yet, Prime Minister is off to a good start, making it quite plain that there nothing wrong with walking the streets of Pattaya so long as its visitors don't vandalise them with tatty artwork.

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"They have apologized and said their high jinks were as a result of being drunk."


Oh, that's all right then - they need help and counselling? The very fact that they are carrying spray can aerosols shows that this was a premeditated act - not a spur of the moment thing at all.


Age old excuse for idiotic behaviour and a Western habit that makes me ashamed to be part of that society. 

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2 hours ago, anfh said:

24 and 28 years old ?????? How retarded are these people ?? These are supposed to be adults not stupid kids !!! 

I hope they jail them , but I suspect they will be allowed to give a public Wai and sent packing . 

"Thai Rath said that four victims had been paid 10,000 baht restitution each." A good start


"They now face three years in jail and or a 6,000 baht fine." Even better if it happens! 

Edited by sambum
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Firstly, they should be made to clean up the "art" by hand.

Secondly about 400 hours community service at a homeless shelter

Thirdly permanent ban from retry to the Kingdom


Using a deceased friend as a reason is unacceptable 

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I agree.  If you are a foreigner and engage in vandalism you will be tracked down, arrested, hung out to dry in front of the Thai media, disparaged in Thai social media which will also kick off an Anti-foreigner campaign of hate and loathing for all foreigners, fined, possibly incarcerated, and kicked out of Thailand.

If you are a Thai and engage in vandalism they'll be no dragnet out for you, but if you happen to be caught, you'll be made to wai, act repentant, and pay a small fine maybe - none of which will make the News. 

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8 hours ago, asiaexpat said:

28 and 24 year old children, no brains. Should make them remove all the paint and send them packing.

As an older American, I despise young morons like this.  I say, fine them, make them clean up their graffiti, put them in jail....on latrine detail, and if you got a cane around!  It is sad to see our country lose all personal accountability for ones foolish acts.  The old ways of parenting were definitely better than todays!

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Deport their dumba-- backto new york or where ever they come from. This type of mindless vandalism really makes me mad and to have come all the way to Thailand for a spree is pure stupidity. Three years in jail would be good, people need to start realizing that coming to Thailand to commit a crime will not pay off. They have enough cttv cameras around you will be caught.

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"Don't vandalize in Thailand you'll get caught and face jail! - US man warns tourists"

Is vandalizing legal in the US? Or for that matter, in any other country?

Why did the US man think a warning was necessary about it re Thailand?

Seems, by default, Thailand is attracting "Bashers" who invariably end up at the TVF.

Great, indeed...


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