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I have a rash since 20 of april on the inner thigh and at the immediate proximity on the pubic hairs.

It was not really itchy at the beginning and i almost forgot about it after it. Then it has extended quite a bit after i stupidly have a oil massage and is now more itchy (bearable) and i have few bumps on the right inner elbow as well.

I've seen a doctor and then a nurse in a skin specialist clinic and in a more generalist one in Pattaya and they ruled out scabies after a few second of examination and told me it was a fungal infection. They give me antifungus and antibacterial cram + oral medecine.


I would be more than happy to trust them, now internet researches show it could still be scabies.

For my sake and the sake of other I'd like to be sure it is not scabies.


Can someone know a private lab, clinic or an hospital, preferably non profit, military or governement hospital where they could do for sure a scabies test (burrow ink or preferably skin scraping + microscope analysis). In the proximity of Pattaya or even Bangkok


Attached is a pic of my inner thigh .










This can be done at any hospital but you will have trouble persuading a doctor to do it if scabies is not at least suspected.


It is not usual, anywhere in the world, to take skin scrapings for scabies. Only if the diagnosis is in doubt. It is usually possible to diagnose scabies with just a physical exam and likewise easy to rule out. The appearance of the burrows is quite characteristic. Also, in the absence of any burrows, there is nowhere to scrape.


What you post really, really does not sound like scabies. For one thing, the location would be rare for scabies (but common for fungal infections, heat rash etc).  For another, scabies is extremely itchy, virtually unbearable.  And lastly the picture does not look like it.


Looks very much like prickly heat  to me (heat rash).




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As somebody who has experienced scabies first hand I would never describe the itching as 'bearable'. A better word to use would be 'suicidal'. When those critters under your skin start moving around in the middle of the night your whole body comes alive with an intense throbbing sensation. The skin all over your body may react with a rash.  You may even see short trails of the debris (faeces etc) under the skin from the bugs, from their travels.  These trails may mis-diagnosed as scratch marks from your fingernails.


Doesn't sound or look like scabies to me.  Maybe bed bugs?


I would not wish scabies on anyone........well, maybe just a few people I know.

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Your op reminded me of something.


About 10 years ago in the US I drove into a neighboring state and stayed overnite at a Motel 6.

I got back home the next day and that nite or shortly after one of my lower legs was broken out with what I was afraid were bed bug bites (which I had never experienced).


I had a bed bug exterminator look at my residence and he told he didn't believe I have bed bugs there.

So I thought it was from the Motel 6 and it took a day or so for my skin to react.


Turned out to just be a skin break out, not caused by an animal.

Found out because I got it again awhile after, went to my dermatologist who did a biopsy and it was negative for animal causes.


So as several have suggested, perhaps it's a skin rash not caused by an animal.


I hope you don't have bedbugs - I read a lot about it at the time and they are a nightmare to get rid of.

Use white sheets on your bed - you will see something that looks like a dark ink line indicating they are excreting the blood they've ingested.


Thanks for reassuring answers.


Since yesterday evening, i've used the products given by the first skin clinic.

- ketoconazole liquid soap on the groin and inner elbow

- CT cream on inner elbow, started this afternoon.

The itching on the groin has been little reduced and few bumps (around 5%) seems to have dried out (replaced by a white mark of similar shape).


Will continue with the ketoconazole soap and will use the CT cream on the groin as well tonight.


Will keep you posted.


PS: The bumps on the groin has started after songkhran. The last night i walked few hours with a short soaked with water, probably dirty. Might be related or not...

  • 8 months later...

Is there really nowhere in Bangkok to find a definitive answer on scabies? Went to 3 dermatologists who all thought eczema and didn't even consider tests, but I still don't have peace of mind. Having done some research on it, sounds like it can take many forms.

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