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Extending Visa Hotel Bill Unpaid

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On 6/8/2019 at 7:59 PM, Don Chance said:

I have a  prepaid visa card and they will replace in anywhere in the world in 24-48 hours.

I also have some ethererem that can be changed  almost anywhere with https://localethereum.com


Also agonda.com account attached to my bank accounts, so i could at least have somewhere to stay and probably the owner would advance me some cash that way.


As for you situation, don't you have a friend to western union some cash to you?

I don't think immigration cares btw.


Your embassy will probably help you.

Don't bank on any help if you are a Brit, they will probably just spit on you as they sip their G ' N ' T's

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Don’t know about your credit union but when I needed to wire money to my Bangkok Bank account in January, USAA required that I complete and fax to them a wire authorization form that I printed off of their website.  After verifying my signature and the information regarding my bank account in Bangkok, they allowed me to send wires based on my telephone request.  Will your credit union not allow that?  I know that some institutions are sticklers about your signature.  Fidelity requires a “Medallion Signature” which is not available outside of the US.  As a former service member, you are obviously entitled to open a USAA banking account.  You could telephone them and see if you can open one now.  It would be handy to have one so that, in the future, you will be able to authorize wire transfers more easily.  They will also FedEx replacement credit cards internationally.  They cater to service members present and retired.

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I am surprised that your bank (I assume US) cannot just send the money direct to the hotel.

A Uk bank could.


I just sense that there must be a way of solving this problem using modern transfer systems.

 Are you sure that you have pursued every method?

Using a  system called transferwise- you can transfer dollars to an American bank and an   internal Thai bank will send to your hotel.

Maybe send the money and more to your friend.



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On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 5:33 AM, WorldWunder said:

I have online banking. But not the ability to wire money overseas. To add that you have to go into a branch. None of these responses answer my initial question. I have contacted my bank numerous times and the only option available was to mail the card.

You do not need to go online to your bank to send yourself money via western union.  You go the western union site and send money from there.  I have done that several times and sent money to the PI and to Thailand.  You can even go in person to a Western Union store and do it that way.  Now my memory is rusty and I can't recall if I entered my debit card information or if I entered my checking account information.  If Western Union required debit card number, well you may have an issue given your circumstances.  And do you really not have a credit card from which you could do a modest cash advance?   Neglecting your personal financial and maybe you have already used up your cash advance limit, did you really travel without a credit card?  How did you book your plane flight from your home country?  One could use a debit card, nothing wrong with that, but you get so much less protection doing that

Edited by gk10002000
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11 hours ago, edwardflory said:

I have been doing international travel for over 50 years.  My early travel was great, those were the days when YOUR Embassy actually WOULD help you if you were in some sort of trouble.  After a " lost passport and money ( AKA STOLEN ) " incident in Germany in the 60's, I have always kept a backup plan.

1) 3 ways to get money in 36 or less hours - can be as short as 30 minutes IF you have a bank account in the country you are traveling.

2) 2 ways to get a passport ( US Citizens are allowed to have 2 original passports ) in the same time frame..and I always carry a laminated wallet copy instead of a passport when less than 4 hours away from where I am staying.


Overnight Express and TRUSTED friends ( limited access to SOME of my money and have my duplicate passport ) at " HOME " are good things.

Enough preaching.



US citizens area allowed to have 2 original passports?  Do you mean to have two USA passports?  I like the idea but I doubt that is true.  Or do you mean they can have passports from two countries?

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2 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

US citizens area allowed to have 2 original passports?  Do you mean to have two USA passports?  I like the idea but I doubt that is true.  Or do you mean they can have passports from two countries?

In the event that travel is required and passport is not available (i.e. ticket to Singapore for meeting and India is still processing your business visa and have your passport until aforementioned visa is issued), a second passport can be issued at the discretion of the official granting the request.  You will have to pay for it, of course, but you can have more than one active passport in the system.


This issue arises when traveling around Israel, where other Arab states will refuse entry if you have a stamp from Israel, as another example.


In the case of the OP, who allegedly has no friends, he could have retained a lawyer to act on his behalf in the event of a crisis such as this one. 



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Found a solution! I was able to change my address on Payoneer to thailand. So I then ordered a card express ship. Will arrive a few days after my visa expires but I'll be able to extend then. Does anyone know if I'm able to still extend if I'm over by 72 hours?

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20 minutes ago, WorldWunder said:

Does anyone know if I'm able to still extend if I'm over by 72 hours?

Most immigration offices would do the extension with a 3 day overstay. You will pay a overstay fine of 500 baht per day.


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11 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

US citizens area allowed to have 2 original passports?  Do you mean to have two USA passports?  I like the idea but I doubt that is true.  Or do you mean they can have passports from two countries?

Not easy to get, only specific situations as shown below:


You can only get a second US passport if:

  • You have more than one international trip coming up and you need to get visas, meaning your current passport will be out of your possession for some time.
  • You have stamps in your passport that may result in denied entry to another country (e.g., an Israeli stamp in some countries).
  • If you can prove your job requires you to travel frequently. Flight attendants, pilots and journalists covering foreign news, for example, likely qualify for a second passport.
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6 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

Most immigration offices would do the extension with a 3 day overstay. You will pay a overstay fine of 500 baht per day.


If you are proactive, simply going to Immigration and informing them of what you are doing can ease the process.  Some officers 'punish' overstays by making them wait until the end of the day before they process the paperwork.  By being friendly and cooperative, you might get timely service and get out of there before lunch.


My experience shows that this can work.  It was explained to me that the fine was "required by law"; the officer was apologetic in his presentation. 


Conversely, being a self-righteous, demanding jerk will guarantee that your case will be considered for the harshest treatment permitted under existing regulations.  Your life; your call.

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8 hours ago, WorldWunder said:

Found a solution! I was able to change my address on Payoneer to thailand. So I then ordered a card express ship. Will arrive a few days after my visa expires but I'll be able to extend then. Does anyone know if I'm able to still extend if I'm over by 72 hours?


Don't overstay if you can avoid it, you never know how it will affect you in the future (for example some applicants for the elite-visa were reportedly denied to proceed with their application due to past overstay)..

I'm also quite sure the manager was just bluffing regarding the report he will make to immigration.


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Thanks for all the advice. Hopefully, the card arrives on the 14th as it says prior to immigration closing as to avoid an overstay. I will be setting up a few fallbacks with my service to avoid this in the future. Just had too many things happen in succession that kinda snowballed into the perfect storm. People have mentioned the TM30 form. This is the standard form I've filled out in the past for extensions correct? Basic info and name and address on the hotel I'm staying at? Plus the passport size photos and 1900 baht?

Edited by WorldWunder
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Suck it up (I mean tht in a nice way) eek it out at your friends house until your card comes. Then pay off the hotel and pay off your visa over stay. The hotel should understand as you're a victim of crime. Alternatively, move in to a 150 baht/200 hostel and bide your time there. 18 years ago I lost almost everything on the eve of a visa trip. I had about 5000 baht so I holed up in a dirt cheap hostel near khoasan/ a few generous ladies put me up and lived cheap. Then paid my visa overstay when money came through. Poor but happy.

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1 hour ago, WorldWunder said:

People have mentioned the TM30 form. This is the standard form I've filled out in the past for extensions correct?

No. When you stay in a hotel, the hotel is responsible for reporting that a foreigner is staying there. When you stay at a private residence, the "house master" is responsible for the report, and most Thais do not know about the requirement. Since you will be asking for an extension of a tourist entry, my suggestion is to book into a hotel for a night and use that as the address for the extension. The correct way is to have whoever you are staying with report your presence using the TM30 form. This is not hard if they own the house/apartment, but otherwise might be tricky.

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The TM-30 is ...NOT... The form for extensions, it is a report of address that a landlord / hotel ( and in some cases filed by you as "Possessor" ) fills out reporting a foreigner staying on the property. Nothing to do with a extension of stay.


EDIT: The above post was posted as I was writing this post... Good Job

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2 minutes ago, WorldWunder said:

So the TM30 form others have mentioned me needed is not needed from me correct?

Sorry I am not inclined to go back and read your circumstances to determine that. But I would be surprised if you did not. That might be true if the person who owns your residence is doing them for you every time. Alternatively if you never have need to attend immigration, they have no way to challenge you wrt non submittal. Then there is the possibility that your office is simply lapse. 

I might be tempted to say carry on until you are asked and expect a fine.

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51 minutes ago, WorldWunder said:

So the TM30 form others have mentioned me needed is not needed from me correct?

At most immigration offices (and I expect Patong) they will not give you the extension until a TM30 notification has been filed. Further, if the TM30 is not done before applying for the extension, you can expect a fine for the late report. In theory, the TM30 is not your responsibility, but immigration knows it is a lot easier to extort the fine from you, and have you ensure the TM30 notification is done than trying to chase down the owner.

If you check into a cheap hotel for the night before applying for the extension, hopefully the whole TM30 issue will go away.

EDIT: If you ignore our advice, and apply for the extension without ensuring a TM30 was done, resulting in an extension being denied. Get a cheap hotel in an area covered by a different immigration office before trying again.

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On 6/13/2019 at 9:35 AM, BritTim said:

At most immigration offices (and I expect Patong) they will not give you the extension until a TM30 notification has been filed. Further, if the TM30 is not done before applying for the extension, you can expect a fine for the late report. In theory, the TM30 is not your responsibility, but immigration knows it is a lot easier to extort the fine from you, and have you ensure the TM30 notification is done than trying to chase down the owner.

If you check into a cheap hotel for the night before applying for the extension, hopefully the whole TM30 issue will go away.

EDIT: If you ignore our advice, and apply for the extension without ensuring a TM30 was done, resulting in an extension being denied. Get a cheap hotel in an area covered by a different immigration office before trying again.

I will go this route. So if my extension is denied I'm just out my 1900 correct? Not that it matters at this point. Seems this situation is bound to cost my 1000s of extra baht in fees and fines.....

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