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Trump flaunts 'secret' migration deal already revealed by Mexico


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40 minutes ago, candide said:

Mexico, Guatemala, etc... simply don't have the financial resources to do it.... If there is no financing, it will not work.

Hasn't trump done a U Turn and agreed to aid funding for Central American countries as well as for Mexico for additional security plus processing & holding asylum seekers. On the downside one can assume local  resentment of asylum seekers in the poor towns and cities leading to instability. How the US and regional powers believe refoulement will not create even more problems is to say the least, strange.

Edited by simple1
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12 hours ago, simple1 said:

Hasn't trump done a U Turn and agreed to aid funding for Central American countries as well as for Mexico for additional security plus processing & holding asylum seekers. On the downside one can assume local  resentment of asylum seekers in the poor towns and cities leading to instability. How the US and regional powers believe refoulement will not create even more problems is to say the least, strange.

One of the big problems, among many, is that the Mexican National Guard troops that are going to be sent to the Guatemalan border weren't trained for this kind of work. They were supposed to be doing standard law enforcement.

"But the national guard, which was proposed by President Andrés Manual López Obrador and ratified by Mexico’s Congress in March, was never presented to Mexicans as a tool of border security or migration enforcement. It has not received the training of a border patrol agency and has no formal connection to the country’s migration authority. It was intended instead to fill the security void left by Mexico’s ineffective and often corrupt local law enforcement agencies as violence here continues to climb."


The thing is, Mexico has already instituted much stricter immigration controls. And they still don't work. It's bizarre that some people think that somehow Mexicans will be able to do what Americans can't: create highly impermeable borders.


Edited by metisdead
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Premier of Queensland Sir Johannes Bjelke-Petersen RIP referred to the media as his 'chooks'.
every afternoon he would throw them some corn to squabble over.
I'm sure Trump took a page from Joh's playbook coz thats exactly how Trump treats his.
Kudos President Trump.

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12 minutes ago, wombat said:

Premier of Queensland Sir Johannes Bjelke-Petersen RIP referred to the media as his 'chooks'.
every afternoon he would throw them some corn to squabble over.
I'm sure Trump took a page from Joh's playbook coz thats exactly how Trump treats his.
Kudos President Trump.

Good comparison - Petersen's administration was completely corrupt, plus he attempted to stifle the press.

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"...did not show the text of any document or give any details"

He said he wouldn't share it because Mexico wanted to announce it. Mexican foreign minister earlier said there was no "secret agreement"

Be interesting to see who is lying.

Know where my money would be bet, if I were a gambling man. Probably couldn't get good odds...

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22 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Well done Donald. Proved all those haters and Nattering Nabobs of Negativism wrong again by getting the Mexicans on board - the Beast Train shuttling thousands of more migrants has been grounded. 


MAGA! ???? 

Whatever he does the haters moan, smear, criticize and cry, he just laughs it off. On wards and upwards Mr President!

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30 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

What allies have backed off, the USA does not really need allies that back of or not from president to president.

Or.... allied nations are finally accepting that they can’t really afford to be chained to the unpredictability vagaries posed by a partial democracy which has faulty systems of checks and balances on its leadership, and therefore need to distance themselves from the unbalanced world order which emerged during the second half of the 20th century, as a result of its war mongering and profiteering.


the US reminds me of Macaulay Culkin. Too rich, too popular and too young, without the mental acuity to deal with it, hi-lighting the wisdom of the old adage stating that one should never put all of ones eggs in the one basket.

Edited by jany123
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41 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

What allies have backed off, the USA does not really need allies that back of or not from president to president.

And to keep allies the US needs to show condistency but upholding agreements president to president.

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1 hour ago, Emdog said:

"...did not show the text of any document or give any details"

He said he wouldn't share it because Mexico wanted to announce it. Mexican foreign minister earlier said there was no "secret agreement"

Be interesting to see who is lying.

Know where my money would be bet, if I were a gambling man. Probably couldn't get good odds...

There is an interesting feature of this document....


"1) The first question is obviously whether the document is legitimate. It is signed by two people, that we can see, but neither of these signatures are from the countries’ respective presidents, top diplomats or ambassadors to the other country. They appear to belong to Marik A. String, the U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for political-military affairs, and Alejandro Celorio Alcantara, a deputy legal adviser in Mexico’s Foreign Ministry."


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It has been proven by now, that anytime Trump is involved in a negotiation, expectations have to be kept very low. He is a terrible negotiator. NO is not a negotiating tool. He thinks the big stick is his stock in trade. It may have worked when he was buying small apartment houses from guys who really needed to sell. But, it does not work with China. Not with Xi, who outshines this guy by 70 IQ points. 


Now, we find out all of the concessions that Mexico offered, were worked out 6 months ago. It was a big show. They were probably warned in advance of the threat. That is just who this guy is. Not a sincere or well intentioned bone in his entire body.


Lock him up! Donald. Get ready for prison. It awaits you after you are charged with multiple felonies, in 19 months, after you lose the election. Bye Bye Don. 

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6 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Whatever he does the haters moan, smear, criticize and cry, he just laughs it off. On wards and upwards Mr President!

Who will have the  last and meaningful  laugh? On wards  maybe but upwards? Maybe  standing  too long on the head  can alter perception?

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7 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

What allies have backed off, the USA does not really need allies that back of or not from president to president.

That is the (censored)comment I’ve ever heard are you actually thinking having allies is bad?donald has pissed off every country on the planet and gotten squat in return if you creat anything your costs have gone up because of Donald’s un allied trade fiasco and now we have to pay to support the farmers because mr fiasco wrecked their markets that being said China needs to be dealt with with allies not alone 

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A new Harvard study (not exactly the bastion of conservatism) again relates how mass immigration of low skilled workers affects the lower and middle classes because it keeps wages low.  Labor is a part of supply and demand. The more the supply of cheap labor the lower the wages.  Simple economics really. Is there really any wonder there is a widening gap between wealthy and poor?  The liberal solution to wages is to increase the minimum wage.  This increases the prices of goods which only hurts the poor more. It's almost laughable there is so little understanding of basic economics.  The supposed core values of welcoming the poor from around the world with open arms which all the Dem candidates are trying to sell is only hurting the legal immigrants and the poor and middle classes. Further no one can convince me that these illegal immigrants don't cost that taxpayers more in services than is collected in taxes from them.  Most work in the underground economy anyway.  It's a net loss all around.

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3 minutes ago, Trouble said:

A new Harvard study (not exactly the bastion of conservatism) again relates how mass immigration of low skilled workers affects the lower and middle classes because it keeps wages low.  Labor is a part of supply and demand. The more the supply of cheap labor the lower the wages.  Simple economics really. Is there really any wonder there is a widening gap between wealthy and poor?  The liberal solution to wages is to increase the minimum wage.  This increases the prices of goods which only hurts the poor more. It's almost laughable there is so little understanding of basic economics.  The supposed core values of welcoming the poor from around the world with open arms which all the Dem candidates are trying to sell is only hurting the legal immigrants and the poor and middle classes. Further no one can convince me that these illegal immigrants don't cost that taxpayers more in services than is collected in taxes from them.  Most work in the underground economy anyway.  It's a net loss all around.

Actually, it's your understanding of economics which is defective. Since the minimum wage is only a component of the cost of the goods, but a minimum wage  worker receives the whole benefit of the minimum wage, then that worker has to come out ahead. Of course, undocumented workers working for less than the minimum wage would be hurt. Are they the objects of your concern? 


If Republicans really wanted to put a dent in the hiring of undocumented workers, they could push making it a felony for employers to do so and strengthen e-verify. Fat chance.

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42 minutes ago, Trouble said:

A new Harvard study (not exactly the bastion of conservatism) again relates how mass immigration of low skilled workers affects the lower and middle classes because it keeps wages low.  Labor is a part of supply and demand. The more the supply of cheap labor the lower the wages.  Simple economics really. Is there really any wonder there is a widening gap between wealthy and poor?  The liberal solution to wages is to increase the minimum wage.  This increases the prices of goods which only hurts the poor more. It's almost laughable there is so little understanding of basic economics.  The supposed core values of welcoming the poor from around the world with open arms which all the Dem candidates are trying to sell is only hurting the legal immigrants and the poor and middle classes. Further no one can convince me that these illegal immigrants don't cost that taxpayers more in services than is collected in taxes from them.  Most work in the underground economy anyway.  It's a net loss all around.

Can always prosecute the companies that hire them. Still havent heard anyone address why thats not done.


take away the jobs and they wont come.

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