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US Navy veteran locked up in Thai prison, family pleas for help


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Many of these scams ask people their passports (often even pay 3-5k baht for it) and open bank accounts under their names to laundry money. High chances the guy been set up. The people who do these things don’t get caught. 

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On 6/18/2019 at 3:16 AM, geisha said:

God, this thread is like rumours. Every person adds something on, and all rubbish. It was not him ‘ all over the news’, he earned 15000$ over 6 months, a very average wage for doing publicity .( never seen on tv actors acting as insurance experts/ doctors/ dentists etc ??) he hasn’t earned billions, and billions did not go through his bank account which doesn’t exist. Get your facts right before condemning someone !!! 

So you know how much work he did for those 15000 ? it would be average if he had done many things for them if incidental its highly paid. I still think the guy is guilty as sin. Not a mastermind but a crook none the less. 

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On ‎6‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 3:16 AM, geisha said:

God, this thread is like rumours. Every person adds something on, and all rubbish. It was not him ‘ all over the news’, he earned 15000$ over 6 months, a very average wage for doing publicity .( never seen on tv actors acting as insurance experts/ doctors/ dentists etc ??) he hasn’t earned billions, and billions did not go through his bank account which doesn’t exist. Get your facts right before condemning someone !!! 

So please explain the fact why he signed a contract to be a CEO and not one for an actor.

Why did he open an bank account as a CEO, was this filmed as well?

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On 6/17/2019 at 3:06 AM, SanookTeufel said:

He's obviously guilty... The fact the news try's to spin it off as though he's not is upsetting.

I hope he gets the max sentence.

I googled Eagle Gates group and it turns out it's been a known Ponzi scheme for a long time.

I guess his whole family is in denial...


Thanks Sherlock.

Case closed we can all get back to work now .....

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On 6/17/2019 at 9:37 AM, Thaidream said:

And I assume you have access to the complete case file- have interviewed all the participants to include the person being held in jail. In addition- you have spoken to the Thai Prosecutor and studied the Thai Law which he is changed with violating.


All people have a presumption of innocence until proven guilty.  I have seen no guilty plea nor any conviction and neither have you.


He is guilty . He has participate with a video where he show himself as the big boss who make you rich if you give him your money.

What else prove do you want??

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3 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

So please explain the fact why he signed a contract to be a CEO and not one for an actor.

Why did he open an bank account as a CEO, was this filmed as well?


How many CEOs did they have, if both both Derrick Keller and 'Eddy McClough' are claimed to be both be CEOs?

I must add that I know nothing about this case. So there might also be evidence that is not in the public domain.



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On 6/17/2019 at 10:02 AM, Misty said:

Sure, he should be charged with whatever law he has actually violated. Looks to me like he's just a fallguy for some powerful people.  He may be stupid, but don't think he's some sort of Wolves of Wall Street type.  Doubt he speaks or reads Thai or Chinese, or would have the ability to set the boilerroom up and run it.


I agree but that won't save him once in the jaws of the Thai judiciary, Thais have been defrauded big time and the wolves are hungry.

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On 6/19/2019 at 12:34 PM, FritsSikkink said:

So please explain the fact why he signed a contract to be a CEO and not one for an actor.

Why did he open an bank account as a CEO, was this filmed as well?

Where does it say he signed a contract to be a CEO?  Where does it say he opened a bank account as a CEO?


He wasn't even an actor playing the CEO, that was clearly someone else.  It looks like he was just a foreign face-extra in a number of promotional videos.

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11 hours ago, Misty said:

Where does it say he signed a contract to be a CEO?  Where does it say he opened a bank account as a CEO?


He wasn't even an actor playing the CEO, that was clearly someone else.  It looks like he was just a foreign face-extra in a number of promotional videos.

Read the whole original story.

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4 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Read the whole original story.

Thanks - yes, I did read the original story, and also a number of stories including the most recent updates.  Details in the original story were corrected.  He was not the CEO, did not pose as the CEO in a video, and did not open bank accounts. 

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56 minutes ago, Misty said:

Thanks - yes, I did read the original story, and also a number of stories including the most recent updates.  Details in the original story were corrected.  He was not the CEO, did not pose as the CEO in a video, and did not open bank accounts. 

Please show me the corrected details

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First, let me thank everyone who has signed our petition and shared Derrick's story. Raising public awareness is the only option we have left. Many of Derrick's friends have been asking for more details. We will post the whole story, from his arrest and detention to the present, on this page.

In August of 2018, we decided to take a holiday to Phuket, as this is the only time I have off from work. Upon arrival Derrick was arrested at the airport. This arrest was completely unexpected and we did not initially understand what the arrest was for. The warrant alleges Derrick was being arrested for transnational organized crime, public cheating and fraud, and jointly committing public fraud. We were told that other police officers would come to Phuket from Bangkok the next day to transport Derrick to Bangkok. I was told that if I left the airport, I would not be allowed back in, could not see my husband again, and would have to find my own transportation to Bangkok if I wanted to see him. We were escorted to a holding cell where we spent the next 8-10 hours with 2 bottles of water. During this time, I used my cell phone to try and contact the US Embassy in Thailand as well as find a lawyer. We both assumed that this was some sort of mistake and we could clear the matter up quickly.

The following morning, officers from the Department of Special Investigation arrived and explained the charges in more detail. We were informed that Derrick had been implicated due to some videos of him participating in an event in Pattaya in 2016. We were still struggling to understand how this was being perceived as transnational organized crime when they began taking photos (one of which has surfaced on the internet) to which I strongly objected. They also explained the Thai legal procedures and that’s when we began to understand the severity of the situation. We were escorted through the Phuket airport with heavy security all of which was very humiliating.

When we arrived at DSI we were greeted by at least a dozen officers and a gentlemen I assumed to be the director, who promptly began asking my husband questions regarding the accusations. When Derrick explained that he was an actor, this gentlemen replied, “Maybe you’re acting right now,” and sternly warned Derrick to cooperate. This gentleman’s demeanor made me especially wary of the situation. I began to feel that no matter what Derrick said or proof that we provided towards his innocence, this gentlemen wanted a scapegoat, particularly a foreign one, to place the blame on.
We were taken to a board room where we were told the investigation would begin. All of this was video and voice recorded, which I also objected to, because our lawyer had not arrived and the only interpreter they provided was an employee of the DSI. They told us not to worry, that we would only be discussing the charges to be sure we understood. At the end of this discussion, they asked Derrick to sign some papers written in Thai, to which I strongly objected since neither of us speak or read Thai. They assured us that the papers were only an explanation of the charges and that Derrick had to sign them if we wanted to clear this matter up. They then explained that the following day, the prosecutor would arrive and decide if they had enough evidence to proceed with the arrest.

That evening, as my husband was held in a cell at DSI, I was searching online for any information I could find regarding Eagle Gates Group and the subsequent investigation. I discovered that two Thai persons had already been arrested as operators of the pyramid scheme and laundering money through drug gangs. Upon learning this information I immediately had two questions: 1) if they already had arrested the two Thai operators of the scam, on what grounds were they arresting my husband, and 2) Is my family safe? If this is indeed an international crime involving drugs and money laundering, what assurances could the Thai government give me that my husband, myself and our two children will be safe?

There is much information to be found online about this company beginning with its emergence in 2016, through to its collapse in April 2017, as well as its relaunch and collapse as Sener Trade in May 2017. My cursory search revealed through articles dated as early as November 2016 that Eagle Gate was built on a dormant domain registered in the US and marketed through unrealistic and outlandish claims of returns on investments. There is also an abundance of information regarding the investigation, arrests of up to 23 Thais and 9 other foreigners. My husband had only been under the employ of this company as an actor (June-October 2016, prior to any negative publicity as well as the filing of the lawsuit by the victims) and was unaware that the company had collapsed or was even under investigation. And while ignorance is not an excuse, he had not been affiliated with anyone from that company for nearly 2 years.

The next day we were informed that the formal investigation would begin once the prosecutor, our attorney and our own interpreter arrived. The prosecutor would decide if there was enough reason to hold my husband in jail for a court date after 48 hours. These proceedings were also video recorded. I will not go into the finer details here, as the video should serve as record, just some of the most pertinent observations of the process:
1) The investigators told us that one of the Thai “victims” of the investment fraud said my husband told her to make an investment in Eagle Gate. This is linguistically impossible. My husband only speaks English, no Thai. My husband has submitted copies of the manuscripts he was instructed to memorize and nowhere in these manuscripts does he personally direct anyone to invest in Eagle Gate. Additionally, if the emcees and translators at these events said anything about investing, my husband would not have been able to understand as he does not speak Thai.
2) He worked with this group sporadically from June to October 2016, making what he was told were training and promotional videos designed to help this company expand into Asia. By the time charges were filed by the “victims”, he was no longer working for the group. Technically, during the dates he worked for Eagle Gate, there was no legal indication that the company was a fraud, making my husband as much of a victim as the unfortunate investors.
3) Has everyone who participated in the outlandish Pattaya event (with the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack), including the hotel staff and Thai entertainers, who, like my husband, were paid to be there, also been arrested for participating in committing fraud? If they had any indication that this company was not legitimate, and they did not speak up, are they not as implicated as my husband?
4) What is the purpose of imprisoning my husband when they already have the masterminds who operated the Ponzi scheme? Is this some sort of malicious prosecution because my husband is a foreigner?
5) When I asked the Thai prosecutor if my family, my children, were in danger from this “international organized crime group with ties to money laundering and drugs”, he chuckled and said it wasn’t that serious and that I had nothing to worry about. I also contacted the US Embassy in Bangkok, and told them my concerns. They brushed me off as well.

At the end of the 48 hours, the prosecutor told us that he believed my husband was innocent and I thought we would be allowed to go. But then he added that he couldn’t release Derrick because we had to follow Thai protocol and that DSI had 84 days to build a case against Derrick. He then left. The officer in charge of the investigation presented us with a document he said was a summary of the investigation and that Derrick, as well as myself, had to sign it. We asked our lawyer if we should and he said yes. The interpreter and the lawyer’s assistant were not comfortable with the wording of the last phrase of the document (the DSI’s opinion of the case) because it stated that the investigators were “against temporary release” for Derrick.

The following day, I met with the lawyers at DSI as Derrick was being taken to the intake facility where he stood before a judge and was asked to sign yet another paper written completely in Thai with no interpreter present. On my last day in Thailand, I visited my husband at Klong Prem and spoke to him for 20 minutes. I bought him supplies and deposited money into a prison account so he could buy more. That was the last time I saw and spoke to my husband of 24 years.

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  • 1 month later...

Several things wrong here. One, China is not a country you 'bounce' around in, working part-time jobs; Two, I've been conned (I know, greedy) by a Brit and Yank combo; Three, What in the hell does his father being a Viet Nam vet have anything to do with anything and Four, If found guilty, good luck, he's in for a long time in bad places.

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On 6/17/2019 at 6:02 AM, ezzra said:

Very strange that this man is being treated very differently to the hundreds of ATM thieves and the many cold calling, boiler rooms fraudsters who got caught over the years and who fleeced many millions of Thais and foreigners, those people are usually been sent back to their respective countries after a deal worked out, so why this guy is different?...

Because he's listed as the Executive Director of the company, perhaps?

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On 6/17/2019 at 7:15 AM, Orton Rd said:

His best bet might be to plead guilty but duped as well. I thought many boiler room profits went into famous pubs and a go go joints in Bkk? nobody ever seemed to get 35 years for those scams.

No one has got 35 years for this one either.

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On 6/17/2019 at 7:42 AM, MaxYakov said:

Don't they give you one phone call in Thai prisons/jails? Maybe KP doesn't have any phones.

No, they don't, this is not the US, UK or Europe, neither does the Remand Prison have phones that are available for prisoners use.  His Embassy will have been informed though and will liase with the family.  

Edited by Just Weird
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On 6/17/2019 at 10:47 AM, The Preacher said:

"Missionaries have related to the family that Derrick’s lost 30 kilos in 10 months."

That's just made up nonsense from the family; the Remand Prison does not provide weighing machines for prisoner's use and missionaries cannot weigh the person that they are visiting through a glass screen using an intercom telephone!

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It is easier to get sucked into these things than you may think. I was contacted by a guy through a jobs forum for an engineering job in Bangkok. I met him at a pub for what I believed was a job interview. Turns out they were running a some dodgy crypto currency scheme. Still not sure if it was real or scam. Needless to say, I backed out.

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google search ,, eagle gate ...found this

Eagle Gates Group CEO “Eddy McClough” has been outed as Derrick Matthew Keller.

Keller, a US citizen, was arrested by Thai officials on Monday.

Eagle Gates Group was a Ponzi scheme that surfaced in late 2016.

eddy-mcclough-founder-ceo-eagle-gates-grThe scam predominantly targeted Thai investors, largely on the premise of multiple marketing videos featuring Keller as CEO Eddy McClough (right).

After Eagle Gates Group collapsed in April 2017, Thai authorities launched an investigation into the scheme.

The investigation, conducted with the assistance of US Homeland Security, revealed Eagle Gates Group victims had lost around $52.2 million dollars.

In December 2017 Thai authorities arrested two local suspects, with  additional warrants issued for eight foreigners.

Since December the suspect list has grown to thirty-two, twenty-three Thais and nine foreigners.

Derrick Matthew Keller was apprehended whilst posing as a tourist in Phuket.

In an initial interrogation, Keller claimed he was working as an actor in China.

During this time he was contacted by a Singaporean national, who eventually hired Keller to ‘pretend to be an executive of a company‘.

That company was of course Eagle Gates Group, and lead to hilarious marketing videos like this:

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The family says they’ve provided proof that Derrick is innocent and was simply an actor in a corporate video


     HTF did they do that? Aren't all criminals in the end innocent? 



In 2015 Keller and his wife Tanya moved to China with their children. Tanya was offered a job she couldn’t pass up as the lead dance instructor at Shenzhen Dance Academy.


"Derrick gave up his trucking company in East Bernard and worked odd jobs in China. He tended bar, coached a baseball team and persued acting, a childhood passion. In 2016 the family says a recruiter reached out to him about a company looking for a “Western face.” It was called Eagle Gates Group."


   Here's an article from 2017


An important part that proves that he must have known all. 


Eagle Gates Group CEO Eddy McClough arrested, claims he’s an actor - Aug 23rd, 2018


Eagle Gates Group Ponzi scammers arrested in Thailand

After launching about a year ago in late 2016, Eagle Gates Group collapsed in April, 2017.

In May Eagle Gates Group tried to relaunch as Sener Trader, only to collapse again a few months later in July.

Turns out both scams were being run from Thailand, by two Thai nationals and eight foreigners.

Following an investigation that revealed $52.2 million dollars in losses, Thailand’s Department of Special Investigation arrested two suspects yesterday.

The suspects were charged with committing an international crime and public fraud,  DSI chief Paisit Wongmuang said on Friday.

The Thai suspects — Rattakhet Chayarat and Kanokkul Porn-apichote — were allegedly involved in Eagle Gates Group Co Ltd, a US-based company claiming to manage assets and invest in index futures.

Arrest warrants have been issued for the eight foreigners, however as at the time of publication they remain at large.

Whether they are even still in Thailand is unclear.

With assistance from the US Homeland Security, the DSI investigation confirmed Eagle Gates Group

had not managed assets as it claimed, nor was it licensed to operate any type of securities business with the potential to give such a return.



As of yet the eight foreign suspects have not been named, so we can’t confirm whether one of them was the Eddy McClough actor.

What we do know though is that they had connections to organized crime.

A further investigation found the perpetrators were involved in international organised crime.

One group opened new companies and organised events to bolster credibility. The other moved assets from victims to nominee accounts.

We also found links to money laundering by drug dealers.

DSI deputy chief Songsak Raksakskul said the foreign suspects were business-savvy.

One of them faced a theft charge and used forged documents to enter Thailand.

They joined other foreign suspects from Singapore and the Netherlands to lure Thais into investing in the Eagle Gates Group.

DHS meanwhile confirmed that while Eagle Gates was incorporated in the US, it appears to have been nothing more than a dormant shell company purchase.


US Homeland Security Department confirmed the company was set up in the US but had never operated anything before it was later sold. The name was then used to deceive people.

In addition to purchasing a dormant company set up in 2005, Eagle Gates Group claimed to operate out of a virtual office address in New York.


Update 23rd August 2018 – Thai authorities have arrested Derrick Matthew Keller, who was allegedly hired to pose as Eagle Gates Group CEO Eddy McClough.

One Comment on “Eagle Gates Group Ponzi scammers arrested in Thailand”



Dec.16, 2017 


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On 6/28/2019 at 6:49 AM, Misty said:

First, let me thank everyone who has signed our petition and shared Derrick's story. Raising public awareness is the only option we have left. Many of Derrick's friends have been asking for more details. We will post the whole story, from his arrest and detention to the present, on this page.

In August of 2018, we decided to take a holiday to Phuket, as this is the only time I have off from work. Upon arrival Derrick was arrested at the airport. This arrest was completely unexpected and we did not initially understand what the arrest was for. The warrant alleges Derrick was being arrested for transnational organized crime, public cheating and fraud, and jointly committing public fraud. We were told that other police officers would come to Phuket from Bangkok the next day to transport Derrick to Bangkok. I was told that if I left the airport, I would not be allowed back in, could not see my husband again, and would have to find my own transportation to Bangkok if I wanted to see him. We were escorted to a holding cell where we spent the next 8-10 hours with 2 bottles of water. During this time, I used my cell phone to try and contact the US Embassy in Thailand as well as find a lawyer. We both assumed that this was some sort of mistake and we could clear the matter up quickly.

The following morning, officers from the Department of Special Investigation arrived and explained the charges in more detail. We were informed that Derrick had been implicated due to some videos of him participating in an event in Pattaya in 2016. We were still struggling to understand how this was being perceived as transnational organized crime when they began taking photos (one of which has surfaced on the internet) to which I strongly objected. They also explained the Thai legal procedures and that’s when we began to understand the severity of the situation. We were escorted through the Phuket airport with heavy security all of which was very humiliating.

When we arrived at DSI we were greeted by at least a dozen officers and a gentlemen I assumed to be the director, who promptly began asking my husband questions regarding the accusations. When Derrick explained that he was an actor, this gentlemen replied, “Maybe you’re acting right now,” and sternly warned Derrick to cooperate. This gentleman’s demeanor made me especially wary of the situation. I began to feel that no matter what Derrick said or proof that we provided towards his innocence, this gentlemen wanted a scapegoat, particularly a foreign one, to place the blame on.
We were taken to a board room where we were told the investigation would begin. All of this was video and voice recorded, which I also objected to, because our lawyer had not arrived and the only interpreter they provided was an employee of the DSI. They told us not to worry, that we would only be discussing the charges to be sure we understood. At the end of this discussion, they asked Derrick to sign some papers written in Thai, to which I strongly objected since neither of us speak or read Thai. They assured us that the papers were only an explanation of the charges and that Derrick had to sign them if we wanted to clear this matter up. They then explained that the following day, the prosecutor would arrive and decide if they had enough evidence to proceed with the arrest.

That evening, as my husband was held in a cell at DSI, I was searching online for any information I could find regarding Eagle Gates Group and the subsequent investigation. I discovered that two Thai persons had already been arrested as operators of the pyramid scheme and laundering money through drug gangs. Upon learning this information I immediately had two questions: 1) if they already had arrested the two Thai operators of the scam, on what grounds were they arresting my husband, and 2) Is my family safe? If this is indeed an international crime involving drugs and money laundering, what assurances could the Thai government give me that my husband, myself and our two children will be safe?

There is much information to be found online about this company beginning with its emergence in 2016, through to its collapse in April 2017, as well as its relaunch and collapse as Sener Trade in May 2017. My cursory search revealed through articles dated as early as November 2016 that Eagle Gate was built on a dormant domain registered in the US and marketed through unrealistic and outlandish claims of returns on investments. There is also an abundance of information regarding the investigation, arrests of up to 23 Thais and 9 other foreigners. My husband had only been under the employ of this company as an actor (June-October 2016, prior to any negative publicity as well as the filing of the lawsuit by the victims) and was unaware that the company had collapsed or was even under investigation. And while ignorance is not an excuse, he had not been affiliated with anyone from that company for nearly 2 years.

The next day we were informed that the formal investigation would begin once the prosecutor, our attorney and our own interpreter arrived. The prosecutor would decide if there was enough reason to hold my husband in jail for a court date after 48 hours. These proceedings were also video recorded. I will not go into the finer details here, as the video should serve as record, just some of the most pertinent observations of the process:
1) The investigators told us that one of the Thai “victims” of the investment fraud said my husband told her to make an investment in Eagle Gate. This is linguistically impossible. My husband only speaks English, no Thai. My husband has submitted copies of the manuscripts he was instructed to memorize and nowhere in these manuscripts does he personally direct anyone to invest in Eagle Gate. Additionally, if the emcees and translators at these events said anything about investing, my husband would not have been able to understand as he does not speak Thai.
2) He worked with this group sporadically from June to October 2016, making what he was told were training and promotional videos designed to help this company expand into Asia. By the time charges were filed by the “victims”, he was no longer working for the group. Technically, during the dates he worked for Eagle Gate, there was no legal indication that the company was a fraud, making my husband as much of a victim as the unfortunate investors.
3) Has everyone who participated in the outlandish Pattaya event (with the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack), including the hotel staff and Thai entertainers, who, like my husband, were paid to be there, also been arrested for participating in committing fraud? If they had any indication that this company was not legitimate, and they did not speak up, are they not as implicated as my husband?
4) What is the purpose of imprisoning my husband when they already have the masterminds who operated the Ponzi scheme? Is this some sort of malicious prosecution because my husband is a foreigner?
5) When I asked the Thai prosecutor if my family, my children, were in danger from this “international organized crime group with ties to money laundering and drugs”, he chuckled and said it wasn’t that serious and that I had nothing to worry about. I also contacted the US Embassy in Bangkok, and told them my concerns. They brushed me off as well.

At the end of the 48 hours, the prosecutor told us that he believed my husband was innocent and I thought we would be allowed to go. But then he added that he couldn’t release Derrick because we had to follow Thai protocol and that DSI had 84 days to build a case against Derrick. He then left. The officer in charge of the investigation presented us with a document he said was a summary of the investigation and that Derrick, as well as myself, had to sign it. We asked our lawyer if we should and he said yes. The interpreter and the lawyer’s assistant were not comfortable with the wording of the last phrase of the document (the DSI’s opinion of the case) because it stated that the investigators were “against temporary release” for Derrick.

The following day, I met with the lawyers at DSI as Derrick was being taken to the intake facility where he stood before a judge and was asked to sign yet another paper written completely in Thai with no interpreter present. On my last day in Thailand, I visited my husband at Klong Prem and spoke to him for 20 minutes. I bought him supplies and deposited money into a prison account so he could buy more. That was the last time I saw and spoke to my husband of 24 years.

My husband had only been under the employ of this company as an actor 


    Please give me a break. Your husband didn't know how to use Google before he started to become an actor? 

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So he at first says it was an acting job, then it says he would be an executive director:  Big difference there.  " during questioning, Keelor told officers that he was an actor working in China, and was hired by a Singaporean to be Executive Director of Eagle Gates Group Co Ltd in order to build credibility and reputation for the company. The DSI noted that they would investigate Kellor’s role further.

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On 6/21/2019 at 9:21 PM, FritsSikkink said:

Please show me the corrected details

uring questioning, Keelor told officers that he was an actor working in China, and was hired by a Singaporean to be Executive Director of Eagle Gates Group Co Ltd in order to build credibility and reputation for the company. The DSI noted that they would investigate Kellor’s role further.

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