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US Navy veteran locked up in Thai prison, family pleas for help


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On 6/16/2019 at 6:36 PM, cardinalblue said:

Very true that Chinese firms hire westerners to present a western face and credibility to eastern investors....


yes, a spokesperson, a PR, a marketer, a model, etc and be innocent of knowingly know business intentions 


the problem to me lies where he allowed monies to flow in and out of his bank accounts that is not his money....stupid on his part b/c now he is part of the scam...


if true, he became one of them even w/o knowledge of the scam...he should have questioned and denied to have any financial involvement other than receive a deposit/payment for his speaking part/role...

See the remake of "Fun with Dick and Jane" with Jim Carrey. 

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There's 15 references to Hollywood movies in this thread.


Our country called and we answered. Now we call our country and there's no answer.


Ok, if you're looking for reality in the entertainment industry, have a listen to Born In The USA, or Tom Traubert's Blues.


Navy veteran. Big deal. Counts for nothing. Never did.

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On 6/16/2019 at 9:48 PM, AJBangkok said:

It seems that US homeland security helped the Thais track the guy down so no wonder no politicians in the states are making any noise. 


The idiot thing he did was to allow them to open a bank account in his name as whether he likes it not he’s responsible. 


In Addition as a US citizen I doubt he filed a FBAR report on that bank account to the IRS so that’s 10 years in Jail and a $500,000 fine plus a penalty equal to 100% of the highest balance of the account. I’d say even if he gets back to the states the IRS is going to have a field day with him.

Can I ask what makes you say that it seems US homeland security helped the Thais to track Keller down?

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