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New laws target people in Thailand who smoke at home


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1 hour ago, finnishmen said:

one idiot law more at thailand, all world laught how idiot and stupid law thai goverment plan alltime new, have thai goverment totally idiot factory in goverment office who plan alltime who can plan stupidy law and make this win .totally idiot ,police or other peoples not newer can go to my house say smoke me or not. 55555

"police or other peoples not newer can go to my house say smoke me or not."


The mind boggles! 

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35 minutes ago, malibukid said:

clean up the air in the north.  shameful.

Exactly, but that goes way over their head, much easier to sprout the second hand smoke nonsense. And add a bit more tax to the vice…. Sad people. 

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1 hour ago, madmen said:

Great news ! Unbelievable the arrogance and carelessness of smokers who think its OK for toddlers to suck up second hand smoke

Actually, there are so many toddlers that got away unharmed. I am quite certain the air quality outside is a much bigger worry. Typical case of missing the point. Of course this law is practically unenforceable, but I guess it brings in those sad people that are against smoking, these people are easily fooled or so it seems.

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Next - the banning of alcohol which also causes vast amounts of monetary damage and loss of life, in the case of drunk driving that includes the innocent people who get wiped out by the drunks or beaten to death. Or does the argument then suddenly become unimportant?

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8 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Well I wouldn't get too excited considering prostitution,  corruption and coups are against the law as well

Excellent response!

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8 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

A feeling of fear pervades the country, fast becoming a police state, unless of course one is related to police, in which case one can do as one pleases, even murder ????

Too late! The feeling of fear has pervaded this country for a very loooong time. THAT fear has now become even much, much

more pervasive.

Edited by Dap
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The anti smoking terrorists may think that they have won a battle, even though the results will not affect them one iota.

However, there are no winners outside of the old boys club in this new law.

Yes we know that it's a toothless law that will never be used but little by little our freedom and liberties are being chipped away.


Why should we worry about laws that we don't believe will ever be used?

Well until recently an unenforced law that was introduced in its infancy in 1979 suddenly became enforced causing confusion and problems among the expat population.

Yes I am talking about the TM30 situation.


Little by little our civil liberties are being stripped away, just in small enough bites so as to go unnoticed but big enough to give the powers that be 'total control'.

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In fact, I have had enough of this malarky, I'm marching on Government house at first light tomorrow,

Anyone care to join me, we will meet at the entrance to Nana BTS (on the Nana side of the tracks) tomorrow at 11am.

Dress of the day – combat trousers, 'Occupy' T-shits & tin foil hats.


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On 6/21/2019 at 2:22 PM, webfact said:


The new laws, which were published in the Royal Gazette on 22nd May, aim to reduce the impact of second hand smoke on family members, particularly children.


People who smoke at home face being charged with domestic abuse if found guilty that them smoking has damaged the health of family members living at the same address.

This is a trick by the government/corporations to get people to buy up all the unsold condo's. 

No law against smoking in a condo if you do not have children or a wife (most condos not large enough for either anyway). 


If you have no "family members"  living with you can keep smoking. 

So don't get married! (some already know this)

If you are married, tell your wife you must divorce her so you can continue smoking at home.


Come to Thailand, stay single, do not marry or have children, and you can smoke at home! 

Very hip millennial way to live

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On 6/21/2019 at 2:51 PM, Eligius said:

This hypocritical incursion of government interference into EVERY aspect of people's lives is getting ridiculous.

I am a life-long non-smoker. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke. But to start bossing people around in the privacy of their own homes is - well, there is a banned word for it, and it begins with the letter 'd' !


The Fabian Society is nearing it's goal of world wide communism...Commonly known as the nanny state at first then the laws/regulations become stronger and stronger...They have ruined the education systems all over the world...

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Another of these stupid laws, 90 days report, TM30, 49% ownership, work permit and now this smoking law. How will they inform Thai people.

My girlfriends mother (nonsmoking) living some 100km east Bangkok, never ever even heard of TM30. First of all, she can not read and understand! But If told, how can she fullfill this silly, ridiculus, insane law, when we visit her. This happened last mothers day and we where really scared stying there for 2 nights. I hardly could not sleep ????

Same problem with this crazy smoking law. One million police officers checking around, enough?

Just talking to my girlfriend about it, she have not heard anything about this insane new law! 


Besides, I am totally a nonsmoking guy!


PS. very interesting to see all the heavy smoking Chinese take on this.

They can´t smoke or rent out their brand new purchased condo in Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket. 



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On 6/21/2019 at 12:48 AM, jvs said:

Why don't they enforce the anti smoking laws that are already in place but not enforced?More idle talk from a government that doesn't enforce most laws.

yeah,  I remember a little over a decade ago, they banned smoking in bars and even go gos.  For about one year it was nice to sit in some joints in Pattaya and not be in a smoker house

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3 hours ago, Call said:

the heavy smoking Chinese take on this.

They can´t smoke or rent out their brand new purchased condo in Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket. 

Sure they can - as long as it is not harming family members or children -

that is what the law states - no worries

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The announcement comes as anti-tobacco campaigners step up efforts to make the home environment free of cigarette and electronic cigarette smoke.


Even better, electronic cigarette smoke ???? It's already forbidden experts, even tho it's quite harmless anyway ...

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On 6/21/2019 at 2:58 PM, Regyai said:

Real courts of Law & Real Law practitioners

would piss themselves laughing at pursuing a conviction on such nebulous cause & effect assumptions



But hey don't let that stand in the way of a headlining Thai knee-jerk proclamation

Maybe your point about real courts of law is the bulls eye. Thai law is so vague in practicality but can be twisted to be whatever they want it to be. Since the legal process is infested with corruption, these laws just give a few more ways to pummel someone they don’t like and foreigners and political enemies are prime targets.


if they are so concerned just ban the sale of cigarettes altogether and pretty much the problem is solved aside from a few die hardscwho farm their own leaves.

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9 hours ago, Call said:

My girlfriends mother (nonsmoking) living some 100km east Bangkok, never ever even heard of TM30. First of all, she can not read and understand! But If told, how can she fullfill this silly, ridiculus, insane law, when we visit her. This happened last mothers day and we where really scared stying there for 2 nights. I hardly could not sleep

Agree, both laws are fine examples of the law being an ass. This one is just virtue signalling by the anti-smoking lobby, though in theory wised up youngsters with an axe to grind could start threatening to report their parents, in the spirit of 1960's China.


Regarding TM30s on family trips, don't bother. Mum in law doesn't file, you don't file, no one knows you ever left town. Not worth losing sleep over, until the ankle bracelets become compulsory. 

Edited by lamyai3
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13 hours ago, sambum said:
14 hours ago, 4675636b596f75 said:

I do hope that means a cigarette. 

There's always one!????


I also remember when "gay" meant "happy"!

I was introduced to reading with Enid Blyton's Famous Five.

"Oh come on Dick, show us some spunk" was typical of the dialogue... 

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