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Mangy dog

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I have a mangy purple dog, which I don't particularly like as he chewed the plastic on my bumper, a new Mazda, and he has bitten a couple of visitors.

Just paid 30k for another dog to get an operation to save his life.

Now the vet is saying there is one last thing to try, a pill that costs 750 baht for 1.


What to do?

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FWIW one of my previous dogs destroyed the seat on my samlor twice, and also parts of the bodywork of my scooter - again twice.


It only started happening shortly before she was diagnosed with cancer, so I suspect her illness was largely responsible ☹️.

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Immediately dye the dog a color other than purple. I recommend orange for its known healing powers, and calming effect on anti-social dogs. Email me directly if you would like to purchase a miraculous plastic radioactive card which will add to sucessful treatment. Guaranteed to work better then purple pills.

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It might be Bravecto? 


My dog who had mange had monthly injections for this. Helped but didn't solve the problem completely. 

Then he got bravecto for his ticks and his mange just dissapeared. 

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Google   "nexguard for mange".


 Nexguard is a flea and tick treatment, but also cures mange.


 For fleas and ticks it is given once a month. For mange, give one tab, then another at 14 days, another at 28 days, then once a month.


 I did this with a temple dog after all else failed, and the mange was gone in a month or two. She is now a clean, beautiful and happy dog.


Nexguard is about bt 1,000 for a pack of 3 tabs.

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