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Trump plans tanks and flyovers at Fourth of July celebration in Washington

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8 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Great idea! kids love to clamber over tanks and stuff. Dems are just sour as they play partisan politics over everything. I think Trump would be wise not to get into ANY politics today and just say 'have fun'.

But if he doesn't follow your suggestion, you'll  support his conduct no matter what he says?

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30 minutes ago, attrayant said:


How is a baseball game like a national holiday?  It isn't. That's what makes it unusual.


Might as well say people commonly chop down pine trees and haul them into their houses every year. Therefore it isn't that unusual to do the same thing at a wedding.


Perhaps this is a common sight in China and North Korea, but I grew up in a country where seeing army soldiers and jeep-mounted gatling guns stationed randomly around the city was unheard of. You had to go to the Air & Space Museum to see a tank or a bomber.  You had to go to an airshow to see a military plane zoom overhead.  Then on September 12th, 2011 I was walking to work In downtown Washington DC and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw something like this parked on the grass at the corner of 13th and K street:

Image result for army humvee gatling gun


That did not give me a good feeling about my country.  I don't want to see the machines of war in my backyard during what should be a fun family holiday.

A baseball game is less than a national holiday. Yet, they fly military jets over stadiums. This is the 4th of July. An airshow above the WH isn't a bad thing.

12 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

But if he doesn't follow your suggestion, you'll  support his conduct no matter what he says?

What do you mean? He makes huge errors, continually, by opening his mouth and if he turns this into anything about Muller, Russia or how great he is that will be a huge mistake and I have said that before he utters a word.

Just now, Tug said:

The fly over and the hardware aren’t the issue the issue is Donald using it for partisan reasons

Your opinion only. ANYTHING he does you say the same. I'm a neutral and think it's a great idea if he keeps his mouth shut about non-related issues. Kids love tanks and stuff and it will be great for THEM.

4 minutes ago, Tug said:

The fly over and the hardware aren’t the issue the issue is Donald using it for partisan reasons

Whats the partisan reason again? I dont watch CNN much anymore. Celebrating Americas independence from England every year for the last couple centuries is partisan how?

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4 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Just grow up a bit, act like an adult, or just refer to the above post. Pay particular attention to the last sentence.

If you are an American and dont like the President or how he does things. 2020 is coming you can vote him out. Until then acting like a spoiled child not getting your way, frankly makes you look like an idiot. If you dont like what you have, you have choices every 4 years.

Hey good one you just described Donald to a T lol I’ll take you up on that 2020 offer lol dump the chump 2020


Troll posts and replies removed.   Stay on topic, which is about the 4th of July activities in DC.


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4 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


Yes Sir, I have served my country. I have said that here on more than one occasion. If it is illegal sue him. Otherwise I am not obligated to share your outrage. It doesn't make me racist, homophobic, toxic or whatever other crap you would throw at me. 

If you had publicly (mis)handled the US flag the way Trump routinely does, how do you think your chain of command would have reacted?

37 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I want to reply before your final five words gets your post deleted.


Trump haters aren't going insane, they are calmly and rationally pointing out why Trump's politicizing of the Fourth of July celebrations are inappropriate.  Trump supporters are going insane attempting to defend the indefensible.  For example, you are relying on obscene name calling.

Yup. It's we Trump supporters who have anger management issues.


 The hate by left media has triggered all the TDS'ers .Their on sick display again !  They get triggered with a American flag logo's on the back of a shoe! They get triggered at standing for the Anthem! Through the years, American's have celebrated America  with Parades of soldiers and equipment.


That's what MAGA is all about, the patriotism of the  past. The anti American left wants to destroy from with in,divide and conquer. Bring it on ,Independent voters are watching you.

This president praises America and gets called a traitor. The military would defend this President as opposed to the sad choices that are running on the other side. 


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10 minutes ago, riclag said:

 The hate by left media has triggered all the TDS'ers .Their on sick display again !  They get triggered with a American flag logo's on the back of a shoe! The don't want to stand for the Anthem! Through the years, American's have celebrated America  with Parades of soldiers and equipment.


That's what MAGA is all about, the patriotism of the  past. The anti American left wants to destroy from with in,divide and conquer.

This president praises America and gets called a traitor. The military would defend this President as opposed to the sad choices that are running on the other side. 


So you're claiming that the US Military would purposely be guilty of dereliction of duty at the least? I don't share your low opinion of the military. Or Trump's disrespect of them.

5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

So you're claiming that the US Military would purposely be guilty of dereliction of duty at the least? I don't share your low opinion of the military. Or Trump's disrespect of them.

I could care less about your opinion ! Especially on the day American's celebrate their Independence from  your country 

25 minutes ago, riclag said:

 The hate by left media has triggered all the TDS'ers .Their on sick display again !  They get triggered with a American flag logo's on the back of a shoe! They get triggered at standing for the Anthem! Through the years, American's have celebrated America  with Parades of soldiers and equipment.


That's what MAGA is all about, the patriotism of the  past. The anti American left wants to destroy from with in,divide and conquer. Bring it on ,Independent voters are watching you.

This president praises America and gets called a traitor. The military would defend this President as opposed to the sad choices that are running on the other side. 


I don't see what your link has to do with the topic.  Military parades following war victories are traditional, as is military participation in parades during Presidential inaugurations.  Military parades during the Fourth of July are not traditional, unnecessary, expensive, and ruin the holiday for the military members required to participate.  How is that patriotic?


Furthermore, the main objections aren't to the addition of military hardware or flyovers during the celebration, it is the politicization of the celebration.  That is both unpatriotic and illegal.


Regarding the rest, nobody has called Trump a traitor for praising America.  If you believe that you have serious reality issues.  Also, the military will defend the US Constitution.  If it comes to a choice between the Constitution and the President, the President loses.

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8 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I don't see what your link has to do with the topic.  Military parades following war victories are traditional, as is military participation in parades during Presidential inaugurations.  Military parades during the Fourth of July are not traditional, unnecessary, expensive, and ruin the holiday for the military members required to participate.  How is that patriotic?


Furthermore, the main objections aren't to the addition of military hardware or flyovers during the celebration, it is the politicization of the celebration.  That is both unpatriotic and illegal.


Regarding the rest, nobody has called Trump a traitor for praising America.  If you believe that you have serious reality issues.  Also, the military will defend the US Constitution.  If it comes to a choice between the Constitution and the President, the President loses.

He's just another Trump supporter who hates what really makes America great.

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I don't see what your link has to do with the topic.  Military parades following war victories are traditional, as is military participation in parades during Presidential inaugurations.  Military parades during the Fourth of July are not traditional, unnecessary, expensive, and ruin the holiday for the military members required to participate.  How is that patriotic?


Furthermore, the main objections aren't to the addition of military hardware or flyovers during the celebration, it is the politicization of the celebration.  That is both unpatriotic and illegal.

I wouldn't think you would!

"intended partly to raise civilian awareness of the military so a parade featuring the latest military hardware and marchers from every branch of military service " .



Most importantly IMOP to install a sense of pride and patriotism  the strongest and most powerful nation in the world has endured for over 200 plus years . This is part of MAGA,values from the past .

Read more: https://militarybenefits.info/military-parades/#ixzz5sgssxYYz

1 hour ago, riclag said:

intended partly to raise civilian awareness of the military



Why do civilians need a heightened awareness of the military?



1 hour ago, riclag said:

Most importantly IMOP to install a sense of pride and patriotism the strongest and most powerful nation in the world has endured for over 200 plus years.


If you need to see a military parade to have a sense of pride in your country, there's something wrong with you.  There are so many other, better reasons to be proud of the USA.  You shouldn't need to see machines of war and death to feel pride.



1 hour ago, riclag said:

This is part of MAGA,values from the past .



Make America just like China or North Korea.  Way to go.

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Nice use of our tax dollars. I really wish the people would get an itemization of where their tax dollars go. We sre just never going to wake up otherwise. 

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, riclag said:

I wouldn't think you would!

"intended partly to raise civilian awareness of the military so a parade featuring the latest military hardware and marchers from every branch of military service " .



Most importantly IMOP to install a sense of pride and patriotism  the strongest and most powerful nation in the world has endured for over 200 plus years . This is part of MAGA,values from the past .

Read more: https://militarybenefits.info/military-parades/#ixzz5sgssxYYz

Cancel stuff like this through the year, and a few other of the thousands of unnecessary military display that cost us loads, give each citizen back say $500 for not having funded the displays that year. 


Get back to me and let me know which way the citizens are feeling more "patriotic". And let me know which avenue the American people would actually vote for if they had the choice. 


Wake up. nobody actually wants to go to work and spend their tax dollars on stuff like this. Even the people who say they do don't. Do not even try to lie, you would take a check in a second if given the choice, and put it toward something sensible, like health care. 


Independence day is all about 56 patriotic men who risked everything- Not about Trump/Republicans/Liberals or the MIC

A document seething with outrage over a government which had betrayed its citizens, the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, by 56 men who laid everything on the line, pledged it all—“our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor”—because they believed in a radical idea: that all people are created to be free.

Labeled traitors, these men were charged with treason, a crime punishable by death. For some, their acts of rebellion would cost them their homes and their fortunes. For others, it would be the ultimate price—their lives.

Yet even knowing the heavy price they might have to pay, these men dared to speak up when silence could not be tolerated. Even after they had won their independence from Great Britain, these new Americans worked to ensure that the rights they had risked their lives to secure would remain secure for future generations.

Given the fact that the US is a relatively young nation, it hasn’t taken very long for an authoritarian regime to creep into power on both sides of the house.

The US could certainly use some of that revolutionary outrage today.

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9 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Your opinion only. ANYTHING he does you say the same. I'm a neutral and think it's a great idea if he keeps his mouth shut about non-related issues. Kids love tanks and stuff and it will be great for THEM.


"I'm a neutral"


Pull the other one.

The vast majority of your posts related to Trump are supportive, sometimes with minor disclaimers and deflections.

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22 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


Trump knows the libs will be outraged by this. That's the main point of doing it. Oh well Antifa can come protest this one if they have the nerve. Trump is just laughing about it all.


Because sticking it to the opposition is what the 4th of July is all about.

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