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Caught by social media: German expat who helped Thai wife sell BBQ chicken to be deported - he's wanted by Interpol


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15 hours ago, NightSky said:

Surely this was some kind of setup to portray foreigners in a bad way? If not its surely a coincidence the same guy in the news is later found to be on the run..


You couldn't make it up.

Methinks Thai's already have their opinions of foreigners in Thailand...and if not...and it was meant to portray them in a bad light...surely an example of something a bit more "stronger" than a Farang helping his wife sell chicken for her dear old Mum might have been more appropiate?

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It has been pointed out to me that when I'm fishing, if i catch a fish and put it back that's OK. But if I do not return it, and keep it for someone to eat, then it's working.


Has Red Bull man been mentioned yet? I'm sure he was at the Austrian F1 at the weekend.

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15 hours ago, Mansell said:

Selling chicken......not exactly the "High Life"

Stolen baby chicken stuffed with yaba creates profit …. :whistling:

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16 hours ago, londonthai said:

so his wife knew he was on interpol list.


how immigration and consulates gave him visas and extension for 2 years? who he bribed? 

Most likely some chicken lovers … :thumbsup:

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15 hours ago, Mansell said:

Selling chicken......not exactly the "High Life"

It might be for this Thai woman. Generally these type of hawkers are hard working putting in long hours in Preparing the chicken and then BQB the same.

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13 hours ago, Myran said:

You people are unbelievable. It doesn't matter what the Thai police do, they're always wrong in your eyes. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.


Are you seriously complaining about a wanted pedophile getting arrested after police did a check on him? Would it have been better if they didn't check on him? Would he have had anything to fear if he hadn't done anything wrong?

A portion of this site are sad, whiny old men who have realised they never lived up to their youthful asperations. They are on borrowed time and attenpt to drown their bitterness in cheap Leo long neck.


It is easy to criticize the police of the country they reside in, as well as everything else around them because they cant make any other more intellectual statements to that. They dont offer thoughtful commentary or thought provoking discussion.. only ability is to critizise.


Smart people dont stay in a place where it goes against their moral judgement. Sad, lazy or otherwise inept ones stay and moan about it.



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There are hundreds of farangs living in LOS under similar circumstances but most will never get caught because they lay low.

Sell soi food in full view of the Thai public and start counting down your days left here.

Money of course is the big issue for farang who can't pull a monthly  pension.

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16 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Not the sharpest knife in the draw, should have stayed under the media radar !

Many people make the same mistake when using social media programs like Facebook & Twitter etc.

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17 hours ago, londonthai said:

so his wife knew he was on interpol list.


how immigration and consulates gave him visas and extension for 2 years? who he bribed? 

I'm guessing when they used the word "fugitive" in the OP he had no visa or extensions so presume he arrived on holiday and stayed illegally, paying someone to ferry you by boat too suggest he wasn't doing 90 day reports either 

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17 hours ago, NightSky said:

Surely this was some kind of setup to portray foreigners in a bad way?

Yes, because they couldn't find any other foreigners who are less than saintly so Germany randomly charged this guy as a drug trafficker and child pornographer to help.


Apparently you can make this stuff up. Well spotted.

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The "poor" guy, dealing drugs wasn't as lucrative as selling chicken....but hey, you have to live with what fame comes with it.

But sure his wife is right, blame it on social media, heck, blame Mark Zuckerberg for stealing the concept if Facebook from the Voss twins... (just had to mention this)

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14 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

Ever notice the foreign criminals hiding here have the IQ of a brick ? I just met one today with his bar girl in from Pattaya in Laos. Tries to get a new visa at the Thai Consulate . Lucky or unlucky for him i never heard or saw the final outcome. Bar girl takes him to a shop that assists with visas. Bar girl admits to me that he had a black stamp in his passport and entered Laos illegally by boat. I saw him enter the shop and never came out. My hunch is: (1) the Lao Military dragged him off. (2) He attempted to reenter Thailand via boat and got dragged off. (3) Is currently in hiding. He is a Brit and my hunch is i will see him in the news or on Thaivisa very soon.

My question is. Why does Thai Immigration allow so many foreign criminals to enter and then Interpol has to contact them later to jail and deport them ? In my opinion many foreign criminals you can spot a mile away. Pattaya is like fish in a barrel.


Were you performing an investigation?


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17 hours ago, Vacuum said:

Guess they don't read the Interpol site regulary.   How's the 'hunt' for the red bull kid going btw?

Guilty Thais, who are wealthy, connected, or in power, are not pursued. They are protected. When one is wealthy and well connected here, the army makes sure you are safe and sound. That does not apply to foreigners. One small step over the line, and you are in trouble. Racism? Of course. Blatant. No attempt to even cover it up. 

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16 hours ago, LongTang said:

This story is rotten in both ways..


Why did the the police had to check on him anyway??

I guess positive stories about farangs are unacceptable to the Thai authorities, If not for his criminal backround then they would have surly deported for working illegally.




The police are male and if your Thai country woman married a good looking white hundsome man, the male ego don't feel good about it.


Maybe i am wrong. I just use the understanding of such low thinking and destructive ego to judge it in this case.



This is a more educated answer by farangwithaplan: 



No doubt it happens at some time, as it does in all countries, but I'd be guessing the 'type' of westerner most likely to be caught up in this sort of thing would either be dressed in a manner that police deemed questionable, or are found in locations known to be frequented by undesirables, or have been observed in the past doing nefarious deeds or in nefarious places. 


Edited by Bkkthebest
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11 hours ago, LongTang said:


I'm sure you and your kind will only be happy when: The moment a policeman spots a westerner in the corner of his eye he immediately stops him and checks his papers, urine, criminal record, reporting receipts and social media accounts.


But don't worry, the moment the Westerns will get sick of this authoritarian behavior and leave, The next ones in line to be harassed will be you.



In my time in this country I have never had such actions happened to me or have I seen it. Surely is this sort of thing was rife there would be media outcry and employees of multinational corporations would be getting involved demanding to know why their employees are being harassed. But that isn't happening. If what you say is even remotely accurate, you should be able to link to where the media are reporting this or the corporations are.


No doubt police shake downs happen at some times, as it does in all countries, but I'd be guessing the 'type' of westerner most likely to be caught up in this sort of thing would either be dressed in a manner that police deemed questionable, or are found in locations known to be frequented by undesirables, or have been observed in the past doing nefarious deeds or in nefarious places.


Your poor attempt at an argument reminds my of young people being victimised for having to walk past sniffer dogs when they go to music festivals or late night club areas. The answer to you and to the younger people is this: Do the right thing, stop hanging around undesirable people and places and start dressing appropriately and you might just find you are treated with the respect you so loudly desire.


Edited by Farangwithaplan
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For me the most disturbing part is the wife act as if she knew all this and was fine with helping a pedo live a free man and not face the consequences for his actions. Also that she supported his actions in selling drugs as well. 

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