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"You're a fake!" - Thai man's miracle generator invention rubbished


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On 7/8/2019 at 12:14 PM, NCC1701A said:

He is more than popular. I would say he drives women crazy with desire. Women want him and men want to be him.

He is the most interesting man in the world. A true genius. Brilliant. Charismatic. Extraordinary. Good-natured. Humorous.


Screenshot_2019-07-08 Thai man invents pollution free generator that doesn’t need fuel.png

I have told you to stop complimenting me like that all the time.

(I'll send the cheque later.)

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If “Sweet Elon” gets wind of this and wants to get his mitts on it, he might visit Thailand AGAIN and leave traces of his “Musk/stench” behind, as he did last time when he got his frillies in a twist over his Mini Sub.  

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MAny weird inventions are made. Once i heard about a self running electromotor!

Of course i thought, rubbish.

However the university here invited the inventor to demonstrated his motor.

It was even in the news and it worked ! You started it with an electric pulse and then it runs without adding power.

It was amazing. Of course to generate something like a pump is the next step.

It was driving a fan at that time, but it did. NO power added to run after electric pulse.

ALready very handy for cooling by fan.


There are lots of inventions, but they are bought by big companies or just plain people and put on a shelf.

They are a threat to companies and their products, so buy to be safe and let the invention rot on the shelf.


An combustion engine, it can run on any fuel and is even better then a diesel engine. A Belgium person has the

invention on his name, bought it, but isnt doing anything with it.


ANother invention is a process which turns CO2 into methanol, they accidently came to this process by searching

to make something else. It was an American university who "invented" it. A very easy, low cost working principle.

Didnt hear anything of it since then. Guess some company, making methanol, bought it and it rots again?.

 A paint so smooth, it saves tons of fuel for ships and airplanes, where is it?


Stories about inventors killed for their inventions.

If this guy made that invention and it works, then or they buy it and it rots again or he will be dead.


I still remember in the eighties, on front page of newspaper then, a Dutch guy invented a way to generate power 

on the spinning of the earth. I never heard from it again.

ANother guy invented a medicine and made it (costed Euro 16000 ), however sold his company and  some later it was sold again to a Swiss company. Now they make the medicine and it cost euro 90000 !! They have patent and only right to sell in EU for 10 years and USA 7 years. Buy or die ! It shows what happens with inventions nowadays.


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On 8 July, 2019 at 9:14 AM, Old Croc said:

This reminds me of the Thai kids, a few years ago, who invented a money sorting machine using a cardboard box. They were awarded some sort of inventors prize, then someone found the YouTube clip they had copied from.

I'm still waiting the release of the dengue vaccine they claimed to have perfected years ago. People are dying! 

Regarding the Dengue vaccine - you don't need one.  You can cure Dengue by drinking Papaya Leaf Extract, which you can make yourself.  I have done it and cured Dengue when I had it 3 years ago.  Took 20 hours for all the symptoms to go away, but the virus is still inside you for a couple of weeks so you need to keep taking the juice for that time, about 50ml 4 times a day.  If you google this you will see a lot about it on the net.  Very interesting scientific paper about this by 4 Indian doctors in Delhi that were using it on 50 people to cure them.  Actually this is known about right across Asia.  We live in a pharmacy here, but most of the knowledge about plants has been lost.

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1 hour ago, Frotting said:

Regarding the Dengue vaccine - you don't need one.  You can cure Dengue by drinking Papaya Leaf Extract, which you can make yourself.  I have done it and cured Dengue when I had it 3 years ago.  Took 20 hours for all the symptoms to go away, but the virus is still inside you for a couple of weeks so you need to keep taking the juice for that time, about 50ml 4 times a day.  If you google this you will see a lot about it on the net.  Very interesting scientific paper about this by 4 Indian doctors in Delhi that were using it on 50 people to cure them.  Actually this is known about right across Asia.  We live in a pharmacy here, but most of the knowledge about plants has been lost.

That remedy is mentioned every time there is a discussion about dengue on the forum.

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Wouldn't it be much more efficient to use a bycicle (leg power) instead of an uneasy arm swing?

If he already loses efficiency in the way he powers the machine, i doubt the rest of the machine will be as efficient as he says.


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Sorry, but... everybody who even had physics at highschool level should have known, so much energy generated from only  a 15 min cranking would NEVER be enough for a 6 h electricity demand from a normal house . Unless… a 1 Watt LED lamp maybe.

A Tour de France cycler generates in 4 h hard work maybe just a 1 kWh. 

Second: this system to generate some electricity enough for a radio for a 10-15 minutes exists already for years.. see for instance   https://www.toptenreviews.com/what-is-a-crank-radio  

When he succeeded to use some junk-yard parts to make an electricity backup system for up country... still worth the applause. Imagine the fun, when via leg power enough electric energy is stored to have a few LED's working for hours, and all neighbourhood is in the dark. 

Edited by puipuitom
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10 hours ago, Shaunduhpostman said:

It's all too easy to just to laugh at the guy, but then you have to ask, if anyone finds a way to tap free energy from the vacuum or what have you, do you think the petro-control mongers, power companies etc would allow the media to tell everyone about that? They have nothing but everything to lose if we all found out about some technology that could provide for all of our energy needs. Ridicule is a powerful tool used to keep people away from knowledge and information about things that threaten the current socio-economic order.  You really have to wonder why at this stage we are still essentially burning stuff when our knowledge of physics etc has long since outstripped the level of knowledge behind current energy technologies.


The popular poster at the Thai web site was quoted as saying, "I can't believe Nikola Tesla overlooked this." Well, how would you know what Nikola Tesla overlooked or not? Especially since much of his work was seized by US authorities protecting the Rockefeller's oil business from the negative impact Tesla's inventions and discoveries would have on their profits. Tesla's papers remain classified and locked up out of the public reach to this day and incidentally it was under the auspices of the physicist and US technology boss Vandevar Bush that his protege at MIT, John Trump, current US president Donald Trump's uncle,  was assigned the duty of overseeing the project of saving and archiving all of Tesla's papers upon Tesla's death at the New York hotel where he was being held under house arrest for essentially having abilities, ideas and knowledge that threatened and still threatens oil profits.

Time to learn some physics and about the life of Nicola Tesla

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On 7/8/2019 at 4:49 AM, overherebc said:

Working on this to power mine. Just need a backer.

unnamed (1).gif

That would make a good wake up device if it could be made to move over the bed and hit the sleeper on the head at the right time. ????

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On 7/8/2019 at 7:06 PM, wisperone said:

Hey...I refute that...I was the one who landed the B52 on the moon...was on my way back from Pluto...decided to stop at the Lunar 7/11 for a slurpee.

Good job you didn't crash into the London bus which has been parked there since the 70s ????

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15 minutes ago, PhilAtUbon said:

Good job you didn't crash into the London bus which has been parked there since the 70s ????

Actually, I saw both the B-52 an the London bus using "Google Moon" the other day.

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I have to laugh at this report, is the so called inventor on drugs?


What has Thailand invented compared to other nations?  Very very little and this guy comes along and makes his claim!


Most Thai wear jeans and probably think jeans are Thai. My meaning, they haven't got a clue. 


This report was transparent from the start as is mostly everything here.







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On 7/8/2019 at 2:20 PM, Uptooyoo said:

The only way to achieve perpetual motion is to eliminate all losses. Impossible when matter interacts. The best environment supporting perpetual motion would be bodies in space. The earth rotates seemingly forever; it has been for billions of years but is slowing due to tidal friction between the earth and moon. The earth's rotational energy is being transferred to the moons orbital energy---the result: the day is becoming shorter as earth slows and the month is becoming longer as the moon moves into a higher orbit lengthening the orbital distance, hence the amount of time for the moon to orbit the earth. Billions of years in the future, the moon and earth will be in lock-step, when a day and a month will be equal, or about 47 current days. The moon will then be about 135% higher. Classic case of conservation of energy. Energy can neither be created or destroyed, only transformed.


So TM 30 and TM 28 will be gone just report every 2 days. ????

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3 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

So TM 30 and TM 28 will be gone just report every 2 days. ????

I'd not even give it a week, until Thainstein's Trade Mark #31 pops up... 

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According to Wikipedia, a human being can only produce 1/10 of a horsepower for extended periods. 1 horsepower equals 746 watts. So 74.6 times .25 hours (15 minutes) equals 18.65 Watt-Hours, so even with a perfect machine with no losses, he could only burn a 2.3 watt led light for 8 hours. (18.65/8=2.331)

How he got a patent, I don't know. Anyone with a basic knowledge of physics knows you can't create energy, you can only transform it. His claim of generating thousands of watts of power is pure bullsh!t.


Edited by Uptooyoo
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On 7/8/2019 at 9:14 AM, NCC1701A said:

He is more than popular. I would say he drives women crazy with desire. Women want him and men want to be him.

He is the most interesting man in the world. A true genius. Brilliant. Charismatic. Extraordinary. Good-natured. Humorous.


Screenshot_2019-07-08 Thai man invents pollution free generator that doesn’t need fuel.png

Picture of person patting self on the back. Noted.

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The man just need to get 12 or 24V out of his "machine" to keep his battery charged. He probably has some kind of alternator inside what he needs to spin to make his voltage.


Like this he can use his "pure sine wave invertor" ( blue thing on top of the battery) what he connected with the battery to make 230V.

These things already can give up to 2000W and are regulary used in mobilehomes and stuff.

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