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Trump tells Democratic congresswomen to 'go back' to 'fix' countries they came from


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33 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


ALL presidents who squeak by on very narrow electoral college wins and who lost by wide popular margins, have, by definition, no popular mandate. They are accidental, the proof being, it has only happened very, very rarely, 

I thought vice presidents became accidental presidents, namely Johnson after Kennedy's assassination. It's new to me that presidents become accidental because of their low poll ratings, or become hated by the opposing party. I guess Obama was accidental too.

Edited by Uptooyoo
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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Setting up straw men much? Who says that? What is said is that Donald Trump plays to xenophobia and racism. And that chart shows how many immigrants are now in the USA. What it doesn't show is whether or not legal immigration has declined under Trump. What do you think?

Illegal immigration is thankfully to the Donald.

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1 hour ago, Uptooyoo said:

Another chart proving the Trump-haters right. Just a nation full of right-wing, white nationalist, immigrant haters.....oops....on closer look...maybe they left. They've obviously moved to the countries lower on the list.



We've got lots of illegals that the UAE can have. Wonder why so many enter the USA with such a bad man for president.


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Just now, bristolboy said:

What has your reply got to do with his comment that Trump can't claim a mandate because he didn't get a majority of the vote?

I don't have to reply to what you want, only what I choose to. You said he is an accidental president. There was no "accident."

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“ I can spell colour correctly!!”
Well, color me impressed! Scots are my favorite Brits. My daughter almost married one, but now they’ve broken up, and I miss the feller.
But seriously...to the point of “old white guy”:
If Native Americans had sailed to Europe, kidnapped hundreds of thousands of old white guys, forcibly recruited them into slavery making feathered headgear for their village chiefs or whatever, raped them, traded them, starved them, lynhced them, taken away their names and regularly addressed them, not by name but “hey! Old white guy, shine my boots!” —THEN one would need to be sensitive about how/when/if using that term. As things stand, it is simply a descriptive term with, at worst, a mild negative connotation. 
Granted, a snowflakery perpetual false victimhood mentality fostered by fear of losing one’s long taken for granted white privilege can, in one’s mind, turn any innocuous phrase into a racial insult. Those who spent years decrying “PC” culture are particularly prone.

Something wrong with shining shoes? I shined shoes for two years, and made pretty good money doing it.

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It is my position that people who support Trump lack sufficient interest in the future of the US to follow real news--the kind that points out that the Mueller report explicitly did not exonerate Trump and that informed all interested parties that Obama released his birth certificate early in the 2008 election. 
People who don't take the trouble to inform themselves about basic issues regarding their country don't care about their country.  Even the ones who grope and dry hump the US flag.
Many pro-Trump posters admit that they like Trump for his entertainment value and the fact that he annoys people who think about the future of the US.  They not only rarely cite facts, they rarely respond to facts presented to them.

In other words, people you disagree with, yes?
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America 2019, where the president's sexual assault victim gets pushed out of the news by the president's concentration camps for children, which gets pushed out of the news by the president's child-sex-trafficking bestie which gets pushed out of the news by the president's racism”

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19 minutes ago, riclag said:

"But now, we're about to enter the nineties, and some things have changed. Younger parents aren't sure that an unambivalent appreciation of America is the right thing to teach modern children. And as for those who create the popular culture, well-grounded patriotism is no longer the style". 

 From President Reagan last speech


This is why I voted for America,to eradicate that crap that wants to s--t all over America ! Voting for  patriots is voting for America

Patriotic; devoted to the welfare of one's country:

You are not indicating that the POTUS is a "patriot" surely??

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12 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

I basically like what you said, but not sure if you understood what I was trying to say. Although I am an old white guy, and accept that I have been privileged in many ways, I am in the opposing camp, and would much rather old codgers like me were put out to grass (Make mine kif from the Rif), and power was handed over to young men and women of any colour. They may lack experience, but have not yet had time to become jaded, twisted, and utterly corrupt, examples of that are numerous in almost all countries. The PC/victimhood/safe space idiocies are for those under 55 in my experience.


Your point essentially about "Why didn't they colonize us" is covered in the great book "Guns, germs, and steel" by Jarred Diamond. However if you want to remove the levers of power now, you will have tear them from the current world leaders dead hands. I offer to help when the've stopped moving!!


I guess I was unclear. I was responding to two separate posts simultaneously which is why I included both in my post—one that I agreed with (yours) and the other, I didn’t agree with. You understandably mistook my response to the other post as a response to yours. My apologies.


I’ve read Diamond’s book, twice, as well as his lesser known (and frankly, less impressive) works. That book fundamentally changed my thinking on a number of things, and was instrumental in my constantly advising my kids to, like Jared Diamond, take up an interest in multiple disciplines if they really want to understand the world.



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2 hours ago, mogandave said:


Something wrong with shining shoes? I shined shoes for two years, and made pretty good money doing it.



Something wrong with shining shoes?”


Only if you were also owned, lynched and raped by the guy whose shoes you shined. Were you?

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2 hours ago, Uptooyoo said:
3 hours ago, Thakkar said:


ALL presidents who squeak by on very narrow electoral college wins and who lost by wide popular margins, have, by definition, no popular mandate. They are accidental, the proof being, it has only happened very, very rarely, 

I thought vice presidents became accidental presidents, namely Johnson after Kennedy's assassination. It's new to me that presidents become accidental because of their low poll ratings, or become hated by the opposing party. I guess Obama was accidental too


Where did I say “low poll rating” or “hated by the opposing party?”


Argue with what I said, not with stuff you make up yourself. You can do that in the mirror, on your own time.

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1 hour ago, mogandave said:


In other words, people you disagree with, yes?

The final sentence of my post that you replied to:  "They not only rarely cite facts, they rarely respond to facts presented to them."


Your reply lives down to that sentence.

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