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Thinking about making the move!

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Just now, lkv said:

It's actually those pensioneers that had the patience to provide you with all the advice, that you are now insulting.


I'm 37 and cannot care less about what you do and where you go.

its directed at you! go on tell us the word.... if you want to throw insults and presumptions around a forum at least be man enough to see it through instead of leaving cryptic clues.. like i care what you think. You don't know me if you cant be nice or civil then don't comment its a simple as. And to everyone thats gave stellar advice i thank them

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7 minutes ago, pt1001 said:

its directed at you! go on tell us the word.... if you want to throw insults and presumptions around a forum at least be man enough to see it through instead of leaving cryptic clues.. like i care what you think. You don't know me if you cant be nice or civil then don't comment its a simple as. And to everyone thats gave stellar advice i thank them

And I have told you before. You are wasting your time asking us this year "how to game the system next year".


That was your question.


If I tell you this year you can get an ED visa and stretch it, it does not mean next year the same option will be on the table.


I've explained that Immigration is going through changes every day now, and we don't know what will happen next week, never mind next year.


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At this moment in time Vietnam is probably an easier choice all the way  round. Cheaper in many ways with lovely ladies. Hanoii cooler than Saigon, but DaNang has the coast and sea. If you have time check it out.

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1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

Vietnam is already spoiled and over priced. Just like Cambodia.

Go to Myanmar.

The future of Asia.

They will love to have you and treat you like a King.

Yea right....I have not heard of one person on any forum say they are moving to Burma EVER not in the last 10 years...lol


Hell even trip reports to Burma for holiday are not common...Burma is far off expats radar......

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55 minutes ago, mike787 said:

Mikebell is right....VIETNAM is an excellent alternative on so many levels.  Try it!  What do you have to lose?

To the OP, I came here in my 20's,  25 years ago, before bitter pensioners discovered thailustlives.com to marry an ex cashier from the pink pussy bar, joined internet forums complaining about everything from their lumbago to medical insurance they don't even need for their visa.

Vietnam is crap compared to Thailand.


Just come, it's great, as you know, and there have always been hoops to jump through, which is very easy when you don't have your piles, or house you've been forced to buy to worry about.

Edited by Neeranam
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8 minutes ago, fforest1 said:

Yea right....I have not heard of one person on any forum say they are moving to Burma EVER not in the last 10 years...lol


Hell even trip reports to Burma for holiday are not common...Burma is far off expats radar......

There was a prolific poster get moved to Burma and loves it. 

Great beaches and rotis.

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11 minutes ago, pt1001 said:

i just want to reiterate... i have 0 interest in other countries. Just LOS

Well you're on the right forum, but based on your profile I think you're making things harder for yourself than you need them to be. 

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1 hour ago, Mansell said:

At this moment in time Vietnam is probably an easier choice all the way  round. Cheaper in many ways with lovely ladies. Hanoii cooler than Saigon, but DaNang has the coast and sea. If you have time check it out.

He doesn't want to go to Vietnam, and I don't blame him. 

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visa runs are not a nice thing,

i think you should really weigh options of other countries,

i would not have come here if i had anticipated the hassle and cost of visa, and now these days its not even a given you will get a visa at all

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1 minute ago, brokenbone said:

visa runs are not a nice thing,

i think you should really weigh options of other countries,

i would not have come here if i had anticipated the hassle and cost of visa, and now these days its not even a given you will get a visa at all

I used to love my visa runs to Penang on the train. 

It is easy to get a visa, there are so many ways around the restrictions they give from time to time. Study Thai and get an education visa, pay an agent, tea money, etc.

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15 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

I used to love my visa runs to Penang on the train. 

It is easy to get a visa, there are so many ways around the restrictions they give from time to time. Study Thai and get an education visa, pay an agent, tea money, etc.

i hated every second of my visa runs,

and an ED visa costed me well over 40k per year

with the visa run included.

agents cant do anything for sods below 50,

so lest he is content with paying 15 times more for visa in thailand then any other country, its not good to be young here

Edited by brokenbone
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im struggling to get a consensus here. i appreciate everyones input and advice! i think the best option would be metv and spend a month away then come back? how would the logistics of this work? I mean i am not planning on deep setting roots in thai in principal (dont wana buy a house or car or that) and ofcourse i would be expected to go back to uk to visit family and friends etc

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14 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:

OMG, this guy makes it sound like we all walked in a Korovas milk bar and married the first prostitute.


   What a joke. 

From having met many expats in Thailand who have married a local, I have to say that it's not an uncommon impression. That obviously doesn't mean that "you all" did that, mind you, but I think it's fair to say that expats in Thailand generally have shockingly low standards when it comes to choosing their spouse. Add cultural differences to that and it's no surprise that many such marriages end in quite an unhappy/disastrous way.

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Read all the comments thus far and all seem to be from a cautionary point of view, - Oh watch carefully! be on the look out! Must Pay 15k Euros etc, i'm just not sure if the OP is picking up what they're putting down. Let's find out...


   Well dear "tender aged" OP who's into ladyboys, imagine you've been talking to a ladyboy that you were looking to get with, and while conversation starts getting heated, he(she?) starts telling you about how condoms break easily with him and how much he prefers it without condoms anyways, and how a certain guy he used to date is now taking this meds everyday because it helps to prolong his life due a medical condition that he recently acquired...and while you were about to leave for the hotel room, the ladybody gets up to pay for his drink, and a fragment of a piece of paper falls off from his pocket, torn with missing words on it but you can see some of the remaining words "...ectoviral". Question is, would you still go ahead and shag that ladyboy?


  Hey here's another one! you go to a bar, look at the menu, out of inquisitivity order a drink with the name "s05redun4ton", bar tender warns you that the drink is not 4 under 50's but can be sold to those who insist, you insist and the drink is poured for you, just before you lift the glass, you're distracted by paramedics who are trying to save a dude who they say is having a heart attack after drinking some "redun something drink", then some other random dude starts talking about a friend of his who drank some "4ton" drink at the same bar a week ago and literally turned into a midget. Question is, would you still look back at your glass and take a sip?


 Dude I'm just messing with you...thailand is a relatively safe place to live in compared to most countries in the west. Thais are generally non-confrontational, so they would most likely never tell you how they feel about foreigners to your face ( they'd rather let their government show you), so it's easy to get stuck here and by time you know it - just so you keep staying, you're accepting to keep 800k permanently in a thai bank, marry a thai lady who's already with 2 kids belonging to another thai dude who doesnt give a fuxk, oh and you're okay with reporting every 90 days to immigration and also telling them that you left town everytime you spend more than 24 hours outside your state(province), and by the time you realize you're no longer 29 and tender, you're in your 50s and have missed out on the hot young spanish girls. Yeesh!


  An ED visa is possible, you could lose the visa if you skip class one too many times. No refunds! And who am I kidding, you've been here way too many times your chances of being refused entry on a tourist visa is over 50 percent. Good Luck Friend and all the best!


 Or maybe Vietnam?

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1 minute ago, jessebkk1 said:

yeah they want 30% if your salary for that just for you to stay in thailand, like <deleted>?. Why are you leading this kid on...He's not up to 50, another entry on a tourist visa is not even guaranteed given his history. I bet you'd still be the one to asslixk the thai I/Os if they detain him on his next entry. Why not just say what the reality is rather than play the wizard of oz! what do you stand to lose?

yeah there is no way in hell i would be doing that. i keep myself to myself, i work in my house and enjoy outside of work hours. no workspaces or companies like that. 

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5 minutes ago, jessebkk1 said:

yeah they want 30% if your salary for that just for you to stay in thailand, like <deleted>?. Why are you leading this kid on...He's not up to 50, another entry on a tourist visa is not even guaranteed given his history. I bet you'd still be the one to asslixk the thai I/Os if they detain him on his next entry. Why not just say what the reality is rather than play the wizard of oz! what do you stand to lose?

Exactly. The people including me advising him to forget about it are just trying to save him unnecessary pain. 

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40 minutes ago, pt1001 said:

im struggling to get a consensus here. i appreciate everyones input and advice! i think the best option would be metv and spend a month away then come back? how would the logistics of this work? I mean i am not planning on deep setting roots in thai in principal (dont wana buy a house or car or that) and ofcourse i would be expected to go back to uk to visit family and friends etc

Think your op was misleading. "Thinking about moving here" or something similar. Then shifted to year or 18 month etc. Already mentioned by posters your various options. METV to mention one then followed up with this or that. Sooo so many threads on this. Then some later post from you that you have been to los many times over couplebof years. If you had half a clue you would be aware of all options. Just to humor you.... I would personally enter on setv as METV needs return to home country. Extend setv. Repeat. Do border visa exempt after that and extend.... Can go on but its boring. Take nice size break after that cycle in say Vietnam. Then repeat. 


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7 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Think your op was misleading. "Thinking about moving here" or something similar. Then shifted to year or 18 month etc. Already mentioned by posters your various options. METV to mention one then followed up with this or that. Sooo so many threads on this. Then some later post from you that you have been to los many times over couplebof years. If you had half a clue you would be aware of all options. Just to humor you.... I would personally enter on setv as METV needs return to home country. Extend setv. Repeat. Do border visa exempt after that and extend.... Can go on but its boring. Take nice size break after that cycle in say Vietnam. Then repeat. 


so can i get SETV from neighbouring countries? 

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22 hours ago, pt1001 said:

So i can stay maximum 6 months?

It was mentioned you can get an "elite" visa for 100k THB / year - or about $3200 USD, likely the cost of one trip here, if coming for a week from Spain and not going overboard.

So there is that legitimate option. If working FT and making a $, it could be the best alternative, there are other benefits that come with it - not sure what they are (insurance, VIP type privileges etc), but they be of value to you if working FT and traveling frequently.

Thailand also has programs for specific people with skills under the Thailand 4.0 and the EEC incentive programs. Depending "what you do for who how" there may be a way to qualify for one of those visas - you would have to check the websites to see if there is a fit.

So many places to stay in Thailand - exponentially more if you plan to learn the language. Rent for sure, and I would start with short term as there are so many surprises that you only discover once settled (good and bad). So no rush to pick a long term place, plenty available.

You can get a 90 day visa to start and then take time to decide if it works for you, what other visa options there are and the like.

Have fun, good luck.

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I assumed he wouldn't be interested in sinking all that money on a 5 year Elite card based on his time frame. Obviously for someone that age that really wants to stay 5 or 6 years and doesn't mind the high price, sure, go for it.

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26 minutes ago, pt1001 said:

so can i get SETV from neighbouring countries? 

Op, tell us about Spain. Must be great there. You must have some really great wine.

And Mediterranean food and weather. 

Are the streets clean? How is the driving, safe? Clean air? 


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