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Shambolic first retirement in LOS

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Things have no doubt changed here since the 1980s.... but really, most places in the world have... 


And don't forget, you have changed since 1980... that was near 40 years ago! There is a big difference between being 30 and 70.. If you are trying to be 30 again, it is not going to work for long. 


If this post is a process of you trying to decide where to retire, make a list of pros and cons of your different choices and decide from there... good luck to you.

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i agree with you mate.

you made some big mistakes here.

best thing to do is divide time between uk and here.

I left the uk because, frankly, its a joke there now.

i will spend my future time between an Asean country and Spain, not just Thailand

its easy enough

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On 7/18/2019 at 1:41 AM, Puchaiyank said:

she could tell lies on her in breath and in her sleep!

I know...some of you are living with the one truly honest girl in Thailand...????

Thank god none of the women I met in the USSA, England, Holland, etc., were like that... ????


Women are women, men are men, people are people. The basic intolerance towards anyone different, using that as an excuse for behavior or attitude, is simply disgusting. Reminds me of a jerk named Trump.

Edited by GalaxyMan
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On 7/18/2019 at 1:41 AM, Puchaiyank said:

she could tell lies on her in breath and in her sleep!


LOL...We all know and love this girl...


I am so use to complete BS by now that I just smile to myself and pretend to be once more duped...????


I know...some of you are living with the one truly honest girl in Thailand...????

Didn't know you had met my first wife who wasn’t Thai, but fits the description perfectly.

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its up to your karma if you will stay here in thailand or not ,  check it out from the spiritual way. listnen to your six sense. then to retire here better you have a thai girl friend with you for the rest of your life in thailand.

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Well sir, you acknowledged your errors and I am sure you realise that you need to find out what you want to do with the best part of your life. 

My guidelines are to remain physically and mentally active and only drink after 5PM.

Enjoy all the good food but moderate the quantity as your continuing good health is your most valuable gift. 

Try a few more places and good luck for your future. 

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On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 10:21 PM, Orton Rd said:

If you are only interested in shagging and drinking Thailand eventually becomes very boring, and ultimately a depressing place to be long term

You must be doing it wrong,:burp:

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On 7/18/2019 at 12:21 PM, Orton Rd said:

If you are only interested in shagging and drinking Thailand eventually becomes very boring, and ultimately a depressing place to be long term

Absolutely agree and that is why I always have 1 day off a week , works for me .

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I’m wondering how much Mistake 4 was influenced by Mistake 1 and 2?  IMO, a big motivation for many Thai women getting involved with retired farangs is financial security first, second and third and somewhere after that comes the emotional and other relationship needs.  What kind of a signal does it send out when your partner is living in a hotel for 6 months in holiday mode?  


It’s possible that the woman you got involved with was just a sociopathic, evil, nasty, cold, heartless b*tch, but that would be quite extreme and I suspect the truth lies somewhere in the middle.  She wanted a man who would stay around and provide financial security and seemed you always had one eye on the door and and didn’t look like you were sure you wanted to settle here in Thailand.  In short, no genuine commitment.


Looks like you learnt a lot from this.  Wherever you are in life, getting yourself stable and settled is always most important before getting seriously involved in a relationship.  Good luck!

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If the Op is a farm boy he needs to get out of the city.

I grew up on the beach and after annual holidays in Samui for 5 years decided to do the same as the OP with a 4 month stay there but it ended up being permanent with just trips back home. Lived in a holiday unit, never cooked and basically spent the day between the beach and bars. It did get a bit tiring after a while, or I needed a change when got tied up with a farm girl and moved up here. Miss the beach but am enjoying the semi farm life so the OP just needs to find the right place for him to be happy.

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"blokes that would shag a frog in mid flight"


???? Quality. Would that be as opposed to blokes that do frogs pre- or post-flight? 


Would probably have been better off renting a condo outside Chiang Mai and keeping the dollies at arm's length. At least you did it, though, and be very content that you're un-manacled from the trouble & strife. 

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Ah! ......... retirement? After 18yrs in retirement here I still love waking up to a brand new day. Over the years I've learnt to cope with the BS, the lies, the corruption & most things that give Thailand a bad name. My retirement is what I make it & I just don't allow anything to disturb my way of life at all. If you cannot adjust to the mindset here then you really have a problem & perhaps Thailand is not for you.


I do my retirement visa once a year, report every 90 days & the rest of the year I just enjoy every day to the full. The noise, the traffic & all the other distractions that reminds you every day that you are in Asia are part of life here. Unless you lock yourself away in your condo with videos you can not possibly escape it, so the only way to retire here successfully is to accept it & chill out. Yes, somedays it does get a bit much, so that's the day to lock yourself away, refresh & prepare for next day or until you are ready to face the chaos again!. Every day is yours to do whatever you want & the best thing about life here is "no one messes with you". Just live the life & enjoy every retirement day ......... after all it really is a bonus for the over 70's! It is for me anyways. I'm way past my sell by date ..... take care & mind how you go.

Edited by Daveyh
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2 minutes ago, Daveyh said:

Over the years I've learnt to cope with the BS, the lies, the corruption & most things that give Thailand a bad name

For all practical purposes I ignore the fact that I'm in Thailand except where it's unavoidable

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