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PM Prayut speaks out! No more ripping off of tourists - it's bad for Thailand's wonderful image


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I know of a lot of Australians and others from the West who have been to Phuket and fed up with having to question the pricing of most  and mostly taxis and Tuk Tuks. Its put them off; plus Phuket they consider now being quitedown market so they are not going back. "Don't like it" Seems this is a common thread amongst like tourist visiting Phuket; no wonder numbers down 30% and maybe just the start. The go back home and they talk!!

Edited by AntipodeanThai
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4 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

The PM is right, a lot of the prostitutes ask outrageous prices these days!

Asking, not demanding meaning it's still room for negatioations …. :whistling:

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Weerachon quoted Prayut as saying that the government was taking all possible measures to promote tourism to Thailand, and make the country, especially Phuket, a world class tourist destination so that the country and Phuket’s economy would benefit.


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Question: How much does a  tuk tuk or taxi man have to pay upfront to join in the racket?

How much do they have to pay each month?

Who is it the money is paid to?  If it is for public officials then Prayut has an easy to sort out this problem. 

How much would fares go down if it was an honest system?

Will he do it?

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There are signs at many temples and national parks and museums and other such places, usually in Thai script, showing prices for Thais, then much higher prices for foreigners, so when the average Thai overcharges a foreigner he/she does not think they are doing a bad or dishonest thing, they think they are doing the CORRECT thing, because they saw their government and religious leaders doing the exact same thing.

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They must be completely blind and deaf at the government house. No need to go to Phuket, Swampi and Don Meuaiong airport are much nearer and similarly attractive for "speciean plice for you"! Pathetically ridiculous statement by the country's CEO! 

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3 hours ago, GalaxyMan said:

That's not the least bit unusual anywhere in the world. In Holland, there are train and museum passes for local residents. When I last lived there, it was €40/year for a museum pass to almost all of the museums in the country, whereas the usual admittance fee, for tourists, was €12.50. It's a perfectly sensible way of doing things. The USSA has their national parks pass.

And in Holland, any resident no matter thier nationality can get one of these cards ?? Right ?? 

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34 minutes ago, Golden Brown said:

Many thai's pay taxes and this PM has increased tax for thai's dramatically!  My wife who is Thai has seen her tax payments increase by 50% in this year alone, which is on top of the previous years increase!   This is as I see it that this PM knows how to spend (all the roads being done) yet he hasn't got a clue how to make money.   He has almost run/ or has run out of money.   Thai's are being asked to pay way beyond the norm in tax.

For those who have a paid job, the zillions working in fields, on the sidewalk selling grub, low paid pay nothing, unless all those I know are keeping quiet about it..????

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Overcharging in all its various factors has been going on for years. Phuket in particular overcharges for beer, tuk tuks, food, hotels and anything that they can get away with. I used to enjoy my Winters to Pattong but after a visit last year, will be my last.  They just want to take everything we have without even a smile.  

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40 minutes ago, Golden Brown said:

Many thai's pay taxes and this PM has increased tax for thai's dramatically!  My wife who is Thai has seen her tax payments increase by 50% in this year alone, which is on top of the previous years increase!   This is as I see it that this PM knows how to spend (all the roads being done) yet he hasn't got a clue how to make money.   He has almost run/ or has run out of money.   Thai's are being asked to pay way beyond the norm in tax.

all that money must have gone to outside investments, gold watches, private planes, tanks....roads? they started a lot of projects at the same time but NONE completed, poor or no schedule nor organizational structure


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An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization. These activities can include rules, roles, and responsibilities.


The organizational structure also determines how information flows between levels within the company. For example, in a centralized structure, decisions flow from the top down, while in a decentralized structure, decision-making power is distributed among various levels of the organization.


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6 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

First, where are the wonderful places to visit?  Most are nothing outstanding.  For example, where are locations where the quality of the water and beaches are excellent?  There are places in the world where there are virtually no scams, like the jet ski scams in Thailand.  Also, tourists/visitors do not have to report their residential address as we do in Thailand.  Places where police do not ask for urine samples to be provided on the street, where people can live in peace and not be harassed regarding their visa status, and have to show their passports on demand, not having to pay exorbitant prices for extensions of visas, not having to provide documentation of income - i.e. bank accounts, etc. and the list goes on, ad infinitum. Do the Thais who go out of the country go through these hassles?  No.  Do they try to try to help us overcome these problems when they return to Thailand?  No.  Is it any wonder that so many ex-pats are leaving Thailand?  No.  I left a year ago and have no regrets in doing so.  In Canada, I have good health care - three joint replacements (two hips, one knee), and other medical procedures, all free.  In Thailand, as an ex-pat, pay, pay, pay.  No pay, no service.  Could go on but why bother?  Do not bother to reply because all know that what I say is true and the government does not care about us, except that we are additions to the tourist numbers that the tourist authorities love to spout out about to show the world how great Thailand is as a tourist attraction -beaches, cheap food, entertainment centre of the world, i.e. sex., and other nonsensical things such as the hub of everything.  How many hubs can any vehicle/place use or support at any one time?  Very few but Thailand espouses their country can be the hub of everything.

'nuf sed.

A tad hysterical rant full of fault lines and so many inaccuracies its not really possible to respond but basically the above irrational diatribe suggests it  might be adviseable you seek counselling before you start shout back at the your television. 

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12 minutes ago, Expat Tom said:

It is just the tip of the iceberg. More goes unreported and more is coming. The Thais are killing the goose that lays the golden egg. I am taking the 100,000 baht that I spend per month here and moving to Vietnam.

Nightlife in Hanoi closes at 10 30. Da Nang is dead. Saigon is quite fun but Ripp offs exist in many countries including vietnam.  You'll be back here, no doubt.

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19 minutes ago, Libai said:

Overcharging in all its various factors has been going on for years. Phuket in particular overcharges for beer, tuk tuks, food, hotels and anything that they can get away with. I used to enjoy my Winters to Pattong but after a visit last year, will be my last.  They just want to take everything we have without even a smile.  

Come to Pattaya.  You know it makes sense!

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I think the word is hypocrisy. 

The big cheeses in military regalia were instrumental in the creation of Many problems related to the tourism industry. 

They cannot gouge and extort and keep ripping people off, and ultimately resort to violence and assault, then whinge about the falling number of tourists. 


They cannot continue to allow the exchange rate to remain favourable for import and trade at the loss of tourism. 

Export is just about crippled. 

Companies like Toyota are already seeing the writing on the wall and looking for other countries to manufacture in.


(For those who want to understand the problem,  a 500,000 baht export vehicle was £10,000 to buy 2 years ago. 

Today the same vehicle would be £13,150 ...)


This whole problem is bigger than tourists...

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I think it's time to fine the overchargers.

500 THB fine will do. Also suspend the driver license for 3 months but make sure the traffic police doesn't enforce this because the traffic police needs to focus only on tourists ok motorbikes as usual. 

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16 minutes ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

A tad hysterical rant full of fault lines and so many inaccuracies its not really possible to respond but basically the above irrational diatribe suggests it  might be adviseable you seek counselling before you start shout back at the your television. 

Yeah, he thinks visa requirements for Thailand are hard.. if I show him the phone book thick Schengen tourist visa application my Thai gf did recently he would probably have a heart attack. 

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