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Positive Mental Attitude: Does it Make a Difference?


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20 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

You 'spent time pondering the ill-fortunes of some'.  Wow.  How about getting off you bottom out of your garden and helping people and help the world to be a better place?  You know recognising bad things and suffering, and actually doing something to reduce it or ease it is very rewarding for yourself as well as the people you help.  It give your perspective to see the truly good things in your life that others don't have.  For me its not about trying to attain happiness for myself as a goad or reward.


From my understanding of your posts (and I admit I might be mistaken)all your are doing is shutting off your mind and turning a blind eye to suffering and negative things that are happening around you.Basically sticking your head in the sand, isolating yourself and pretending everything is good and fine in the world.


I am glad for you if you think sitting alone in a garden is all you need to be happy in your life.  But other people need a lot more, and I personally think life is far to valuable to isolate myself form reality and the needs of others, and pretend everything is 'good'.







I run a company that employs Thais, and assuming that I do nothing to help others is a little presumptive, don't you think?

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Whilst I am not endeavouring to have a shot at the OP-and I do agree that having a positive mental attitude can be quite effective-there are a few things about all this that rings alarm bells..


Let me explain myself.In my first near fatal brush with the Big C there were certain responses that irritated the hell out of me..but then I discovered this author who explained it all quite nicely.

Barbara Ehrenreich:'Bright Sided-How the relentless promotion of positive thinking has undermined America.'

I am not American but Australia has also caught the bug to a lesser degree.


The book is well worth reading as it follows the trials and tribulations of an exceedingly literate author as she struggles with breast cancer.


As I am now no longer in remission-I find the same glib responses are irritating the hell out of me once again.

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1 minute ago, dotpoom said:

I absolutely believe that we determine our future by what we focus on....if we are negative ....we attract negativity into our lives ...if we are positive we attract positive things into our lives....but the real secret is "acceptance". I can give any person on here examples of stuff that has happened in my life that had I known in advance were going to happen...I would have overdosed ...rather than have gone through them. ..Those same "tragedies" (as I seen them at the time)...Turned out to be my greatest "Assets" in life.

Yes, I too, can look back at what seemed like a very negative time in my life, and on reflection, it turned out to be just what was needed.

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39 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

I absolutely believe that we determine our future by what we focus on....if we are negative ....we attract negativity into our lives ...if we are positive we attract positive things into our lives....

I think you nailed it right there .....

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4 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

Whilst I am not endeavouring to have a shot at the OP-and I do agree that having a positive mental attitude can be quite effective-there are a few things about all this that rings alarm bells..


Let me explain myself.In my first near fatal brush with the Big C there were certain responses that irritated the hell out of me..but then I discovered this author who explained it all quite nicely.

Barbara Ehrenreich:'Bright Sided-How the relentless promotion of positive thinking has undermined America.'

I am not American but Australia has also caught the bug to a lesser degree.


The book is well worth reading as it follows the trials and tribulations of an exceedingly literate author as she struggles with breast cancer.


As I am now no longer in remission-I find the same glib responses are irritating the hell out of me once again.

Interesting point. At first I thought you were referring to the supermarket lol

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Just now, Emdog said:

Lost me at "laws of attraction are like gravity" BS. A theory or belief so weak, so lacking in any evidence you can't even make a negative hypothesis.

Well if you take the time to read some of the links I posted, there is solid evidence that the laws of attraction are always at work regardless.

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1 minute ago, Emdog said:

Lost me at "laws of attraction are like gravity" BS. A theory or belief so weak, so lacking in any evidence you can't even make a negative hypothesis.

The evidence is out there, just take the time to look.

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1 minute ago, CharlieH said:

Some people are, shall we say, set in their ways, resist or are even scared of any change that might upset their balance as to how they have probably been for decades. Others are more open minded, curious even, and at least consider and make informed choices.

Each to their own.

You're right and it shouldn't surprise me.

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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

It depends on the 'reality' of your mental attitude, if you are more or less just repeating mantras in your head without belief then that is pointless. Positive attitude must also go hand in hand with reality and with personal effort that is consistent with the real situation that you find yourself in. A poor starving Indian farmer whose crops have failed because of drought won't get a Rolls Royce by convincing himself that he is rich, nor will it rain because he wants it to but by being positive about the possibilities open to him, a government grant perhaps or a job in a nearby town he can change his situation for the better within the true reality that he lives in.

I personally find that detachment and acceptance of every situation works for me, the attitude, 'it is as it is' without mental complaint is soothing, I allow things to happen in the space of 'me' and watch as an interested observer, watch the film, the story of 'me' run on the screen of life without being too mentally involved.

Totally agree Sir, any goals must be realistic and the right attitude must be accompanied by the right action.

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Just now, TKDfella said:

Looking on the positive side and not letting things bother you is not the fundamental issue. No matter what any book, religion or guru says, the most fundamental basis is knowing what and who you are. You have to acknowledge your faults (which sometimes others may point out) and deal with them. Your mood swing also affects hormone and other chemicals within the body which can also have an effect on your environment (work, family etc.) Know your 'catastrophe' points then you can find a way, or adjust, to avoid them. If you don't acknowledge and accept who you are then any attempt at adjustment will be, at best, superficial. It is often said, is it not, that if a patient doesn't recognize they have a problem treatment cannot begin.

As I have said several times before, we are all different and what might be appropriate for me might not be for someone else. You don't need a book to tell you that, it's just basic to us all.

At the very basis of our essence we are all the one consciousness, the absolute, with different minds that have formed an illusory 'me', life happens with or without the 'me' but the 'me' can't accept that, it wants to grasp and be in control. 'Me' is never in control because it is an illusion, both real and unreal. Cause and effect happens without 'me' and the effect becomes a new cause, it is the dance of life with illusory perceivers and perceived caught in the strudel. "I am that I am" and "you are the light of the world" in the Christian bible doesn't refer to the 'me', it is the absolute speaking of the absolute.

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2 minutes ago, spornb said:

Positive Mental Attitude: Does it Make a Difference?


Of course it does,  I am living proof


I have four different cancers, ( some active some in remission) half my intestine removed, my teeth are falling out, my foot has an open wound and will not heal, I am running short of money due to very big medical bills, I spend one plus days a week at hospitals, and am registered for palliative care, when the end comes


I am looking at medical  marijuana 


I have a wonderful life, a loving wife, (25yrs younger) two stepsons, a few dogs a lovely house, food in the fridge, a car that goes well, and am still driving but struggle to walk, I have a disabled sticker that gets me into easy parking even at the hospital


I am very happy have no complaints, and say thank you God for what I have been given


I try and stay away from the doom and gloom merchants, its catching

Great to hear that you remain positive Sir! You should seriously consider CBD oil, which is proven to kill cancer cells.

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46 minutes ago, spornb said:

Positive Mental Attitude: Does it Make a Difference?


Of course it does,  I am living proof


I have four different cancers, ( some active some in remission) half my intestine removed, my teeth are falling out, my foot has an open wound and will not heal, I am running short of money due to very big medical bills, I spend one plus days a week at hospitals, and am registered for palliative care, when the end comes


I am looking at medical  marijuana 


I have a wonderful life, a loving wife, (25yrs younger) two stepsons, a few dogs a lovely house, food in the fridge, a car that goes well, and am still driving but struggle to walk, I have a disabled sticker that gets me into easy parking even at the hospital


I am very happy have no complaints, and say thank you God for what I have been given


I try and stay away from the doom and gloom merchants, its catching

How is the age of your wife relevant to this thread?

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

At the very basis of our essence we are all the one consciousness, the absolute, with different minds that have formed an illusory 'me', life happens with or without the 'me' but the 'me' can't accept that, it wants to grasp and be in control. 'Me' is never in control because it is an illusion, both real and unreal. Cause and effect happens without 'me' and the effect becomes a new cause, it is the dance of life with illusory perceivers and perceived caught in the strudel. "I am that I am" and "you are the light of the world" in the Christian bible doesn't refer to the 'me', it is the absolute speaking of the absolute.

Get help. Quickly.

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After three failed marriages,the last one is still trying to screw me over houses and money i had a mental look at myself,i realised that a negative and pessemistic approach had been greatly detrimental to my life,so with the help of some mild meds which calm me and a new girl i have changed,no sense in worrying,try to enjoy every day,i think i am much more laid back,in fact the only thing that would bother me now is if some one peed on my rug,it really ties the room together man.

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