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Phuket: Tourist stabbed in the neck - it was something he said


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8 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

Is this so NC...... ? When I lived there after arriving in LoS in 2005 I thought there were one or two very pretty ladies along Soi Bintabaht , this was after leaving my wife behing in England.  I did decide after a while that one has been in the LoS too long when ladyboys start looking prettier though.

this incident happened in phuket.

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Very strange story
For myself I always speak Thai try what ever I can
A try be polite as possible
I know what Thai people can be if they get upset...
I seen it
I don't know what realy happened there
Other then that also stabbing somebody with a knife is not going to. Lead to anything good either..
If being insulted by any way
As a Thai I'd think about another way to deal with the situation
Not make it worse
Whole thing is bizarre

Sent from my MI MAX 2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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2 hours ago, ta158 said:

eh? you know incidents like this was way more common a few years ago and overall crime against tourists and crime in generall in whole thailand.

Its jeoulosy also and most of these stall or meal cart people dont know how hard the money is earned by most of the tourist and then spending a part of it. Some have more to spend and some less but the spending is visible.

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7 minutes ago, Thaifriends said:

Its jeoulosy also and most of these stall or meal cart people dont know how hard the money is earned by most of the tourist and then spending a part of it. Some have more to spend and some less but the spending is visible.

Are you serious, nought to do with money. I bought your food, now I can insult you and your wife! Best change your handle.

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1 hour ago, Oliver Holzerfilled said:

Interesting you say that.  I have a German friend, quite beautiful and charming.  Very upstanding liberal woman.  Posts all of the "immigrants make us better" type memes in Facebook.

Told her I was going to Cairo and she commented quite strongly that she detests Egyptian men based on her visit there.  It was a bit shocking to hear that from her based on her typical liberal viewpoints.

My suspician is wherever she lives and works in Germany is insulated from contacts with any of these "great" male Egyptian immigrants.  For her fellow countrywomen maybe not so much.


Astonishing point to add that the most polite people I have seen are in Russia. They are friendly and hospitable. We see in media a lot bad about them but its not true.


I dropped my phone Imate at the airport arrival belt and when I was outside in parking lot with my host,  a man brought my phone all the way looking for me.


So its all about politics & media income.

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9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I wonder how proficient the roti seller is in English? What one man says, quite possibly in jest, may have been misunderstood, though it still shows a very fragile ego to subsequently stab someone in the neck over something so minor, especially in front of his kids.

One Can't lose Face no matter what  ,   ????????

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4 hours ago, oldrunner said:

Why not a good old fashioned punch up (as the brits would say) instead of a 'stab up'. What charge against the Egyptian..talk dirty language. Who spoke what language to whom when,

Because Thai culture is stab neck ....Brit culture is punch up.  Never understood why but you read it everyday, even women do it.



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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Has this very tiny man ever heard the expression "water off a ducks back"? I mean what can one say? Talk about thin skin. Where does such thin skin come from? I think a combination of not having any idea of who you are, not feeling like a man to begin with, ridiculously low self esteem, and no consciousness whatsoever. 


Hope he gets sent away for many, many, many years. Society does not need him, and my guess is that even his mother and family will not miss this reprobate. 

 Wow, glad you are not my husband!!!

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Spidermike, sometimes you have to judge things based on the culture that it came out of and I don’t think this shows low self esteem and all this you have written.  Protecting your wife and children is a thing in every culture, doing it more violently is the way in most countries.



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10 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I wonder how proficient the roti seller is in English? What one man says, quite possibly in jest, may have been misunderstood, though it still shows a very fragile ego to subsequently stab someone in the neck over something so minor, especially in front of his kids.

He'd have lost face by not attempting to stab him in the neck.

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I guess the stress of trying to survive and feed his family by selling roti for 10 baht each was more than he could bare, coupled with the possibility that it might not have been the 1st snide remark aimed at his wife or child that day.  A man can only take so much before he snaps.  

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