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Bt400 minimum daily wage worries SMEs, business chamber says


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With that massive wage gap in Thailand, an increase of the lowest income class from 300 to 400 THB a day should not increase the general living costs for the whole economy. The effect in Bangkok would also be lesser than in provincial areas. It would be interesting to know what share of the working population receives a minimum salary, otherwise it's all just BS we are talking here. 

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8 hours ago, fforest1 said:

Sure a small wage rise of 10 baht might not make a difference but a 100 baht increase will raise all prices no way around that...


As another poster has already said " most business,s will not raise prices because of a Wage  hike, only as a last resort "

That theory may work in the Developed World, but this is Thailand, and the smallest sniff that workers will get extra Wages will hike prices by 10 % overnight.

Everything from the takeaway food in the Local markets to Electricity will rise in anticipation of being able to get more money from the already not well off.


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15 minutes ago, DLock said:

No, I have no idea, but also don't care.

You don't care about relevant facts to the subject matter being discussed?

I hope you don't take the same approach to running your business or else there'll soon be "over 200 Thais" out of a job.

15 minutes ago, DLock said:

As a business owner employing over 200 Thais, I have a fair idea what a wage increase alone would do to my bottom line, and how I would recover some of the extra fixed expense, given that expense did not increase productivity, sales or revenue.

And here the truth bubbles to the surface.

Your views are not based on facts or theories or what is good for the national economy.

Your motivation is good old simple greed.

You'd rather the money in your pocket than in the pockets of those doing the work.


BTW - Raising minimum wages is an opportunity for well run businesses to increase sales and revenues as the masses will then have more disposable income with which to purchase goods and services. If you need some tutoring as to how to run a profitable business that doesn't require the ability to underpay workers to generate a profit, let me know and I'll pass on some "business studies" that may increase your business management acumen.


15 minutes ago, DLock said:

You should have taken business studies so you could own a real business, instead of woodwork and built bird houses.

Your insults are as impotent and inaccurate as your economic commentaries.

Please put a bit more effort into it to avoid further embarrassment.


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35 minutes ago, DLock said:

As a business owner employing over 200 Thais, I have a fair idea what a wage increase alone would do to my bottom line, and how I would recover some of the extra fixed expense, given that expense did not increase productivity, sales or revenue.

As a business owner, you do have many tools to mitigate an increase in wages. What business you in? Maybe I can offer you some suggestions.  

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14 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

As a business owner, you do have many tools to mitigate an increase in wages. What business you in? Maybe I can offer you some suggestions.  

I have plenty of advisors Eric.


Thanks anyway.


I'm just trying to keep it simple. 

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3 minutes ago, DLock said:

Go back and read and learn kid. It make you look less stupid.

I already pay all my staff over 400 baht, as any good business that values and wants to keep staff, paying minimum wage gets you minimum skills.

Been operating 12 years very profitably, so don't worry about me. I'm doing ok.

How them birdhouses?

You are against raising minimum wages because it would make businesses unprofitable to the point where they would have to then raise prices to attempt to remain solvent............yet, in the same breath you claim to be paying your "over 200 Thais" above minimum wage.


Pops, you are a walking contradiction.


Isn't your "very profitable 12 year business" proof that an increase in labours share of the national income is not only affordable but that it will not adversely affect business viability?


Let me dumb it down a bit for you.

If you can afford to pay your workers 400 THB per day, why can't every other business?


How about we come at the problem form a different angle?

Why do you pay your employees more than you have to.......because you gain some sort of benefit from it, whether it be improved moral, lower turnover etc. etc.


As for the birdhouses - let me know what industry you're in there Pops, because if someone with so many inconsistencies and incoherencies such as you is finding success in it, I reckon I'd make a killing (probably pay my "over 400 Thais" 500 THB per day).



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7 minutes ago, DLock said:

Let me help you Kid.


I don't care about the National Income. I care about mine. You say "greed" like its a bad thing. Of course I want to maximize profit, but I can't do it without staff, and to keep them I pay what it takes. Comprehension not your strong point?


If your birdhouse house plans are any good, shoot them over and I'll make 100,000 a month and slip you a few baht per unit. Help you out.

Greed is a bad thing, particularly when it comes at anothers expense.

Profit is not a bad thing, neither is paying a fair wage.

Unfortunately you only seem to comprehend the former and not the latter.

Greed is a bad thing.


Anyways Pops, you avoided explaining the enormous contradiction at the heart of your musings.

If raising the minimum wage is so bad, how exactly does your business survive paying above minimum wage?

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1 minute ago, pornprong said:

Greed is a bad thing, particularly when it comes at anothers expense.

Profit is not a bad thing, neither is paying a fair wage.

Unfortunately you only seem to comprehend the former and not the latter.

Greed is a bad thing.


Anyways Pops, you avoided explaining the enormous contradiction at the heart of your musings.

If raising the minimum wage is so bad, how exactly does your business survive paying above minimum wage?


I told you several times I pay over current minimum wage, and for key employees I pay what it takes. It's a free market and if employees aren't happy or could make more money elsewhere, they would...but they don't. So my "greed" is not at anyone expense. My greed and their job satisfaction is  not mutually exclusive. 


If you can't discern my simple points by now, then there is not much hope. Ritalin might help, Kid.

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400 baht per day! Joke...


I'm  not surprised businesses esoecially small businesses are concerned. For so long most businesses have cheated most Thai work force, not forgetting foregine, with bosses lining their pockets and in he process treating the work force in a subservient, degrading and disrespectful way.

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11 hours ago, nasa123 said:

In Norway you have sickness benefit from day 1 also pension showing you do not can work and we have also fully paid for 1 year show you get children + many many other benefits.

Yes and Oslo is now considered one of the most expensive places in the world! Outrageously expensive!

its $12 an hour minimum wage in Canada, free health care, 2 pensions, yes 2 not 1, unemployment insurance for a period when not working, free welfare, yes free money if you don't work, child support, etc etc etc. 

And an affordable place to live.

perhaps Australia and Norway can take a page out of our book in regards to minimum wage.

Edited by Ron jeremy
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11 hours ago, nasa123 said:

In Norway you have sickness benefit from day 1 also pension showing you do not can work and we have also fully paid for 1 year show you get children + many many other benefits.

Isnt the income tax rate 55 % there ?

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18 minutes ago, DLock said:


I told you several times I pay over current minimum wage, and for key employees I pay what it takes. It's a free market and if employees aren't happy or could make more money elsewhere, they would...but they don't. So my "greed" is not at anyone expense. My greed and their job satisfaction is  not mutually exclusive. 


If you can't discern my simple points by now, then there is not much hope. Ritalin might help, Kid.

Comprehension is certainly an issue here.


You are opposed to raising minimum wage as it supposedly destroys businesses, yet you claim your successful business pays your workers above minimum wage. :crazy:

Make your mind up old boy, it's one or the other.

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1 minute ago, pornprong said:

Comprehension is certainly an issue here.


You are opposed to raising minimum wage as it supposedly destroys businesses, yet you claim your successful business pays your workers above minimum wage. :crazy:

It's like saying your against homosexuality, but don't mind sucking a bit of c**k.

Make your mind up old boy, it's one or the other.

Never said I'm opposed, in fact I said "pay what they want"...but there are ramifications. Just pointing out facts of what will happen.


Your analogy may need some work Kid...or is there something?


How do you think this has gone for you so far?

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1 minute ago, DLock said:

Never said I'm opposed, in fact I said "pay what they want"...but there are ramifications. Just pointing out facts of what will happen.


Your analogy may need some work Kid...or is there something?


How do you think this has gone for you so far?


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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Of course the elite do not want wages to go up, people to get educated, nor english spoken well. Keep the population down. It means an extra few thousand baht for them. The well being of the people will never be taken into account. And, is the government even serious about this, or do they simply want to be seen as trying?

As usual mike you got to the crux of things,thankfully with fewer sentences than usual[only joking mate],agree with you.

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Of course if you are a pretty girl,or boy you can sell your body here for far more than this,and what the great leader who dislikes falangs,fail to see is if he made it easier for the i am guessing here,but close to a million expats lives a little easier,and support many Thai families then we would not have so many people posting they have had enough,of course the thought i doubt has even entered his head now we have big oud in charge,who seems less focused in reforming immigration and more focused on giving us expats a bloody hard time,as for the wage rise i think spider mike nailed it.

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At the minimum wage now,I think the workers will be more worried ,

do they have enough to buy food, petrol for the motorbike to get to

work,school uniforms for the kids,on and on and on, the prices of

food etc are going up anyway without any pay increase,you can bet,

the price of rice is going to go up due to the drought.it's always the

case ,the rich get richer,while the poor get deeper in debt,that's how i think

now,and i was a capitalist. 

regards Worgeordie


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7 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

At the minimum wage now,I think the workers will be more worried ,

do they have enough to buy food, petrol for the motorbike to get to

work,school uniforms for the kids,on and on and on, the prices of

food etc are going up anyway without any pay increase,you can bet,

the price of rice is going to go up due to the drought.it's always the

case ,the rich get richer,while the poor get deeper in debt,that's how i think

now,and i was a capitalist. 

regards Worgeordie


Prices have always gone up and Thailand has always had a fair amount of poor people and Thais are a lot more well off than they were 20-30 years ago  , so, I disagree with your last sentence

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Raise the minimum wage say of 10%.....and the greedy contractors or employers will raise their prices by 20%....and guess who will be the suckers to pay the tag...the consumer as usual of course....and at the end of the day, the price hike will absolutely not benefit the worker.


 No point in raising wages, reduce the taxes on basic products and make a law to make sure their retail cost decreases also for the consumer.

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8 hours ago, sanemax said:

Prices have always gone up and Thailand has always had a fair amount of poor people and Thais are a lot more well off than they were 20-30 years ago  , so, I disagree with your last sentence

The population also has a hell of a lot more debt than they had 20-30 years

ago,maybe they have a new car,but its not paid for !,not for another 6 years..

regards Worgeordie

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On 7/26/2019 at 3:27 AM, Ron jeremy said:

Raising minimum wage does nothing for the workers, quite opposite. Rising wages results in prices for everything going up. 

Look what happened in Australia and Norway, minimum wage is good but people simply can't afford to live there anymore.

my nephew works in a restaurant making $23 and hour running the fryer, but can't afford a beer after work, never mind a house in the future. 

Prices in Thailand have rose since the last wage increase, they continue to struggle.

Try living on 300 baht a day and tell us all how easy it is.

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On 7/26/2019 at 11:01 AM, DLock said:

No disagreement.


But the Government is asking businesses to fund their populist policies and economic stimulus. I have no problem paying staff more, and any "real" company that wants to retain staff and values staff is probably already above 400.


Wage increase cannot happen in a vacuum and everything else stays the same.


It's Economics 101.


Too many people let emotion get in the way of reality.


...and your Latte will go up 10 baht.

If the companies are already paying more then it will not affect them

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