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EC hoses down complaint over Prawit’s Phalang Pracharat membership status 


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EC hoses down complaint over Prawit’s Phalang Pracharat membership status 

By The Nation




The Election Commission (EC) said on Friday that an application for membership of a political party is an internal matter and need not be instantly updated to the EC’s online database.


Sawaeng Boonmee, secretary general of the EC, was commenting on a complaint filed by a political activist, Srisuwan Janya, against Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan.


Srisuwan had asked the EC to consider taking legal action to dissolve the leading party in the ruling coalition, Phalang Pracharat, because it had allowed itself to be influenced by an outsider by inviting Prawit to attend a seminar involving its MPs in Nakhon Ratchasima over the weekend.


Srisuwan said he had checked with EC’s online database and found that Prawit was not registered as a Phalang Pracharat member.


But Phalang Pracharat argued that Prawit had applied to become a party member on July 19, before attending the seminar.


Sawaeng said the Political Party Act required parties to update their memberships with the EC database every quarter. Sawaeng said the database has been updated to the end of June and since Prawit joined the party on July 19, the update would be done in the third quarter.


Sawaeng said the EC would inquire with Phalang Pracharat about the timing of Prawit’s membership in response to Srisuwan’s complaint.


“But membership changes do not take effect immediately because of the need for the updating in the computer database. The database was set up just to make it convenient for parties to report to the EC,” Sawaeng said.


“In case of any issue, the EC will ask a party to submit evidence of membership. Application for party membership is an internal affair of a party,” Sawaeng said.


Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30373729



-- © Copyright The Nation Thailand 2019-07-26
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Trouble with these high end watches you don't get a calendar on them like the old Casio days And asking the EC to uphold any complaint against the general is just ludicrous when money is changing hands but keep trying the excuses are hilarious ????

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1 hour ago, z42 said:

But it matters not until large numbers of people start to call them to account.

And up to this point the people don't really care at all. It is such a shame as it is clear as day their country is getting taken to the cleaners on a daily basis and barely anyone cares 1 iota. Apathy rules.


An unpleasant a man as Srisuwan Janya is. He at least should be commended that he actually cares to bring stuff like this up


Could not agree more...arguably the most pathetic nation of people I have ever known.


It’s not even that they don’t care...they are so pathetic they don’t seem to have the mental capacity to know what they should be caring about....mind you even if they did have a clue what day it was there would still be complete inaction due to apathy and laziness.


Utterly pathetic.

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Any chance of the locals rising up or doing any physical demonstration are gone now forever and here is why:


Social Media. This is the worst thing that could of ever happened to the chances of restoring democracy to Thailand and I actually think the authorities have even cottoned onto this now.


Seriously think about the nature of the locals and their constant desire for the path of least resistance (Laziness in real terms but not sure I am allowed to outright say that). Social Media is perfect for them now...no need to physically do anything because as far as they are concerned just posting something online or sharing something or liking something IS doing something in their mind. In their view that is “good enough”.


So whilst Social Media is good for spreading the news it has actuallly completely killed the possibility of the Thais now ever taking any physical action. And physical action is the only thing that will bring about change.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

EC hoses down complaint over Prawit’s Phalang Pracharat membership status

I don't see what the fuss is about. He was already a member of the Junta Party which should mean mean automatic acceptance into the Phalang Pracharat Party.


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3 hours ago, bowerboy said:


Could not agree more...arguably the most pathetic nation of people I have ever known.


It’s not even that they don’t care...they are so pathetic they don’t seem to have the mental capacity to know what they should be caring about....mind you even if they did have a clue what day it was there would still be complete inaction due to apathy and laziness.


Utterly pathetic.

You still here?

Re the above - complete and utter rubbish.

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13 hours ago, bowerboy said:

Any chance of the locals rising up or doing any physical demonstration are gone now forever and here is why:


Social Media. This is the worst thing that could of ever happened to the chances of restoring democracy to Thailand and I actually think the authorities have even cottoned onto this now.


Seriously think about the nature of the locals and their constant desire for the path of least resistance (Laziness in real terms but not sure I am allowed to outright say that). Social Media is perfect for them now...no need to physically do anything because as far as they are concerned just posting something online or sharing something or liking something IS doing something in their mind. In their view that is “good enough”.


So whilst Social Media is good for spreading the news it has actuallly completely killed the possibility of the Thais now ever taking any physical action. And physical action is the only thing that will bring about change.

I'm more into believing that it is the thought of a brutal and bloody crackdown on protesters that keeps them inside.

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13 hours ago, Cadbury said:

I don't see what the fuss is about. He was already a member of the Junta Party which should mean mean automatic acceptance into the Phalang Pracharat Party.


It's an opposition party attack, fruitless perhaps but necessary. 

Demonstrates that not all believe he is a good man just because of wealth and rank.

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You become a member of an organisation after it has scrutinized and approved your application and you have paid the membership fee.

In Prawit's case I assume he was pre-approved and had left a watch as security for the fee.

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11 hours ago, bowerboy said:


Yes I am here. It is because of how pathetic they are that I get the salary I do, school fees paid and accommodation paid....if it wasn’t for that then there is no way in gods earth I would put up with living amongst these idiots. I can barely tolerate the people or place as it is and even with the kind of money I am making I am not sure how much longer I can handle being around these levels of apathy and laziness and everything it leads to (road deaths, stray dogs, shocking lack of quality, place looking like a hitehole with rubbish strewn everywhere, corruption as a way of life, inability to converse about anything other than lottery numbers or food...the list goes on).


Glad to see you are enjoying life and are such a happy bunny.

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14 hours ago, Cadbury said:

I don't see what the fuss is about. He was already a member of the Junta Party which should mean mean automatic acceptance into the Phalang Pracharat Party.


I'm sure you're being sarcastic as there is no "Junta Party" unless one counts the occasional party celebrations when Article 44 Orders are issued to sidestep anti-corruption laws.

What happened with Prawit here (perhaps) is that the junta-selected EC sets up a tangled web of rules that can be manipulated to disqualify candidates and whole political party memberships.

And Prawit inadvertently became the fly instead of the spider.

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13 hours ago, bowerboy said:


Yes I am here. It is because of how pathetic they are that I get the salary I do, school fees paid and accommodation paid....if it wasn’t for that then there is no way in gods earth I would put up with living amongst these idiots. I can barely tolerate the people or place as it is and even with the kind of money I am making I am not sure how much longer I can handle being around these levels of apathy and laziness and everything it leads to (road deaths, stray dogs, shocking lack of quality, place looking like a hitehole with rubbish strewn everywhere, corruption as a way of life, inability to converse about anything other than lottery numbers or food...the list goes on).

bowerboy, don't let it get you down or upset, cobber. Sometimes you have to stop climbing mountains for people who wouldn't cross the road for you. It's their country so don't own their problems. Do your job; take their money and enjoy your life.

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6 hours ago, newatthis said:

bowerboy, don't let it get you down or upset, cobber. Sometimes you have to stop climbing mountains for people who wouldn't cross the road for you. It's their country so don't own their problems. Do your job; take their money and enjoy your life.


Thank you. Seems you understand my plight/predicament!!

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