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Trump rejects racism charge, throws it at black lawmaker


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oh, Tug, I pity you... he does not need to care about me, some of his policies benefit me... and his country.  I do wish he was more environmentally conscious.   This crazy blind hatred is negatively affecting you, him, not at all.

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Now we learn that as Trump threw racist slurs at Cummings, Cummings himself was finalizing for publishing a Congressional report on the Middle East related corruption that infests the White House and this President.
A foreign government (UAE) editing Trump’s speeches,  US Policy and US security for sale.
The good news, there’s plenty of UAE/Saudi Arabian sand for Trump’s Illiberal supporters to bury their heads in.

Associating the UAE and Saudi with sand sounds racist.
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18 hours ago, jb61 said:

Perhaps Trump's comments to Elijah Cummings when he said clean up your own rat infested district

was timely. Perhaps Elijah Cummings would like to respond about this assault on an elderly Muslim man in his very own district.

What say you Mr. Cummings?



First of all, is this your idea of a valid statistical sample? An isolated attack?

Second, is there any evidence he was attacked because he was a Muslim? How about because he was old and vulnerable?

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On 7/29/2019 at 10:50 AM, JingerBen said:

This is hogwash.

Do you want to see the reality of what the inner cities of the USA have become?

Take a trip on AMTRAK from New York to Washington, DC.

The residential areas of Newark, Trenton, Camden, Philadelphia and Baltimore have all become urban jungles.

That isn't immediately seen by motorists on the interstate highways, but the view from the train gives you a look behind the façade that is truly horrendous.

Agreed, I remember being in downtown Philly after dark one evening and was completely unsettled and felt very unsafe. Got out of there as quick as I could. When driving through DC one day also went probably the wrong way through some shockingly deprived areas.

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3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Now we learn that as Trump threw racist slurs at Cummings, Cummings himself was finalizing for publishing a Congressional report on the Middle East related corruption that infests the White House and this President.


A foreign government (UAE) editing Trump’s speeches,  US Policy and US security for sale.


The good news, there’s plenty of UAE/Saudi Arabian sand for Trump’s Illiberal supporters to bury their heads in.

No need to wonder why  Trump makes so much noise and tries to undermine Cummings. We can expect a lot of distraction tweets.


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5 hours ago, Kelsall said:

Well, well, well...


Trump has forced Democrats (and the media) into a corner where they are holding up Baltimore as the pinnacle of their urban policies and Al Sharpton as their hero and elder statesman of the party.


Trump 2020 guaranteed!

And the TDS infected claim he's dumb as dirt! LOL!

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Trying to extract some liberal tears?

Let's wait for the 2020 election, OK?


Yes, it’s in the bag for the dems now, what with the new $20 minimum wage, free medical, loan forgiveness, reparations and particularly now with this breaking news that a business man associated with Trump is trying to make money.

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5 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Yes, it’s in the bag for the dems now, what with the new $20 minimum wage, free medical, loan forgiveness, reparations and particularly now with this breaking news that a business man associated with Trump is trying to make money.

It's not in the bag for anyone. 

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You have to be a closet racist yourself if you think that Trump isn't at least stoking the fires of racism.

Yes, the only reason anyone would disagree would be because they are a racist as well, perfect left wing reasoning.

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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

The funny thing is that it wouldn't take much for a dem to win if they would distance themselves from the crazy lefties. I mean get on the stage and call out the others on their preposterous promises. Why can't a dem be tough on border security, job creation, common sense regulations that benefit the economy. People are going to vote for Trump, not because they think he's a good guy but because and In spite of his brash demeanor they see he's doing for America what is best. 

And yet illiberals never tire of telling us that had Bernie Sanders won the Democrat ticket he would have beaten Trump.



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And yet illiberals never tire of telling us that had Bernie Sanders won the Democrat ticket he would have beaten Trump.

To be fair, Bernie actually looks like less of a moron than the rest of your guys.

Too bad he made all those racist comments about Baltimore, and cheated his campaign workers out of their pay.
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21 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

And yet illiberals never tire of telling us that had Bernie Sanders won the Democrat ticket he would have beaten Trump.



Woulda, coulda. Old fake news.

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On 7/29/2019 at 12:01 PM, bristolboy said:

Anybody who actually looks in detail at what Sanders said can see the difference. 

"But anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you were in a wealthy nation, you would think that you were in a Third World country," Sanders says in the clip from the press conference.

"But today what we're talking about is a community in which half of the people don't have jobs. We're talking about a community in which there are hundreds of buildings that are uninhabitable. "


Clearly his remarks were about the failures of the system in the USA. Genuine populism.



Well if 54% of the population are "non-white" then if the median income is about $51,000 couldn't you say that the citizens of their fair city are letting the side down by either not contributing their fair share or they are failing in their civic duty to hold their representative to higher standard...they can't have it both ways, even the mainstream media have spoken about the vermin problem and the lack of services in the city!

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Well if 54% of the population are "non-white" then if the median income is about $51,000 couldn't you say that the citizens of their fair city are letting the side down by either not contributing their fair share or they are failing in their civic duty to hold their representative to higher standard...they can't have it both ways, even the mainstream media have spoken about the vermin problem and the lack of services in the city!

You are looking at it in the wrong way. When Trump says “racist” things, he says them because he is a racist.

When Bernie (or any leftist) says racist things, he says them because he cares.


Now remember, if you do not understand, or if you disagree, you are a racist as well, so be careful what you say.

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if elijah was a whitey...all is good. Otherwise using the rat word is considered racist, just ask al race-pimp sharpton.


Sorry for hurting cummins feelings, but baltimore is rat infested (been there a 100 times unfortunately) and I fail to see how mentioning that to anyone, black or white can be construed as racist, unless...you have your head inserted anally or you are a deluded democrat devoid of everything that is great in america.

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50 minutes ago, mogandave said:

Yes, the only reason anyone would disagree would be because they are a racist as well, perfect left wing reasoning.


For one I said if you don't think he is at least stoking the fires of racism. And then I gave you a long list of things Trump has said or done. I don't think a rational person could look at that and argue otherwise. If you disagree then please enlighten me. 

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3 hours ago, jcsmith said:

Trump is such a child. When he is accused of something that he knows there is some truth to he channels his inner six year old. It's like when Hillary Clinton called him a puppet in the debates and he snapped back, "I'm not a puppet! You're the puppet!" 


You have to be a closet racist yourself if you think that Trump isn't at least stoking the fires of racism. But when he gets called on it, he accuses his accusers of being racist. And claims he's the least racist person you'd ever meet. Really? The least racist. The guy who used to pull black dealers off the floor when VIPs arrived. The same guy who said it was probably true that he didn't want to have a black man counting his money. The guy who just said that three American congresswoman should go back to their own countries... Who felt that a judge of Mexican heritage couldn't be impartial on immigration. Who discriminated against people of color in his housing developments. Who for years claimed he had evidence that the first black president was not even born in America (and never had any evidence). Who called southern immigrants rapists and murderers. And who has no problem with separating children from their parents. Who made an equivalence between the white supremists in Charlottesville and those who came to protest against their movement. Who claimed he didn't know who David Duke was. And whose father was arrested at a KKK Rally. He is what he is.

Just because you keep repeating lies will not make them the truth.

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34 minutes ago, mogandave said:

I also believe the things you claim make him a racist are mostly just made up to attack him.


Which thing do you think is made up against him? Those things have been documented. 


Let's try this a different way. You tell me if you think this is not racially charged and if not then explain to me your logic. And if you can do that in a way that doesn't make you look racist then congratulations.

Trump told four American congresswoman to go back to their country... Three of which were born in the United States. Trump's a third generation American himself. Why does he consider himself to be more American than them? Do you think he would have made that statement to a white person?

Trump claimed he watched thousands of muslims cheering in the street as the towers fell. This is an outrageous lie. Why would he make it? 


Trump retweeted a white nationalist propaganda poll stating that 81% of murders of white people are by blacks. That of course is completely bogus. But how could he believe that? And what were his motives in retweeting it? https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/nov/23/donald-trump/trump-tweet-blacks-white-homicide-victims/ In case you missed that one...


Those are three easy ones.

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Which thing do you think is made up against him? Those things have been documented. 
Let's try this a different way. You tell me if you think this is not racially charged and if not then explain to me your logic. And if you can do that in a way that doesn't make you look racist then congratulations.
Trump told four American congresswoman to go back to their country... Three of which were born in the United States. Trump's a third generation American himself. Why does he consider himself to be more American than them? Do you think he would have made that statement to a white person?

Trump claimed he watched thousands of muslims cheering in the street as the towers fell. This is an outrageous lie. Why would he make it? 
Trump retweeted a white nationalist propaganda poll stating that 81% of murders of white people are by blacks. That of course is completely bogus. But how could he believe that? And what were his motives in retweeting it? https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/nov/23/donald-trump/trump-tweet-blacks-white-homicide-victims/ In case you missed that one...
Those are three easy ones.

I’m sorry I wasn’t clear, I don’t think the events are made up, I think the part about the things he says are racist, and he only says them because he’s a racist, is that better?

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