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Pound is second-worst performing currency in the world


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3 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Oh I get it now Nauseus has short positions on the pound rather than a heartfelt belief in the Brexit project. If so good it means you ain't stupid. I hope you make your money like the rest of the vultures. And at least you have some money !

No. You don't get it. I don't have any positions in Pounds. The EU is a project, which I think we should leave.

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17 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Brexiteer head burying has got to the point where 'Not as bad as Venezuela' is the best retort to ever worsening news on Sterling. 


7 hours ago, shy coconut said:

Cool, so the pound is doing better than Venezuela and a couple of obscure

African nations.


I feel so much better now, thanks.

Good news Chomper - I've finally found a post that supports your assertion!


Unfortunately it was a post from a remainer, rather than a brexiteer..... ????

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9 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

So true if they had any shame they would hang their heads and reflect on the real existential damage to the UK their myopic , misguided and misinformed feelings have allowed to happen. But they won't of course it's all remoaners fault, strong baht , they were going to go anyway. Anything than look the horror in the face of what their angry cross on a ballot paper over 3 years ago meant other than their anger and impotence of a world spinning away from them and unrealised dreams. They were laughing and punching the air then , they had 'WON' - each one dreaming of a different prize and none of them worth tuppence. I don't blame them they were the conned but for the conmen gathered like vultures to pickle their grievances in a dose of heady toxic nationalism with their new recast enemy the EU - for them the Farage's, Banks, Boris, Gove and their ilk I reserve my most bilious contempt and in the 7th level of hell where souls burn eternal is reserved for David Cameron the man who opened Pandora's box. 


To be fair, I don't blame Cameron. He was actually a Remainer. You can see the factions at work in the party. 

Plus of course they were losing votes to UKIP. All of the parties steal policies from the others in order to nullify them. That's how Tony Blair beat the Tories, by saying the things their voters wanted to hear.

So to keep those people onside, as opposed to letting Labour in, he promised a referendum. 

He was one against one hundred.






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17 hours ago, puipuitom said:

Get better deals as now as EU member state ? With whom ? The Suza Islands ? 

Who thinks, the EU will not INSIST a better deal with 450 mln consumers as a small Island with only 67 mln consumers ?

Be happy when the Indians of Tata do not close "British" Steel or Jaguar Land Rover ( finished with 290.000 cars/yr production)

State of EU trade 2018.jpg


It's a bit more complicated than that. First Labour created the Iron and Steel Corporation of Great Britain. Then came the Conservatives who reversed the nationalisation. Then Labour re-nationalised it and named it British Steel Corporation. Later Thatcher came along and under privatisation it became British Steel Plc.

Later it merged with a Dutch company and became Corus. TATA acquired Corus.

Greybull Capital acquired some of the assets of Tata Steel Europe and that has become British Steel Ltd. Phew..


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        The low Pound has been created by all the financial crooks, The pound fell because of the uncertainty of Brexit, but the Thai Baht went up after the Coup, and rigged election, how uncertain where things then.

        The crooks want to nobble the pound, to persuade people to stay in Europe, for their own financial gains

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1 hour ago, JamJar said:


So if the 'Poles' were all removed, would the employers be happy to pay the British workers more? Wouldn't that make our goods more expensive? Domestically and for export?

In fact, at the time, the complaint was that the British wouldn't work for that kind of money and that they did not have the work ethic.

Is that going to change suddenly, if we leave the EU. All of a sudden, productivity will rise? it will not.

A leopard cannot change his spots so easily. If you are used to a certain lifestyle, you won't be keen to give it up.


Everyone, apart from the people who could not compete with the foreign workers, was happy.

They could get their fruit picked, their houses done up etc. All at 'affordable' prices.

Why the beep do you think that you have immigration in the first place? Because of altruism?


It's the immigrants work ethic that helps to make the country great and the lazy that complain about it.


Let me give you an example; Do you remember the days when, if you didn't do your shopping by 6pm, it was 'tough luck'. All the shops would be closed. No locals wanted to stay open past six pm. They'd be doing you a favour if you got there a few minutes before six.


Who changed that? The Indian immigrants. Some from Uganda, from whence they were ejected. Totally different work ethic. They would stay open for as long as they could. Family members working in shifts if need be, whilst studying to be doctors.

Great for the local population, but of course the former shops who were used to closing at 6 pm and earlier were up in arms.

But the immigrants persevered and through their efforts, the laws were changed and we can go shopping whenever it is convenient for us.


So what's the plan? To go back to the good old days when the shops closed at 6 pm? The local shops didn't want to compete. They preferred to have the competition removed, in order to carry on in the way they were used.


So what are we doing here? Once again blaming outsiders for our ills?

What are the perceived benefits to the general population for when it comes to Brexit? 

One of the arguments is that Brussels is allowed to set some of our laws. Isn't that why we have MEPs? In so that we have a say? Nigel Farage is certainly happy to take the salary and then slag them off.

Didn't we do the same to Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales? 


All this bull about money for this and money for that. We can print as much money as we like. What's the worse that can happen? The value drops? Oh look, it's happened anyway.


What has being part of the EU stopped us from doing? Has it stopped investment in the North these past years?

Why now, all of a sudden, offers of money to these areas? 


So far I've just seen a lot of nonsensical propaganda. Even the fish wrapped in a cool pack waved around by Boris Johnson, claiming that it was an EU regulation was debunked. That kind of fish is not required to be in such a pack under E.U regulations, So if it was in such a pack, it was decided in the U.K.


I don't have a problem with high food standards anyway. You'll have to keep them if you want to trade with the E.U, so what is happening here. A wish to lower food standards?


Of course employers wouldn't be 'happy' to have to pay employees more, and I agree the post should have read 'cheap European labour' rather than Poles!


Sadly, employers are not about to pay a living wage to those at the bottom of the scale until the abundance of cheap labour 'dries up'.....  Employers are thrilled that the UK govt. 'tops up' their appalling salaries with various 'credits' (paid by taxpayers) - but this is far from 'right' - it's just another way the govt. supports 'the elite' at the expense of everyone else!


And please don't believe govt. propaganda about the number of unemployed.  The figure has been 'massaged' time and time again for decades, to produce a 'better' result.....

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2 hours ago, JamJar said:


So if the 'Poles' were all removed, would the employers be happy to pay the British workers more? Wouldn't that make our goods more expensive? Domestically and for export?

In fact, at the time, the complaint was that the British wouldn't work for that kind of money and that they did not have the work ethic.

Is that going to change suddenly, if we leave the EU. All of a sudden, productivity will rise? it will not.

A leopard cannot change his spots so easily. If you are used to a certain lifestyle, you won't be keen to give it up.


Everyone, apart from the people who could not compete with the foreign workers, was happy.

They could get their fruit picked, their houses done up etc. All at 'affordable' prices.

Why the beep do you think that you have immigration in the first place? Because of altruism?


It's the immigrants work ethic that helps to make the country great and the lazy that complain about it.


Let me give you an example; Do you remember the days when, if you didn't do your shopping by 6pm, it was 'tough luck'. All the shops would be closed. No locals wanted to stay open past six pm. They'd be doing you a favour if you got there a few minutes before six.


Who changed that? The Indian immigrants. Some from Uganda, from whence they were ejected. Totally different work ethic. They would stay open for as long as they could. Family members working in shifts if need be, whilst studying to be doctors.

Great for the local population, but of course the former shops who were used to closing at 6 pm and earlier were up in arms.

But the immigrants persevered and through their efforts, the laws were changed and we can go shopping whenever it is convenient for us.


So what's the plan? To go back to the good old days when the shops closed at 6 pm? The local shops didn't want to compete. They preferred to have the competition removed, in order to carry on in the way they were used.


So what are we doing here? Once again blaming outsiders for our ills?

What are the perceived benefits to the general population for when it comes to Brexit? 

One of the arguments is that Brussels is allowed to set some of our laws. Isn't that why we have MEPs? In so that we have a say? Nigel Farage is certainly happy to take the salary and then slag them off.

Didn't we do the same to Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales? 


All this bull about money for this and money for that. We can print as much money as we like. What's the worse that can happen? The value drops? Oh look, it's happened anyway.


What has being part of the EU stopped us from doing? Has it stopped investment in the North these past years?

Why now, all of a sudden, offers of money to these areas? 


So far I've just seen a lot of nonsensical propaganda. Even the fish wrapped in a cool pack waved around by Boris Johnson, claiming that it was an EU regulation was debunked. That kind of fish is not required to be in such a pack under E.U regulations, So if it was in such a pack, it was decided in the U.K.


I don't have a problem with high food standards anyway. You'll have to keep them if you want to trade with the E.U, so what is happening here. A wish to lower food standards?


Save the kippers!

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8 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Of course employers wouldn't be 'happy' to have to pay employees more, and I agree the post should have read 'cheap European labour' rather than Poles!


Sadly, employers are not about to pay a living wage to those at the bottom of the scale until the abundance of cheap labour 'dries up'.....  Employers are thrilled that the UK govt. 'tops up' their appalling salaries with various 'credits' (paid by taxpayers) - but this is far from 'right' - it's just another way the govt. supports 'the elite' at the expense of everyone else!


And please don't believe govt. propaganda about the number of unemployed.  The figure has been 'massaged' time and time again for decades, to produce a 'better' result.....

Employers are not going to pay a living wage until it is mandated by law. 


Take note too, Liam Fox's immediate post referendum jaunt to India and the Philippines in search cheap imported labour to replace the European workers that Brexit will deter from coming to work in the UK.



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4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Well, you earlier claimed to not have any positions in Pounds.

And it looks like nobody believes me. But you do believe the suggestion from Jack Straw. Up to you then.

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4 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Employers are not going to pay a living wage until it is mandated by law. 


Take note too, Liam Fox's immediate post referendum jaunt to India and the Philippines in search cheap imported labour to replace the European workers that Brexit will deter from coming to work in the UK.



Did you not work in the UK when a living wage was the 'norm' for most people??  It was not "mandated".


I caught the 'tail end' of this era - and saw how salaries/pensions etc. fell....


I agree that this was largely due to the 'gordan gekko/Thatcher' mentality at the time - but a never ending influx of immigrants from poor EU countries didn't help....

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5 hours ago, SheungWan said:

I doubt more than a few are active FX traders. I would expect most UK Brexiteers to mostly keep their savings in Sterling. If FTSE 100 stocks they will have protected themselves. But cash savings will have suffered. Brexiteers more likely to hold on to Sterling where they have discretionary choice. Their politics a millstone around thrir necks.

Sent from my SM-N935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Speculation comes in many forms. Innit?

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2 hours ago, JamJar said:


To be fair, I don't blame Cameron. He was actually a Remainer. You can see the factions at work in the party. 

Plus of course they were losing votes to UKIP. All of the parties steal policies from the others in order to nullify them. That's how Tony Blair beat the Tories, by saying the things their voters wanted to hear.

So to keep those people onside, as opposed to letting Labour in, he promised a referendum. 

He was one against one hundred.






Best thing he ever did.

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Ah, but to the Brexiters all this is just project fear! They believe this forex nonsense will be sorted once the UK crashes out of the EU, magically adopts "WTO rules" of which they haven't got the foggiest clue; and then overnight agrees the most fantastic trade deals ever with major countries begging for a deal with an independent un-United Kingdom.


The base this presumably on the previous honesty skill and capability shown by Boris, Farage, Gove, RMogg etc. 


Don't tell them the reality - they've lost contact with reality and prefer their own fairy tale world!


Madagascar - might be more major in the world than the parts of the UK soon!



And you quote "fairy tale" after that lot.

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3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Did you not work in the UK when a living wage was the 'norm' for most people??  It was not "mandated".


I caught the 'tail end' of this era - and saw how salaries/pensions etc. fell....


I agree that this was largely due to the 'gordan gekko/Thatcher' mentality at the time - but a never ending influx of immigrants from poor EU countries didn't help....

Yes, I did. 


I was member of a union and any attempts to cut work place benefits were opposed and repelled. 


Members of Unions are better paid. 




Neoliberalism, boardroom greed and theft under the guise of 'business necessity'  have far more to answer for than immigrants working, paying taxes, buying goods and services and increasing the size of the economy. 


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