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Successful Marriage Extension Application At Ubon Ratchathani Immigration Using Monthly Income Transfers Into The Bank

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17 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Thanks for the report - appears it is not just Bangkok applicants having a fun time.


The big wait was to have my number called the first day. They have a 2 digit number for long stay extensions and 3 digit numbers for two groups of others. The 3 digit numbers were moving quick but almost no change in the 2 digit numbers from when I first got mine until late in afternoon the first day.

The problem yesterday was that the boss lady that had to sign off on mine was not there. I saw a passport in a officers hand going out the door that I think was mine. I think they took it to her for sign off on it.

At least here it is only a 10 km trip to immigration from the house.

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Don't know which Bank you use but my branch of BB had never done the list of International Transfers before but still did it for 6mths. Tried Krungsri for the previous 6mths but they only gave a statement of current balance- worse than useless. Seems banks have yet to adapt to Immigrations current requirements. Had all my banking and transfer details with me but they were only interested and took copies of itemized BB letter and originators annual pension statements plus of course the 100bht deposit just before my visit

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13 minutes ago, PJPom said:

Good grief ! , Joe being given the run around, you would think Immigration would give him a free pass as the info he gives on here would save them years of frustration, however, TIT

This report makes me value my local office all the more.

I have never spent more than 2 hours for my marriage extension in Pathum Thani : so reading Joe's report I do also value my local office more.

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18 minutes ago, PJPom said:

This report makes me value my local office all the more.

It was my first bad experience in 11 years of using the office here.

I think when I went on Tuesday it was just a bad day to go. Yesterday was not as bad. It seems a lot of my wait was due the head officer not being there to sign off on it.


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17 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

It was my first bad experience in 11 years of using the office here.

I think when I went on Tuesday it was just a bad day to go. Yesterday was not as bad. It seems a lot of my wait was due the head officer not being there to sign off on it.


Joe, I thought the requirement that the income had to be from pension was no longer. If not I could be in trouble as m my income is only partially obtained from pension

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3 minutes ago, Lazybones said:

Joe, I thought the requirement that the income had to be from pension was no longer. If not I could be in trouble as m my income is only partially obtained from pension

You can be 20 years old and on a marriage extension, not necessarily of pension age.

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11 minutes ago, Lazybones said:

Joe, I thought the requirement that the income had to be from pension was no longer. If not I could be in trouble as m my income is only partially obtained from pension

They asked for proof of the source of my income. They did not say anything about a pension being needed.

The use of the word pension is a bit of misnomer since the definition of it indicates it can be from many sources.

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From my recent experience in Sakon Nakhon, 'proof of income' is of primary importance, but not necessarily pension per se. A fellow Brit in the same office presented income from an annuity as part of his package and it was accepted. And as pointed out above. You do not have to be of pensionable age to apply for marriage extension.


One factor that I've noted is that no one has yet mentioned this much talked about 'transaction code'. None of my bank entries showed up as foreign remittances. I have always believed that this was a 'red herring' and it appears to be so.


So TransferWise customers can, I believe, stop fretting.


Good luck to all future applicants.



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11 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

One factor that I've noted is that no one has yet mentioned this much talked about 'transaction code'. None of my bank entries showed up as foreign remittances. I have always believed that this was a 'red herring' and it appears to be so.

I think that depends upon the office where you apply for your extension.

Some offices have been wanting to see proof it came from abroad. An example is the offices wanting the bank letter to show the transfers with as statement in it that they came from abroad.

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6 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:
10 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

One factor that I've noted is that no one has yet mentioned this much talked about 'transaction code'. None of my bank entries showed up as foreign remittances. I have always believed that this was a 'red herring' and it appears to be so.


6 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

I think that depends upon the office where you apply for your extension.

Some offices had been wanting to see proof it came from abroad. An example is the offices wanting the bank letter to show the transfers with as statement in it that they came from abroad.

The nuances are, inevitably going to vary from office to office as most of know.


However based on what I've read so far and my own experience, 'proof of sustainable income' and  'supporting evidence of foreign remittance' are the key factors. Not the bank transaction code.


Anyway, we shall see in due course. Pleased to read that your application was accepted. 


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Thanks for the report Joe. Good to see that the current topics (TM30  and Finance Requirements ) were not a problem. More proof that some people seem to be worrying unnecessarily. Must remember to tell the wife to take the original marriage certificate though ????

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