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Back in the UK after 10 years in Thailand

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On 10/5/2019 at 3:36 PM, FredGallaher said:

Best you stay in the UK where you are comfortable. That way we don't need to listen to your nonsense. Your happy and we're happy, so all is good.????

Haha not a problem we did live full time in Thailand for 10 years but have homes in Thailand & the USA & now we stay where we want to when we want to..????....but glad you approve????

11 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

I am one of the leavers I went back to Australia after a number of years

in Thailand, and I never missed Thailand for one day.

I live on the pension now,no super,no house,I have free health care 

subsidized electricity,bus fares,have cheap rent, and can still afford to 

go in holidays to Thailand twice a year, I would not be able to afford

health insurance in Thailand since I am over 72 now, and I still read TVF

just to keep up with information about visas and so on.

I don't own a heater or air con, I just put on an extra jacked in winter.

We in spring now (fall) the temperature was 26 today and forecast for

tomorrow is 34 so whats wrong with that?





Interesting about 'crisps', we murican's call chips.  Here they're $1.89 for a SMALL single-serving bag in a quick-mart, in Thailand 7-11 they're 32thb (96cents?) for at least twice as much.


Haven't read the whole thread so can someone confirm its about a middle aged man who can no longer afford to live in Thailand and went back to the UK to be saved by Mommy whilst still posting on TV 24/7 and slagging of the kingdom?


I hope its not true but I fear it maybe...

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3 hours ago, madmen said:

Haven't read the whole thread so can someone confirm its about a middle aged man who can no longer afford to live in Thailand and went back to the UK to be saved by Mommy whilst still posting on TV 24/7 and slagging of the kingdom?


I hope its not true but I fear it maybe...

Not quite correct .

I did go back to the UK though .

Thats the only bit that you got right 

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4 hours ago, JamJar said:


I too live in London. I fancy myself as a bit of an explorer. Seeking out new places.

I've yet to discover these "black townships" and "African ghettoes". Where can I find them? Exact locations and I'll take a look for myself.


Township violence? Have you taken leave of your senses? More like kids being encouraged to attack each other.

Apart from a few idiots stabbing each other, you'll see more violence in a city centre up north after a night of drinking.


I fail to understand why you brought Grenfell into it. That had more to do with the policies of that particular council, who also failed to heed the repeated warnings given by the Residents Association, that a tragedy was imminent.

Do you think they were all sitting on their backsides? No doubt many had low paid jobs and there were others who owned their apartments.


Immigrants fuel the wealth of the "comparatively wealthy western nations". They do the jobs that the people already there don't want to do.


See how the country would fare, if all of the 'immigrants' got up and left. Where would we draw the line as to who should leave?

Immigrants who arrived within the past five years? Ten years? Fifty years?


It's a well worn theme to blame the newest wave of immigrants for the ills of the country.


On the one hand one could blame the Poles for undercutting the Brits and doing a better job. On the other, thank goodness we have hard working people who will do the job at a reasonable price.


If you don't have the willing labour, you have to put up with idiots holding you to ransom. Maybe turning up for work, maybe not.

A sense of entitlement. Enraged when someone else comes along, offering to do the job for much less and happy to live five to a small apartment in order to save money for a better life.


Same thing happens around the world. That's why you have Burmese, Laotian, Cambodians going to work in Thailand.


Things don't stay the same. 


That's possibly why you loved Thailand. it took you back to more simple days. Unfortunately, the same thing has occurred there too. Changing policies affect us all.

Blaming immigrants for your ills isn't the way forward. Some are good for the country and some are not.


Black township and African ghettoes? Listen to yourself man. You are totally out of touch.


I went past a Territorial Army base the other day. Almost every single young person who filtered out was black. Very many looked African, to my eyes.


So they, at some point, could be fighting for your/their country.

Have some respect for yourself, rather than to repeat, parrot fashion, some nonsense from the likes of The Sun, Daily Express, Telegraph et al.


I went to school with Africans and Caribbeans. Their families are more conservative and education aware than anyone you are likely to meet.


But if choose to believe that a few drug dealing idiots is all their is, you are doing them and yourself, an injustice.


Don't join the ranks of the ignorant. There are idiots of every nationality. 

Not so much "black townships" and "African ghettoes", but certainly areas where you will see very few English people. If you disagree that there are such areas then i suggest you get out of your bubble and have a good look around areas such as Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Walthamstow, etc and various areas in South London, but obviously not after dark.


If you think nearly 15,000 stabbings in London (2018/2019) is a few idiots then perhaps you need to look at yourself in view of this comment.


See a recent conversation i had with a friend awaiting a hospital appointment, " i hope they don't send me to North Midd hospital, i can't stand  going their with all of them foreigners walking around spitting everywhere" suggest you pay it a visit to confirm what she ses.

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8 minutes ago, GalaxyMan said:

What, black, brown, etc., aren't 'English people'? Only whites can be 'English people'? Pathetic. :wacko:

I said English people which means encompassing any colour, sounds like your a racist if you think only white people can be English !

  • Haha 1
5 minutes ago, alfieconn said:

I said English people which means encompassing any colour, sounds like your a racist if you think only white people can be English !

And you have some unique ability to look at people and know whether they're English or not? Wow!

  • Like 1
19 minutes ago, GalaxyMan said:

And you have some unique ability to look at people and know whether they're English or not? Wow!

He is a Tommy Robinson worshipper. Draw your own conclusions. 

6 hours ago, JamJar said:


I too live in London. I fancy myself as a bit of an explorer. Seeking out new places.

I've yet to discover these "black townships" and "African ghettoes". Where can I find them? Exact locations and I'll take a look for myself.


Township violence? Have you taken leave of your senses? More like kids being encouraged to attack each other.

Apart from a few idiots stabbing each other, you'll see more violence in a city centre up north after a night of drinking.


I fail to understand why you brought Grenfell into it. That had more to do with the policies of that particular council, who also failed to heed the repeated warnings given by the Residents Association, that a tragedy was imminent.

Do you think they were all sitting on their backsides? No doubt many had low paid jobs and there were others who owned their apartments.


Immigrants fuel the wealth of the "comparatively wealthy western nations". They do the jobs that the people already there don't want to do.


See how the country would fare, if all of the 'immigrants' got up and left. Where would we draw the line as to who should leave?

Immigrants who arrived within the past five years? Ten years? Fifty years?


It's a well worn theme to blame the newest wave of immigrants for the ills of the country.


On the one hand one could blame the Poles for undercutting the Brits and doing a better job. On the other, thank goodness we have hard working people who will do the job at a reasonable price.


If you don't have the willing labour, you have to put up with idiots holding you to ransom. Maybe turning up for work, maybe not.

A sense of entitlement. Enraged when someone else comes along, offering to do the job for much less and happy to live five to a small apartment in order to save money for a better life.


Same thing happens around the world. That's why you have Burmese, Laotian, Cambodians going to work in Thailand.


Things don't stay the same. 


That's possibly why you loved Thailand. it took you back to more simple days. Unfortunately, the same thing has occurred there too. Changing policies affect us all.

Blaming immigrants for your ills isn't the way forward. Some are good for the country and some are not.


Black township and African ghettoes? Listen to yourself man. You are totally out of touch.


I went past a Territorial Army base the other day. Almost every single young person who filtered out was black. Very many looked African, to my eyes.


So they, at some point, could be fighting for your/their country.

Have some respect for yourself, rather than to repeat, parrot fashion, some nonsense from the likes of The Sun, Daily Express, Telegraph et al.


I went to school with Africans and Caribbeans. Their families are more conservative and education aware than anyone you are likely to meet.


But if choose to believe that a few drug dealing idiots is all their is, you are doing them and yourself, an injustice.


Don't join the ranks of the ignorant. There are idiots of every nationality. 

Try Brixton and Peckham in South London.


And I'd hardly call them idiots. People who go round stabbing others often fatally are violent thuggish savages, anyway that's what I and others call them.


One of my neighbours was mugged a few months ago by a young black man. He did not just rob her he beat the daylights out of her in broad daylight at the same time.


She is in her early sixties and will not leave her home alone any more. She and her husband are looking at joining white flight and moving out of London all together. Luckily they can afford to.

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17 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

He is a Tommy Robinson worshipper. Draw your own conclusions. 

i wouldn't say worshipper more of a distant supporter ???? so what conclusions do you draw ?

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6 minutes ago, alfieconn said:

i wouldn't say worshipper more of a distant supporter ???? so what conclusions do you draw ?

I don't need to. Going by his response I think GM has already worked you out for himself when you let your guard down. 


7 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

I don't need to. Going by his response I think GM has already worked you out for himself when you let your guard down. 


Worked me out to be what ? come on your doing a lot of talking so man up and say what you think, come on i'm waiting ????

23 minutes ago, alfieconn said:

Worked me out to be what ? come on your doing a lot of talking so man up and say what you think, come on i'm waiting ????

Lot of talking? Get over yourself. I merely highlighted you were a Tommy Robinson follower which you have confirmed. 


As for what I think about people re the above, it’s totally irrelevant on this thread and off-topic. 

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1 hour ago, Liverpudlian said:

I admire TR for having the guts to bring down muslim child offenders and he also blows a horn on the disgrace of ignoring the well being of homeless ex UK soldiers of any colour creed.... balls of steel & true grit wich is soooo hard to find due to P/C.

I would admire him too if it were in anyway true. Actually hasn't exposed one single rapist, Moslem or otherwise. I have asked the question on this forum many times if anyone could name a single person he has exposed. No answers so far.


He merely pedals his racist vitriol on the back of reports in the MSM in order to make money for his YouTube channel. No balls of steel there, just a racist little thug.

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7 hours ago, alfieconn said:

Not so much "black townships" and "African ghettoes", but certainly areas where you will see very few English people. If you disagree that there are such areas then i suggest you get out of your bubble and have a good look around areas such as Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Walthamstow, etc and various areas in South London, but obviously not after dark.


If you think nearly 15,000 stabbings in London (2018/2019) is a few idiots then perhaps you need to look at yourself in view of this comment.


See a recent conversation i had with a friend awaiting a hospital appointment, " i hope they don't send me to North Midd hospital, i can't stand  going their with all of them foreigners walking around spitting everywhere" suggest you pay it a visit to confirm what she ses.


15,000 stabbings??!! I defy you to me the evidence. I'll accept any kind of statistic. Exactly the kind of person that I described earlier. Reading without understanding.

No doubt you are equating 'knife crime' with stabbings.


I actually visit all of those areas and more, even when dark(best time to do training when there is not much traffic polluting the air) and haven't witnessed any "township violence". Nor even any threatening behaviour.


You comments are beneath contempt. Your friend too sounds like a 'winner'. Birds of a feather and all that.



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