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Help......Scooby is sick

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.I took in a dog a few years ago, basically if I left him he would have been put down.

he had a habit of defensively biting, and he was quite muscular. He now lives in a larger garden and is quite happy. He's better with people now, would never attack unprovoked. My wife and i can handle him a little, and shampoo, but even now he still growls at me occasionally. We cant put him in the car.

Thats the problem now. He is sick and needs checking out. For some time he's been a bit skinnier and his fur while not terrible is not great and dark patches. His back legs and feet are swollen, it comes and goes a bit. Good ting is I can touch them and I think they're not painful. However he wasn't eating yesterday and very lethargic. Eyes look lousy.

 I got him to drink some water this morning he may have had plenty from garden bowls not sure......just didn't want him dehydrated because his eyes look small and mucky.

I'll put photos at the end. I saw something near him that I thought could have been vomit drying up. Looked like some pieces in it and a grass like substance. Very green. Wife said it wan't there when she went to work early.

vomit number 3

We went to a vet yesterday but they don't visit.

Any clues as to illness? so we can do what we can ourselves?

(yesterday we bout medicated shampoo, spot on med,)

yet to administer

We live near Padua down the Ping from town 25 minutes. Any recommended vets in the area? We then of course have th problem of the vet being able to handle the dog.

But problems are there to be overcome

The last photo may be vomit


BTW stomach doesn't look bloated but wife said last night he was crying a bit






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If it's green, he has been eating grass to make himself sick. Seems he has ate something that doesn't agree with him.


He needs to be kept hydrated, so get him on a drip. Anybody have a cage you could borrow to take him into town? It might pass. Keep an eye on him and if he's eating, then should be OK. Good luck. ????

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I just went down and waggled his stomach gently.

12 minutes ago, thequietman said:

If it's green, he has been eating grass to make himself sick. Seems he has ate something that doesn't agree with him.


He needs to be kept hydrated, so get him on a drip. Anybody have a cage you could borrow to take him into town? It might pass. Keep an eye on him and if he's eating, then should be OK. Good luck. ????


Was thinking that about grass

Just went and kneaded his tummy gently.......OK. Offered him water but no go this time.

Getting him in a cage or picking him up without sedation may not be possible. 


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5 minutes ago, cheeryble said:

I just went down and waggled his stomach gently.


Was thinking that about grass

Just went and kneaded his tummy gently.......OK. Offered him water but no go this time.

Getting him in a cage or picking him up without sedation may not be possible. 


Do you have any diazepam ???? Will make him tired and easier to handle.  Benadryl also works. ????

Edited by thequietman
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Looked like some pieces in it and a grass like substance. Very green. Wife said it wan't there when she went to work early.


   Dogs do eat grass and other plants to clean their stomachs. It's possible that somebody has poisoned your dog and he vomited that green stuff out.


  If it's still there you could find out if it contains any poison to be sure. There are places where you can get that checked,, please ask your wife.


 It can't be that difficult to get him onto a pickup truck or into a car when you put something around his mouth that he can't bite.


   But make sure that you go to a good vet, not to a Scharlatan who only wants to make good money.


  I hope your boy's getting well soon. Milk does not help if he was poisoned that's only a fable.


   Please see:



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We just lost a dog a few weeks ago and he was only 8 months old.

Some blood disease caused by a tick,nothing could be dome anymore.

He just slowly went downhil and past away in his sleep.

He had all of his shots,tick and flea medicine and still he did not have a chance.

Not the first dog we lost too soon,we had a very good dog who died after a snake bite.

Now we still have a femalr bullie,an old crossbreed who is 13 years old and never been sick and a

small house dog who is 4 years old.

The bullie looks very pregnant and we may keep a pup if it all works out well.

The pups will be 3/4 bullie and 1/4 boston terrier,should be nice dogs.


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I don't want to scare or anything but rabbis is a real concern in Thailand and you mention biting? Go have a full set of bloods taken (about 500 baht in Bangkok usually for a dog), that is the first thing to do to identify any real problems. It might be just a tummy upset but best to be sure.


My mother in law has kept these soi dogs for years and she lost one to a snake bite.


They also tend to eat anything they find due to hunger which can also cause issues (sharp bones/food poison, etc).


Good luck, I hope he/she is alright looks a lovely dog.

Edited by NightSky
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I want to thank every single person who tried to help here.

Yesterday afternoon I went and had a discussion with a vet, talked of his symptoms, and asked if she could visit.

She suggested I try to get him to the surgery for good reasons.

I went off and got a muzzle etc.

I then called my wife who had just arrived home. We were going to try to get him in the car and to the vet

As she was speaking I heard her suddenly get shocked and burst into tears. Scooby die......Scooby die.


I feel bad that we didn't sort out his medical problem quickly enough, but I comfort myself that after taking him in when he followed myself and my previous dog home he had a best dog friend and tutor Jack for quite some time. Then well looked after a few months at Lucky Dogs while we tried to find a home for him. Then we took him in at home and he has been one of the family for quite some time and enjoyed helping the builders shift sand.

At my wife's suggestion we shampooed all his fur as clean as poss before burying him.

She's terribly upset but i hope eventually we can have a dog again.

I'd like to thank most of all Tony McManus for his help and encouragement, he's a dog saint.

I'll try to find a pic of Scooby and Tony. Scooby is of course top left of this post.


Miss you Scooby

Good dog!







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