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Recommendations for a good dermatologist ?


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I have had a small sore on the side of my nose for a few months that won't go away.

Looks like sun damage to me and I am concerned that it could turn cancerous if not treated.


I'm looking for a recommendation for a good dermatologist. Probably in Bangkok but since we live in Petchabun somewhere local would be fine.


I used to use the Mayo hospital in Bangkok which was good but since it changed to the Paolo it has apparently gone downhill.


Thanks in advance.



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It by sore you mean open and will not stay healed it may be cancer already - suspect any dermatologist should be able to take a biopsy and check.  If it is cancer you will probably want to have surgery to remove (been there - done that).  I did not have any expert treatment - just done at the relatively small Latphao Hospital about 15 years ago and no further issues (on nose).   Hope someone can provide recommendation as you should have it checked out.


Sheryl mentioned 2 doctors in below post - although not specific for active cancer treatment it was for pre-cancer cryosurgery treatment.


Edited by lopburi3
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