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Two different Non Immigrant Visa in same passport?

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I have a still valid Non Immigrant O ME in my passort (50Y).


Would it be possible to apply for a Non Imm OA during the validity of the first one at another consulate or i have to wait until expiration of the Non Imm O?





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23 hours ago, Crisu said:

Would  it be possible to apply for a Non Imm OA 


Just remember that The O-A is only granted in your home country or country of legal residence.


You could also apply for an extension of stay based on retirement if you're in Thailand on a non Imm O entry unless there is some reason that you prefer the O-A.


it appears there's about to be an official announcement regarding medical insurance for OA applicants.

Edited by Suradit69
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You could also apply for an extension of stay based on retirement if you're in Thailand on a non Imm O entry unless there is some reason that you prefer the O-A.



The reason i prefer the OA:


1. No need cash money in TH but in germany, frankfurt its sufficient you have 20TEUR of assets. Can be cash, stocks bonds ect. on any account anywhere.


2. The OA gives you 2Y of stay in TH not only 1Y with the extension


3. Very little paperwork necessary with the OA in germany. I received the Non Imm O ME in Berlin by an agent since i dont have a residence in germany. The process was very smooth


Berlin is asking for 20TEUR cash on bank for the OA for a period of 3 months which i did not have at the time of my application thats why i applied for the O because for thatthey asked only for 5TEUR cash.

1 month later i learned that the Frankfurt Thai Consulate they require 20TEUR of assets only.






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6 minutes ago, Crisu said:



The reason i prefer the OA:

1. No need cash money in TH but in germany, frankfurt its sufficient you have 20TEUR of assets. Can be cash, stocks bonds ect. on any account anywhere.

2. The OA gives you 2Y of stay in TH not only 1Y with the extension

3. Very little paperwork necessary with the OA in germany. I received the Non Imm O in Berlin by an agent since i dont have a residence in germany.

Berlin is asking for 20TEUR cash on bank for the OA for a period of 3 months which i did not have at the time of my application thats why i applied for the O because for thatthey asked only for 5TEUR cash.
1 month later i learned that the Frankfurt Thai Consulate they require 20TEUR of assets only.


800k thb is euro 23357 at current exchange rate not 20k euros .




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I had exactly that problem. I had a nonimmigrant retirement visa in my passport, issued by the Chiang Mai immigration office last year and valid until August 4 of this year. I wanted to switch to an O-A visa, given the change in rules (no longer able to get an income affidavit) and given that I would be visiting the United States anyway (I’m American).


So I visited the Thai embassy in Washington this past April to apply for the O-A visa and was told that that would be impossible, because I still had a valid retirement visa in my passport, and I could not have two valid visas simultaneously. I can see the sense in that and then asked them to simply cancel the earlier visa, but they said they could not do that, because they had not originally issued the visa.


Then I had a friend in Chiang Mai visit the immigration office there to see if I could Fed-Ex my passport to her, and have her deliver the passport to the immigration office and have them cancel the visa, then have her Fed-Ex it back to me. Nope -- for some reason, Chiang Mai immigration said they could not do that, either.


That left two options: pretend to lose my US passport and apply for a new one, which would have no extant visas inside; or stay in the US a few extra months until the visa naturally expired. I opted for the latter, successfully applied for the O-A visa last week, and will hopefully pick it up at the Thai embassy tomorrow morning.


Different people may have different experiences with this.

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1 hour ago, Cory1848 said:

I had exactly that problem. I had a nonimmigrant retirement visa in my passport, issued by the Chiang Mai immigration office last year and valid until August 4 of this year. I wanted to switch to an O-A visa, given the change in rules (no longer able to get an income affidavit) and given that I would be visiting the United States anyway (I’m American).




So I visited the Thai embassy in Washington this past April to apply for the O-A visa and was told that that would be impossible, because I still had a valid retirement visa in my passport, and I could not have two valid visas simultaneously. I can see the sense in that and then asked them to simply cancel the earlier visa, but they said they could not do that, because they had not originally issued the visa.




Then I had a friend in Chiang Mai visit the immigration office there to see if I could Fed-Ex my passport to her, and have her deliver the passport to the immigration office and have them cancel the visa, then have her Fed-Ex it back to me. Nope -- for some reason, Chiang Mai immigration said they could not do that, either.




That left two options: pretend to lose my US passport and apply for a new one, which would have no extant visas inside; or stay in the US a few extra months until the visa naturally expired. I opted for the latter, successfully applied for the O-A visa last week, and will hopefully pick it up at the Thai embassy tomorrow morning.




Different people may have different experiences with this.


Looks like  different Consulates have different rules.


I had no problem obtaining a new O-A retirement visa in June about 5 months before my existing O-A retirement visa expires in November at the Thai Consulate in Chicago.

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48 minutes ago, TBKK said:

Looks like  different Consulates have different rules.


I had no problem obtaining a new O-A retirement visa in June about 5 months before my existing O-A retirement visa expires in November at the Thai Consulate in Chicago.

Do you mean the old visa expires in November or your permission to stay and re-entry permit for the second year expire in November? You can get almost a 2 year stay with an OA and your permission to stay can still be valid after the visa expires.


if you were getting a new visa 5 months before the old one expires, you're leaving almost 17 months on the table. 5 months on the visa and 12 months if you do a border hop just before the visa expires sand then obtain a re-entry permit 


If you mean you were already in the second year permission to stay and had a re-entry permit, then the old visa would have expired when you applied for a new one. The OA expires one year from date of issue.  you can't extend or renew the visa ( it expires on the date on the embassy or consulate issued visa) although immigrations can give you the new twelve month stay just before the visa expires.






Edited by Suradit69
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9 hours ago, Crisu said:

ney in TH but in germany, frankfurt its sufficient you have 20TEUR of assets. Can be cash, stocks bonds ect. on any account anywhere.

Hopefully you'll get the O-A before acceptable medical insurance is required ... or possibly you already have coverage that meets the minimum required and accepts claims for treatment in Thailand. It seems, so far at least, only OA applicants will need to have this.

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