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Video: Japanese student refuses to budge for motorcyclists on the sidewalk


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1 minute ago, Just Weird said:

Do you think that people with motorbikes should be allowed to ignore traffic laws just so they don't have to walk to the ATM?


Fact is that the pavements are full of pedestians. If there were 100% fewer hypocrites riding their motorbikes on the pavement to the ATM then there would be a lot more space for pedestrians.

Why do you know that there were pedestrians when I stopped in front of the ATM?

I was there but I didn't see you there. And I am sure I didn't see you because nobody was on the sidewalk.

So stop accusing me of things which are not true!

Slowly I get fed up with people who pretend to be holier than thou.

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22 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It would be interesting to see a statistic in which kind of accidents people die on Thai streets.

Obviously it would be perfect if everybody would follow all the rules all the time. But I guess we agree that won't happen. So what are the biggest risks?

I am pretty sure one BIG risk are all those zebra crossings. Many cars completely ignore them and it does not matter if people are on that zebra crossing or waiting at the side or if there is a red light. I would love to see police and cameras on all zebra crossings and people get heavy fines for ignoring them. I bet a lot more people die on zebra crossings in Thailand then on footpath.

Does that mean motorcycles should use sidewalks? No! But lets look at the priorities here. What would be the higher priority to safe lives? 

"Does that mean motorcycles should use sidewalks? No!

Except for when you want to do it?


"But lets look at the priorities here".

Yes, perhaps you should...

No.1 priority on the pavements: pedestrians.

No.2, and all subsequent priorities on the pavements: pedestrians.

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26 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Why do you know that there were pedestrians when I stopped in front of the ATM?

I was there but I didn't see you there. And I am sure I didn't see you because nobody was on the sidewalk.

So stop accusing me of things which are not true!

Slowly I get fed up with people who pretend to be holier than thou.

it is just that in this OP case alone; it was through-traffic... trying to create a 'new' lane.


I reckon her using the mobile phone, 'keying it created a good bluff... as if she was recording number plates


the other virtually faultless 'bluff'  was that, as a visiting japanese; any recalcitrant rider's attempt to verbally 'reason' with her, would be falling upon 'virtually' deaf ears

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22 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

The police could enforce the existing Thai law that people are not allowed to drive while using their mobile phone. I see every day multiple drivers who use their phone. And I "see" it already when I am behind their cars because many of these drivers move their cars not according to the way people do that if they look at the street. If I see it the police sees it. And they could act - but they don't do it.

And police could make a lot of money on every zebra crossing with all those cars and bikes which don't stop. Why does the police nothing? It would be simple to do it - if they want to.

This part of the thread has nothing to do with the police enforcing other laws, it only became that with your trying to distract attention from your own ridiculous assertion that riding motorbikes on the pavement is acceptable (for you).

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22 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

No, I know I follow the rules maybe 99% of the time but not 100% of the time.

But I think it's amusing that so many people here pretend that motorcycle riders should follow the rules 100% of the time when likely the people who write these comments are also not following all the rules all the time. 

"But I think it's amusing that so many people here pretend that motorcycle riders should follow the rules 100% of the time..."

No one is saying that, what is being said is that you should not be riding you motorbike on the pavement for any reason, least of all going to the ATM.

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20000 die on the road every year, and thousands more suffer life changing injuries. 2 children drown everyday. 14 woman are raped and 7 people are murdered.


There are a spectrum of reason for such statistics, ridiculous and quite lazy to blame it on culture.



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This brave woman is proof that it only takes one person to stand up and make a difference in a country of 20 million motorcycles.  

Let's start a nationwide TV pedestrian sidewalk vigilante group and stop all these law breakers. 

Power to the people!  

We don't need no stinking badges  ????


Edited by Skallywag
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On 8/22/2019 at 2:31 PM, meand said:

Where they belong or not is none of your business. Our emergency lanes are meant only for emergencies for example, but that is not the way things work here. Operative word being "here"... you're not back in Kansas yet Todo. Law enforcement takes care of this kind of thing the way they see fit. 


People seriously need to learn just because you are inconvenienced does not make you right (not to mention it biases you). This is not your country. So TM30 complaints or motorbikes, complain all you want, but you do not get to say how anything goes, or certainly where anything belongs. 

Wrong is wrong and has <deleted> to do w/where anyone here comes from.  But hey it's OK, go ahead and ride there.  My wife loves taking pix of ya'll and getting the reward after you pay your fine. ????   


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2 hours ago, Skallywag said:

This brave woman is proof that it only takes one person to stand up and make a difference in a country of 20 million motorcycles.  

Let's start a nationwide TV pedestrian sidewalk vigilante group and stop all these law breakers. 

Power to the people!  

We don't need no stinking badges  ????


If you haven't already, see the Stop a Douchebag movement videos on Youtube.

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On 8/22/2019 at 1:00 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

I understand if there is a small sidewalk which has only place for one person that the person won't go on the street because a motorcycle is on the sidewalk.

But this is not the case here. Her only purpose for standing there is to block motorcycles. Why? Does she feel better when she demands that other people do what she wants?

I understand if motorcycles drive on the sidewalk if traffic on the road is standing, and the space between cars is so tight that you can't even pass through with a motorbike.

But this is not the case here, it would be no problem for the bikes to drive on the road, as they are supposed to. Why do they have to drive on the sidewalk?

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Note: Not all motorbikes on sidewalks should be reported such as Thai Postal and other delivery/messenger services. Also, motorbike taxi stands have to use the sidewalks out of infrastructure limitations (understatement) in Bangkok.


A bit of judgment has to be applied.


Cars parked or using sidewalks should be given less latitude than motorbike taxis and delivery/messenger use.


Above all, be careful when getting images. I have a 30X optical camera so I can get images at a great distance.




Edited by MaxYakov
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I think if she did that in other countries in SEA or China, she would have been seriously injured.


You're not a citizen so don't meddle in that country's affairs. The traffic police are paid to do this job.

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A young Thai lady I had been friends with for quite a while flew down to Pattaya from Udonthani as she wanted to get my opinion on a local 3-bedroom house in an established  development she was looking to buy. She usually drives a car but showed up at my Pratamnak-area condo driving a friend's motorbike. I had always avoided riding on a motorbike. I climbed aboard. The house in question was east of Sukhumvit, a very long way away when each kilometer is filled with near-death experiences. Besides the usual road terror she would avoid gridlock by riding up onto the sidewalk and drive between racks of clothes for sale, around stacked merchandise, and beeping at pedestrians. After bouncing down onto the road again I said she shouldn't use the sidewalks. She looked back at me like I was joking. Off we went, onto the wrong side of the road, challenging oncoming traffic, then squirreling our way across Sukhumvit and into the unknown. Based on the care given by neighbors to their homes I advised she buy it as an investment. She did. I had her drop me across Sukhumvit so I could hire a baht bus home. After that experience a ride on a motorbike taxi seemed tame. I've used them since.

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On 8/22/2019 at 1:42 PM, jany123 said:

You obviously watched a different video and read a different post to the OP herein.

She did not direct a motorbike with four people on it, two of them being small children, directly down a curb and out into oncoming traffic? 

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48 minutes ago, meand said:

She did not direct a motorbike with four people on it, two of them being small children, directly down a curb and out into oncoming traffic? 

C’mon.... direct? she waved her hand around to indicate that the bike shouldn’t pass her. The bike shouldn’t be on the footpath, but rather the road...  How they get onto the road is the riders decision, just as it was his decision to illegally ride on the footpath.


you might have noticed that the taxi bike passenger climbed off such that the taxi could safely transition from path to road... no drama....the family could obviously do the same, if they wished to safely transition from path to road, at that point, rather than back track. 


And no.... the traffic was not oncoming... Road users in Thailand use the left hand side.... further, the traffic is barely moving, and the white van stopped at the intersection in the right of the screen, not much further along the road, doesn’t appear to move during the video.


did you even bother to have another look at the video before replying?

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On 8/22/2019 at 3:55 AM, PETERTHEEATER said:

the Japanese lady in the photo is carrying a crutch in one hand.

In fact, the female in the photograph at the top left distinctly shows she is holding her books with both hands.  Nowhere in the video is she seen using crutches.

'nuf sed.

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18 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

"How To Start Your Own 'Stop a Douchebag' Movement"




I just had a look at their most viewed videos. Lots of complaining guys but not even one pedestrian who wants to use the footpath. Great job guys! Or should I say douchebags? 

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