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DLT teaching students how to ride motorcycles as number without licences revealed


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falang prerequisites for driving in Thailand:


  1. have a bloody big bull bar on your SUV or truck
  2. have tonnes of top flight car insurance
  3. have tonnes of cash in the bank
  4. always drive to thai conditions io.e.anything bizarre can and will happen at any moment.
  5. Reset your brains to Thai roads not reasonably well maintained and trafficked western ones.
  6. learn the language so when folks are trying to stitch you up for any collision you may have you can at least understand whats being said and go get a damn good lawyer
  7. have said cash at hand at a moments notice to pay the bribes necessary to not get stitched up for crushing a dumb <deleted> in a scooter or in a car on Thai roads.
  8. drive like its your very life and obey the laws (not that this means much in reality on the ground there).
  9. never, never drive with any booze of substances in your system.
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6 hours ago, jackdd said:

I somehow doubt that there was a 12 year old asian girl riding a R1, this bike has a seat height of 855mm, i don't see how she would even reach the ground. Maybe she was riding a R15.

I know my bikes, and I know what I saw. She seemed fairly tall for her age, but her facial features made it obvious she was 12-13. She of course had no helmet on, and I expect it was her Dad's bike or something. Still crazy none the less 

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6 hours ago, essox essox said:

yeah they work in the dark too.....just like THAI DRIVERS DO every hour of the day !!

Most of them in Bkk are Isaanjeros and one of them really scared the shi_e out of me that I had to tell him to slow down on the way to the airport.



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When my son turned 18 he asked if I would buy him a motorcycle. I agreed on the condition that he take the motorcycle course run by Honda Thailand, at the end of which, if you pass the tests, you get the documentation to get a motorcycle license. He agreed and I joined him on the course. It was much more detailed than the courses provided by the LTD.  

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45 minutes ago, Globe Trotter said:

I know my bikes, and I know what I saw. She seemed fairly tall for her age, but her facial features made it obvious she was 12-13. She of course had no helmet on, and I expect it was her Dad's bike or something. Still crazy none the less 


   Her "facial features" made it obvious she was 12-13, already a year more. A 12 year old would be in grade six, pretty hard to believe that you've seen a 12 year old on such a bike.


"She" was perhaps a 23 year old ladyboy, without Hoi. On the bike of her Farang lover. Is it possible that your eyes aren't that good anymore? That's not a shame. 

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On 8/26/2019 at 11:29 AM, Laza 45 said:

..they could start by banning any student from school grounds that doesn't have a helmet.. perhaps subsidise or give helmet free.. 


waste of time and money, they still dont wear free helmets ! or if that was the rule put on 20 meters before school and AFTER passing the cop with his head cam,who waves them through every day.

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On 8/26/2019 at 2:55 PM, dougiemac52 said:

Yea prime candidate for a pass. It's just a lot of garbage. There is no way that thai people can afford the training needed for a license. Do they actually think that a couple of hours is good enough 

 Chanthaburi has a good driving school, with a test track that has a roundabout and hill start, 1,000 baht for M/C test 2 day course. Car test 5,500 20 hrs in all and have dual control car that includes being tested on a real road, if you fail they keep testing you until you pass at no extra charge,take you to get medical 115 baht,take you to get your govt licence,take and show you to cheap hotel nearby, the first time i have been impressed by a Thai company that makes no attempt to rip you off. I believe they also have school near pattaya. Well done wifey for passing the computer Questions first time. ????

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50 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

 Chanthaburi has a good driving school, with a test track that has a roundabout and hill start, 1,000 baht for M/C test 2 day course. Car test 5,500 20 hrs in all and have dual control car that includes being tested on a real road, if you fail they keep testing you until you pass at no extra charge,take you to get medical 115 baht,take you to get your govt licence,take and show you to cheap hotel nearby, the first time i have been impressed by a Thai company that makes no attempt to rip you off. I believe they also have school near pattaya. Well done wifey for passing the computer Questions first time. ????

Yes and as i posted before, a friend of my mrs went on such a course and the very same evening she passed !! We got a phone call would i go to her house as she couldnt back the car into her drive, the next day she cut a corner at slow speed mounted a high kerb and did considerable damage to the car, wheel suspension front and most of all underbody, in floods of tears because it was farang money from abroad and she had to tell him after openly saying " she cant drive", so thats my experience of the dual control method of training.

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On 8/26/2019 at 6:19 AM, mercman24 said:

i would like to bet 99% of the middle to older generation do not have a licence or any insurance, ( i know of 3 in my local bar) now multiply that be a few thousand, they come to the big city after riding for years in their village and think, no have, not need. never have accident, me Thai have amulet, and that my friend leads to 25,000 dead people, just imagine that figure in your home country.

Where did the 99% come from?
21 mill bikes, 13,3 mill licenses...
Yes agree to "terrible" numbers in this country, but 99%???

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On 8/26/2019 at 3:59 AM, Globe Trotter said:

It is a common occurrence for sure. But last year I saw something quite insane. There was a girl who must have been about 12 years old, wearing a school uniform riding a Yamaha R1 home lol.. 

Perhaps her scooter was in the shop.



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Teaching them how to ride? Better late than never, I suppose.


But that doesn't solve the 'riding without a licence issue', given that no licence means no valid insurance, and no valid insurance means when - not if - they have a collision with a road-legal motorist, that motorist has to have his own insurance pay for the motorcyclist's carelessness.

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On 8/28/2019 at 10:25 AM, brianthainess said:

 Chanthaburi has a good driving school, with a test track that has a roundabout and hill start, 1,000 baht for M/C test 2 day course. Car test 5,500 20 hrs in all and have dual control car that includes being tested on a real road, if you fail they keep testing you until you pass at no extra charge,take you to get medical 115 baht,take you to get your govt licence,take and show you to cheap hotel nearby, the first time i have been impressed by a Thai company that makes no attempt to rip you off. I believe they also have school near pattaya. Well done wifey for passing the computer Questions first time. ????

I'm relieved to know that they keep testing them until they pass. A relief that is tempered by the knowledge that, having passed, they can then be let loose on the roads with roughly the same level of ability that they demonstrated pre-pass. 


And in a variation on a theme: computers don't offer the chance to demonstrate competence on a real road.

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On 8/26/2019 at 9:31 AM, miamiman123 said:

Absolutely foolish concept!!! 
these motorbikes should be banned for students 

Ban me here and ban me there - we shouldn't accidentally miss CrackDowns - do we … ????

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