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Thaksin acquitted in 7-year-old Krungthai loan case


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9 hours ago, oldrunner said:

Could not be any worse then the "non-oath taker" chamai?

Taksin is worse than all in recent history, the corruption, nepotism, cronyism,  nonjudicial killings of 3000 suspected drug dealers, raising Visas by nearly 400 % and increasing permanent residency by 1000% etc

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Did Thaksin break his oath to the King and order a military coup?


Is Thaksin responsible for ALL of the thousands of deaths and injuries in the Southern provinces conflict.


Was Thaksin a far better businessman than all of the military coups since 1932.


I don't like him at all but I would far prefer him than the lot in power now.

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3 hours ago, billd766 said:

Did Thaksin break his oath to the King and order a military coup?


Is Thaksin responsible for ALL of the thousands of deaths and injuries in the Southern provinces conflict.


Was Thaksin a far better businessman than all of the military coups since 1932.


I don't like him at all but I would far prefer him than the lot in power now.


Easy to be a "brilliant" businessman when you have a monopoly and can change laws to suit yourself. Loaning tax payer's money to another country on low interest so they can buy goods and services from your family business, and only your family business ain't a bad little earner either.


He did zilch to improve the situation in the South. The deaths of Southerners transported in military trucks occurred on his watch. His puppet Yingluck sent the <deleted>-artist moron Chalerm to sort it - and guess what, he didn't!


Had he wangled his whitewash and got his greasy hands on that planned 2.2 trillion baht loan which they wanted to take out of parliamentary scrutiny, he'd have consigned future generations to debt whilst enriching his clan even more. His aspiration would be the same has is mate Hun Sen. Family dynastic dictatorship. And if that ever happened, you see that he'd make the junta look like saints once in power.

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3 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Taksin is worse than all in recent history, the corruption, nepotism, cronyism,  nonjudicial killings of 3000 suspected drug dealers, raising Visas by nearly 400 % and increasing permanent residency by 1000% etc


Yes but he pretended, with convincing propaganda, to be left wing liberal; supporting the poor and fighting the rich establishment. All swallowed by the Shin fan boys on TVF!

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3 hours ago, candide said:

I always thought he would not be convicted in this case because he is likely to hold incriminating evidence on other people from the dominant network. Starting with Meechai, the author of the Junta's constitution, who was the chairman of the company which received the fraudulous loan from KB.


Yep. Which also explains why the case against his son as gone nowhere too.

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18 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

That’s what Suthep want people like you to believe that the amnesty meant to whitewash corruption cases. Yingluck has explicitly stated “The Amnesty Bill was designed to absolve the victims of the power seizure and not to whitewash corruption”. 

She also said he would not be on the list and he appeared on the list... your a prime candidate to buy a bridge.

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12 hours ago, billd766 said:

Did Thaksin break his oath to the King and order a military coup?


Is Thaksin responsible for ALL of the thousands of deaths and injuries in the Southern provinces conflict.


Was Thaksin a far better businessman than all of the military coups since 1932.


I don't like him at all but I would far prefer him than the lot in power now.

No he did not do the things you said.. but that does not make him innocent he is a crook and guilty.


The military is guilty too. Your reasoning is not sound at all. You are saying let him go because others have escaped justice. My point is once you start doing that you can let them all go free and none ever get punished. 


I would not want him in power not even over the military. Maybe his sister but not him he is a bold face liar as bad as the military. 


The army should be punished too probably never happens.. but they should but that is not a justification not to go after Thaksin.


Its like saying let this murderer go because many never get caught. Or dont prosecute red light jumpers as many never get caught. It would only make things worse. 

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Okay, Taksin is sketchy af but look what all this drama drama was based on. Some absolutely skant heresay that in the normal world wouldn't even have made it past a paralegal intern.


Perhaps this feeds corruption as well. It's hit and run government. Even the larger figures only exist at the pleasure of the largest. The machine routinely eats it's own

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22 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

The amnesty applied to offences committed during the political turmoil after Thailand's 2006 coup. Nothing to do with corruption cases. 

Well, maybe - but only until Mr.T's bent lawyers twist and bent and confuse and deny and bribe to such an extent that nobody is really sure what he did or didn't do!

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2 minutes ago, HonestQuietDoug said:

Your logic is flawed. I think the case many are making is not "don't prosecute a certain crime because many others never get caught" but rather "don't abuse the legal system to attack you political enemies". So to clarify using your analogy "don't prosecute someone for jumping a red light, without evidence, merely because it benefits your political situation".

My analogy is perfectly sound there are plenty of crimes that Thaksin is sought for with ample evidence. Just not this case. Anyone who thinks he is not corrupt or dirty has obviously not been in Thailand for a long time. 

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2 minutes ago, HonestQuietDoug said:

I personally would see it as a far more sound position to be taking each and every allegation against not just Thaksin, but all of those aligned against the military-establishment powers with a very large grain of salt. Having a Thaksin obsession is of course what those currently in power want, fortunately for Thailand, the younger generations are no longer falling for the old tricks and great change is just a matter of time. Future Forward leader Thanathorn has stated that if/when he becomes Prime Minister he will allow Thaksin to return to Thailand to face new, impartial and just trials for any cases raised against him - the implication is of course that if the trials are impartial, fair and just, Thaksin will be found not guilty. I am not aware of anybody ever directly making the claim that Thaksin should be given a pass for anything because others are not prosecuted for similar crimes - this charge appears to be an imagination on your behalf to qualify your latter assertions. Thailand's legal system has serious inadequacies and faults that can only be rectified by the re-establishment of democracy and the replacement of the current constitution. The fact right now is plain and simple, the reason for Thaksin being charged and acquitted of this particular crime have nothing to do with the law and nothing to do with justice and everything to do with politics. This is what should have you feeling aggrieved and it is also the reason your analogy is not sound.

In any fair court forcing a loan upon a bank so they can buy telecom equipment of the the one who forced the loan is at least conflict of interest probably even corruption. So id love to see that case go to trial.


I would also love to see the army get convicted for what they did. I just don't believe in letting people of the hook because other people get off the hook. 


YL brought up an amnesty for her brother.. like that is not enough of showing that he would have gotten a free pass.


Your 100% right about the legal system not being fair, but its better to punish a few corrupt ones then none at all. 

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16 minutes ago, HonestQuietDoug said:

fortunately for Thailand, the younger generations are no longer falling for the old tricks and great change is just a matter of time.


17 minutes ago, HonestQuietDoug said:

Future Forward leader Thanathorn has stated that if/when he becomes Prime Minister he will allow Thaksin to return to Thailand to face new, impartial and just trials for any cases raised against him

Good heavens some people are naive. There is no "great change" in the wind, no stirrings among the proletariat, no pitchforks being sharpened - do not confuse any political signs you may see as being anything other than self-interest raising its head. For sure, some want change, but there is no groundswell and never will be, as history will tell you. There will be no French revolution in Thailand. And what on earth makes you think that if Thanathorn achieves the impossible (yep, it is) that he will still be a free and independent soul, untainted by the hands that he will have to kiss to get there. 

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