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Brexit: PM Johnson faces mounting legal, political, diplomatic challenges


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1 hour ago, Forethat said:

As his intentions are clearly described, I would assume they are also the reason for the parliamentary prorogation in question and that the allotted time is required for planning and preparation?


Surely no one can be that naive. Brexiteers have admitted on the radio that "Preparing for the the Queens speech" or whatever was just a cover. The members of the cabinet sound utterly unconvincing, when claiming Boris is telling the truth. It appears that no rational adult in the UK, would expose themselves to utter ridicule by showing that they were gullible enough to believe Boris.


Relax, everyone knows why he did it, why waste your time and energy pretending otherwise. .............oh ........I see........you are joking.

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8 minutes ago, Forethat said:


And the earth is flat, we never landed on the moon, Elvis is still alive, WTC was a controlled demolition and the Illuminaties are in complete control of the world.


Please, you've had your go. On 23 June 2016 to be exact. Now grow up and stop crying.

That's like banging a dinner gong lol

(49 will be along shortly wearing a bib ???? )

Edited by evadgib
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12 hours ago, nauseus said:

The facts concerning whether the referendum was necessary, or not, are well explained at the end of the VDO in post 63. Our entry into the EEC was only enabled by Heath's deception. UK membership into the EU was driven by Major, then Blair and Brown, who all signed EU treaties, without the referendums that were promised but should have been.


The 2016 result itself fact, showing that a referendum, at last, was necessary. 

One notable omission from your list of PMs - Thatcher. Is that because you know she would never have considered holding a referendum, as she understood just how anti-democratic such a 'device' was?

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5 hours ago, nauseus said:

That's the point, Danny. Leavers did not vote for a deal. They just voted to leave the EU. 

That's what's confusing. May's deal would have resulted in the UK no longer being a member of the EU, but Leavers keep telling us it's 'not what we voted for'.

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2 hours ago, Forethat said:

As his intentions are clearly described, I would assume they are also the reason for the parliamentary prorogation in question and that the allotted time is required for planning and preparation?


Just coincidence, then?

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1 hour ago, evadgib said:

May's 'deal' (treaty) was akin to plugging an electric car into a charger after the wheels had been nicked.

So just being out of the EU was not good enough for you, you wanted wheels as well...

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

May's "deal" is not a deal. It's a treaty which guarantees almost nothing at a bargain basement price of 39B!

Choose on your own for a divorce, but refuse to pay one's share of the couple's open bills and reject undersigned running contracts... Don't mind what names the neighbours call you, just see what the Court's going to do with you... But, hey, here: no-no, not the same, different rules! Ya wish!

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5 hours ago, bangrak said:

Choose on your own for a divorce, but refuse to pay one's share of the couple's open bills and reject undersigned running contracts... Don't mind what names the neighbours call you, just see what the Court's going to do with you... But, hey, here: no-no, not the same, different rules! Ya wish!

Sunday in Spoonies then?

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5 hours ago, bangrak said:

Choose on your own for a divorce, but refuse to pay one's share of the couple's open bills and reject undersigned running contracts... Don't mind what names the neighbours call you, just see what the Court's going to do with you... But, hey, here: no-no, not the same, different rules! Ya wish!

Although this isnt a case of a married couple getting a divorce , its about the Uk leaving the E.U

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(So G.E. looming …..)



Johnson could sacrifice majority by withdrawing whip from rebel MPs

Rebel Tories face deselection over Brexit, as PM abruptly cancels meeting with group including ex-ministers


Boris Johnson is prepared to blow up his own parliamentary majority and withdraw the whip from dozens of Conservative MPs if they back plans to stop no-deal Brexit, Tory whips have warned potential rebels, in an extreme move by Downing Street that would pave the way for an imminent general election.


As hostilities escalated, Johnson also signalled how serious his intention is to follow through the threat of deselection by abruptly ripping up plans for a meeting with rebellious former ministers, including Philip Hammond and David Gauke, that had been billed as a last-ditch effort to limit support for the action in parliament.

Hammond was offered a one-to-one meeting with the prime minister which he declined, calling it “discourteous” to cancel on the group.

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3 minutes ago, zorrow424 said:

Its all over,finished   kaput    ND plus Boris has won,  now just count the days down and all the squabbling is finished   Clutching at straws,even fresh air if the thoughts of reversing Brexit is apparent,get over it

Thanks for the heads up...… I feared already you would not leave once more ….lol 5555

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Monday 2 September 2019 04:16, UK

...And here is Boris in desperation.... ,threatening  making opposition bigger in numbers ….Oh Boris ...!!:cheesy::laugh::cheesy:skynews-boris-johnson-house-of-commons_4762243.jpg




Tory rebels who try to block no-deal Brexit told they will have whip withdrawn

The threat to potential rebels is being issued by Tory whips ahead of a critical week in parliament for the PM's Brexit plans.

Tory MPs who support attempts to block a no-deal Brexit will have the party whip withdrawn and barred from standing as Conservative candidates at the next general election.

The dramatic threat to effectively expel potential rebels from the party is being issued by Tory whips ahead of a critical week in parliament for Boris Johnson's Brexit plans.


Withdrawing the whip would see MPs keep their seats in parliament but sit in the Commons as independent MPs.


Edited by david555
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