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UK lawmakers reject PM Johnson's request to hold an early election


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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

We don't know if they are quite content, considering what has come to pass I should think that many regret voting leave and would prefer the status quo, of course we could always ask them but I doubt BJ RM and Farage would like that too much.

Yes they could ask them again and would they abide by the decision, of course they would if they got the answer they wanted, if not it would be a case of, maybe just one more or possibly two, infact as many as it takes to get the answer we insist on. 

You hoping that many have changed their mind does not make it so, I think the only regrets that the electorate have is voting in this duplicitious parliament.

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32 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Yes we understand that but did the people who voted leave want a deal or no deal exit?

They replied 'Leave' to the question asked of them, they were never asked the question "deal or no deal" exit, so it would be a question that is very difficult to answer. You cannot answer a question that hasn't been asked.

Edited by vogie
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11 minutes ago, vogie said:

Yes they could ask them again and would they abide by the decision, of course they would if they got the answer they wanted, if not it would be a case of, maybe just one more or possibly two, infact as many as it takes to get the answer we insist on. 

You hoping that many have changed their mind does not make it so, I think the only regrets that the electorate have is voting in this duplicitious parliament.

Make the enacting of the confirmatory vote mandatory.



Edited by DannyCarlton
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35 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

If we can organize an election so quickly why cant we organize a referendum with the options deal, no deal or remain.


That way the will of the people can be demonstrated and acted upon.

The will of the people would only be acted upon if the vote was Remain.


Therefore, no point in a second vote as it would not be respected when Remain loses again.



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4 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

On this I totally agree.


However a GE is absolutely the worst way to decide the outcome of Brexit. What if it results in a hung parliament (very likely)?


Also a GE is never a single issue vote. What about those who want to decide which party is likely to deal with their concerns about policing, the NHS, university tuition fees, education and multitude of other issues? What you might end up with is a government that takes Brexit in a direction you agree with but after Brexit is concluded, in the next few months, you would have a government for the following 4 1/2 years that, in your opinion, takes a whole range of issues in totally the wrong direction.


A GE is an inappropriate, undemocrat and impractical way of deciding the outcome of Brexit. If the opposition win enough seats to form a coalition they would call for a confirmatory vote to decide the outcome of Brexit. Why not go straight to that? Same as a referendum but make the outcome mandatory. Simple, negotiated deal vs revoke Article 50. Could all be done and dusted in weeks. Let the people decide.

I agree, in principle, particularly the other reasons why people vote for a party. However, should it come to a vote and a 'negotiated deal' was the outcome, we're back in the same situation that the tories have been in for the last three years. May's deal was rejected. What's going to change?  A compromise? Corbyn would stay in the single market and customs union, which is the most sensible course of action, IMO.

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5 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

The will of the people would only be acted upon if the vote was Remain.


Therefore, no point in a second vote as it would not be respected when Remain loses again.



As Remain is the best deal for Britain, I would also vote for that conclusion. But I do not make decisions, only parliament can do that. 

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2 hours ago, brucec64 said:

Parliament has 3-4 more years to go before an election is required. Are you requesting a do-over because you don't like to parliament that was elected in the last election? Seems like you are the losing side not consenting to a public vote. How is this different from a second referendum? That is true irony. 

If as a party you had a manifesto and now you change it, isn't it only right you give the people the choice to vote in an election, as you have changed the goal posts and stance, on what you as an MP came to power, in their constituents.

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1 minute ago, DannyCarlton said:

Obviously that would be decided before the vote. If you want to do it quickly, May's deal or a variant that the EU approves. No need for parliament to vote on it. Personally, I've never understood why Brexiteers were so against it, I doubt that we would have got better. All Brexiteers say is BRINO, without explanation, just rhetoric an expletives.

A point of correction - parliament would have to vote on it. And I agree with Brino - so what?  The man in the street couldn't give a toss - that's for the government to sort out, not him.

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1 minute ago, JonnyF said:

Huge difference. You are a member of the public and will obviously vote according to your opinion. Whether you accept the result or not makes little difference.


Jo Swinson is leader of the lib dems. She should respect the democratic vote of the people. She calls for a second referendum and then says she would not respect the vote if she lost. Do you not understand that is a problem for an elected politician?   

Again make the outcome mandatory. Don't give her a choice.

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1 minute ago, Laughing Gravy said:

If as a party you had a manifesto and now you change it, isn't it only right you give the people the choice to vote in an election, as you have changed the goal posts and stance, on what you as an MP came to power, in their constituents.

None of the parties changed their manifestos. All manifestos clearly said to leave with a deal (CON, LAB) or not at all (some others). 

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2 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Huge difference. You are a member of the public and will obviously vote according to your opinion. Whether you accept the result or not makes little difference.


Jo Swinson is leader of the lib dems. She should respect the democratic vote of the people. She calls for a second referendum and then says she would not respect the vote if she lost. Do you not understand that is a problem for an elected politician?   

But there hasn't been a democratic vote in favor of no-deal.

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19 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

A point of correction - parliament would have to vote on it. And I agree with Brino - so what?  The man in the street couldn't give a toss - that's for the government to sort out, not him.

So what does BRINO mean to you? What part of May's deal do you particularly object to?


If the man in the street doesn't give a toss, why didn't he let the government decide wheter to trigger Article 50? Why bother him with a stupid referendum? Actually, doing that would be much more in line with parliamentary democracy which is what's supposed to govern the UK.



Edited by DannyCarlton
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