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Trump says Bolton a 'disaster' on North Korea, 'out of line' on Venezuela


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21 hours ago, kamahele said:

Agree 100%. I do however think his position on N. Korea was  actually better than boss Trump's but that is it!

Invading North Korea could have been a disaster of historic proportions. Most of the nuclear facilities are underground, and we have no idea where they are. Carpet bombing the country, as was Bolton's fantasy, could have killed tens of thousands of civilians, and done so little to further the cause. Also, you never know with Kim. If he felt threatened enough, he could have launched attacks on Seoul. S. Korea is a major economy, and that in turn could have triggered a worldwide economic meltdown. Everything is so interlinked these days. Guys like blindfold bolton do not see that. They see the world in such dogmatic, black and white terms. He is not a subtle man. He does not consider nuance and the small details, and is not particularly adept at looking at worst case scenarios. Just look at the problems he caused with Iraq. The US has not won a war of any consequence since WWII, yet most will say they could kick anyone's butt. I rather doubt that assertion. Same applies to Iran, except times 50. Iran could create the kinds of problems for the US that could take decades to repair. They could cripple the US economy in a dozen different ways. 

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7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Invading North Korea could have been a disaster of historic proportions. Most of the nuclear facilities are underground, and we have no idea where they are. Carpet bombing the country, as was Bolton's fantasy, could have killed tens of thousands of civilians, and done so little to further the cause. Also, you never know with Kim. If he felt threatened enough, he could have launched attacks on Seoul. S. Korea is a major economy, and that in turn could have triggered a worldwide economic meltdown. Everything is so interlinked these days. Guys like blindfold bolton do not see that. They see the world in such dogmatic, black and white terms. He is not a subtle man. He does not consider nuance and the small details, and is not particularly adept at looking at worst case scenarios. Just look at the problems he caused with Iraq. The US has not won a war of any consequence since WWII, yet most will say they could kick anyone's butt. I rather doubt that assertion. Same applies to Iran, except times 50. Iran could create the kinds of problems for the US that could take decades to repair. They could cripple the US economy in a dozen different ways. 


Moar nonsense.

Moar scaremongering.


For all your rants, peppered with promises of what some countries might do to the USA and it's economy (never mind the World), not much of it was actually demonstrated. That you announce that they could do this or that, or that you toss in a link saying they might - doesn't make it so.


Going on about "not  won a war of any consequence since WWII" - without actually defining what counts as a "war of consequence" (and compared to WWII to boot), or what counts as "won" such assertions are meaningless. That's without even getting into the changing nature of military conflicts and victories.


"They see the world in such dogmatic, black and white terms. He is not a subtle man. He does not consider nuance and the small details...." - the lack of self-awareness exhibited is certainly amusing.

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