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Thailand production slump threatens Japanese automakers


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1 hour ago, keith101 said:

If the BOT where to drop their rate from 1.5% to 1.0% or 1.25% it would make a big difference to the Thai economy and a resurgence in exports which is what a lot of countries are doing to revive their economies basically brought on by Trumps retarded trade war with China .

No, it would make no difference at all as the intended devaluation of not only westen currencies, aka quantitative easing goes on. Europe just started printing fresh money in full force. The FED will follow anytime soon. It's a death spiral for central banks as national debt cannot be repaid. Thailand does not have uncontrollable debt. So they are better off to stay away from following the west being sucked in the next recession black hole.

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This article does not make a lot of sense. Japanese automakers in Thailand have never relied on domestic consumption but helped. Anyone with any nouse would have known that Thailand's 

domestic sales have reached a semi saturation level.....just ask the finance companies

Now the export market is feeling the same pressure & so EXPORT orders are not up to expectations

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6 hours ago, Cadbury said:

So it's all Trump's fault? What about the baht factor? Surely that must come into play somewhere.

The Japanese will not put up with situation for long. A pull out and transference of production to a lower cost country could well be on the cards. The bell is tolling for Thailand!


Havent the Japanese been quietly making the plans to move for a few years now? Building Large Factories in countries other than Thailand?....

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

This pattern mirrors declines in sales seen across Southeast Asia. The slower production is especially problematic to Japanese automakers, which count Thailand as the biggest manufacturing center in Southeast Asia.


Watch out for the first Japanese auto maker to cut it's losses either by radically cutting Thai production or moving production to somewhere where profits can be made.

Then the landslide will follow.

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11 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Can't help thinking the irony of the World Bank looking the other way when the EU and USA print money to stimulate their economies when both economies are eyeball in debts and weak balance sheets. I remember the '97 Tom Yam Kong financial crisis when affected countries asked to print money but World Bank refused and forced them to take big loans and big re-structuring reforms. In the end, it turn up as blessings for Asian economies as they are now stronger than the western economies. 

Do you Thailand is printing?

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Interesting that the Jap car makers are slumping. Maybe just saturation. At the other end Benz Thailand is having a bumper year this year. Sold 3,400 cars at the last BKK motorshow. They manufacture and sell more than 15,000 cars a year here oddly enough at a higher cost per unit than in Germany.

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