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High Speed Trains: Top drivers like "airline pilots" to be paid 100K up


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On 9/21/2019 at 6:51 PM, rooster59 said:

It has been pointed out that in developed countries train drivers are re-tested for their abilities every five to ten years and Thailand should bear this in mind.

Annually would be nice as a lot can depreciate in 5 to 10 years !

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It's not just about the drivers who need to be top notch, so does the track maintenance/security too ... otherwise the drivers can't do squat. So, also no numpties allowed near the crossings or anywhere near the track anywhere and needs to be fenced off properly or some moron will cause a disaster.

Edited by Sir Dude
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 Trains and Planes , Safety First .

  Humanoids , have high failure rates , stress,  sleep patterns,  relationships/ financial probs,, suicide,  OMG..

  This is your Captain Robot  speaking , sit back, relax and enjoy your flight .




Edited by elliss
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Like airline pilots? So they drive the trains similarly in 3 dimensions, or maybe just on the ground level permanent rails in one direction, where the greatest skill is one startil and one stop each trip, which is computer controlled anyways. Same as pilots...Right.

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On 9/21/2019 at 8:47 AM, Cadbury said:

All done and dusted. Soil breaking ceremony and media extravaganza performances done, ticket prices have been set, train drivers wages locked in, Bang Sue railway station almost completed.

Nothing much left to do except sign the contracts, borrow the money and build the rail line and the train.


ground breaking ceremony.jpg

They are all clapping because they bought the land where the train will run long ago, for very little money.  Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy.


Is there a video of this ceremony?  I searched for "shut up and shovel" but didn't find anything.  And what is that gray stuff in front?  Lumpy leftovers from the rice buying scheme? Maybe sticky rice they are trying to get off their gloves?



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On 9/21/2019 at 8:12 AM, NCC1701A said:

i want to drive a train.

This is (was) a train driver in the USA.  I think it was coal trains out of Wyoming.  Forum buddy, great guy.  Half-deaf from all the noise.  Died about a year and a half after he retired.  Serious guy.  He sent me some machining cutters and measuring tools free of charge.  He had a cool VW bus with the roof windows and also a Toyota FJ40 land cruiser.  This is Roy:



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On 9/21/2019 at 8:11 PM, DaRoadrunner said:

. I was puzzled why the yellow no go zone was like nearly 20 foot back from the platform edge

There it is in a nut-shell if proof of impending accidents was ever needed.. I've never seen a Thai take notice of the "yellow zone" or anything painted on the road for that matter

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On 9/21/2019 at 7:40 AM, emptypockets said:

Hopefully the bar girls will get personal Visa card machines soon so I can just swipe and go. I tried swiping the card down a bum crack once with very disappointing results.

I tried to sell to some bar girls and they were no interested. 

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Well Tourists wont use them if run by the current idiots.Im told because a drunk Thai attacked a Lady one cant enjoy a Beer on any Trains now. So much for a nice relaxed journey from BKK to Chaing Mai for the Family Tourists. ⚖️[emoji577]

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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2 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

Seems he went quiet after you pointed this out...

Nope, still here - I just don't live my life on here and don't check in all that often.  It's good for a few minutes here and there when I'm bored.


The OP said he wouldn't travel on anything built or maintained by Thais (or words to that effect) so I asked if he ever flies out of any Thai airport because all planes are maintained by Thais, repairs for all airlines are done by Thai engineers, air traffic control is done by Thais, there ar even Thai pilots would you believe.

Yes, Thailand's civil aviation authority was downgraded - and later upgraded again - but that was more to do with processes, how they issue licenses etc.  It wasn't about Thai engineers and their skill.


Then there are the hundreds of thousands of cars built by Thais for export all over the world - the poster obviously won't get in a car.  Sweeping statements about "not getting on anything built by Thais" are just ridiculous, based on a small minded mentality and borderline racist.

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11 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

Yes, Thailand's civil aviation authority was downgraded - and later upgraded again - but that was more to do with processes, how they issue licenses etc.  It wasn't about Thai engineers and their skill.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, OK. Sure.

Good defense.

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1 hour ago, Fex Bluse said:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, OK. Sure.

Good defense.

Try reading up on it.  I try to answer with specifics, you come back with cliched anti-Thai generalisations.  It is quite tiresome and childish.


When you want to debate with some reasoned arguments and have a grown up discussion I'll be waiting.

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