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From my experience people whom I helped just simply forgot about me when their problems were over.

I, of course regret helping at all. From being soft heart with empathy I evolved into a couldn't care less man.

When I found out a syndicate control the beggars on street corners I stop giving a setang to the beggars . I don't believe in feeding the fxxxing idiots who control the beggars.

The amount you mentioned is huge. Are you willing to loose that amount if anything goes wrong?

Being kind and helpful is good, being finally made to look like a bloody fool is not what you want.

In some cases I know the Thais in the first place didn't have an intention to cheat when they more or less beg for help. But when the problem was over they came to realize they don't really have to repay the loan, after all farangs don't kill people or even threaten anyone. A change of heart shall we say, and you lose all your money.

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2 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Stay out of it ! 

If you are heavily involved emotionally, and feel you want to help, buy the condo off her, you can legally own that and tell her you will hold it for her and keep it safe from others taking it off her.

I think the OP was talking about condo land.

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2 hours ago, pimmy6969 said:

WhT should I do. And if I do help her what can I put in place legally to make sure I am securely ok

Here's a crazy idea, see a lawyer and stop wasting your time asking anonymous posters on a forum who cannot ever give you the advice that you need but who will rejoice in giving you nothing but doubtful, anecdotal "evidence".

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2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Hate to say this but countless expats have been in same situation and almostall end up ripped off. More often than not the information theywere told was false.

Countless expats?

Almost all ripped-off?

More often than not false information?


Really?  Such as which "countless" instances?

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2 hours ago, pimmy6969 said:

I have been in s relationship for over 1 year with a Thai girl who has recently retired from her business due to the economic problems in Thailand


She has serious debts of loan totalling 10.5 million


However she has assets of condo land and car of 16 million. But cannot sell anything without making huge losses


She has asked me to help her out to pay off the loans so she can try and sell her land condo and car at a good price then she will pay me back


I believe she is trustworthy and I know she feels so bad to ask me but she is left with little choices as she has now little income and 120,000 baht to find every month to pay off loan with crazy interest rates


The relationship is serious and I have good relations with all her family. Many speak English as they have been well educated


WhT should I do. And if I do help her what can I put in place legally to make sure I am securely ok

I wonder how long it takes for (what is almost always) new "members" with no previous posts, who are never heard of again, to come up with multipage-generating OPs similar to this one?


Perhaps I'm just too cynical.

Edited by Just Weird
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25 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Here's a crazy idea, see a lawyer and stop wasting your time asking anonymous posters on a forum who cannot ever give you the advice that you need but who will rejoice in giving you nothing but doubtful, anecdotal "evidence".

So assisting someone in refinancing to lower their current' crazy interest' in poor advice? Interesting. And as it is a financial matter, wouldn't an accountant or financial adviser be a better solution to a lawyer? Maybe we all need to be a little cautious of your advice.


Just to assist in future:

Accountants deal with sums. Lawyers deal with right and wrong - or naughty and good, if you like.


Happy to help. My first three consultation* posts are obligation free - even to you.


*Consultations do not constitute legal advice or even financial advice and it is even poor from a comedic point of view for which it was based. Please read web site for further terms and conditions. ????

Edited by Farangwithaplan
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11 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

What is "condo land"? 


The likelihood is that the newbie OP was referring to "condo, land and car" valued at B16m.

It's that place where condos move to be with their own kind. There is a small region near Impact where indigenous Condos like to congregate.

Edited by Farangwithaplan
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12 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

I wonder how long it takes for (what is almost always) new "members" with no previous posts, who are never heard of again, to come up with multipage-generating OPs similar to this one?


Perhaps I'm just too cynical.

Yes. Change your name to "Just Weird.....and Cynical" asap!

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25 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Here's a crazy idea, see a lawyer and stop wasting your time asking anonymous posters on a forum who cannot ever give you the advice that you need but who will rejoice in giving you nothing but doubtful, anecdotal "evidence".

Why to bother to pay a lawyer and wasting time and money for a such thing?

Beg for money (Big or not) is a full past time for most of the thais

they seems to have an endless attraction for the money's problems.

Resolve one with a loan and the next one is never too far to come.

And of course the loan is rarely refunded, The flux of money works only in one way here

from the farang wallet to the lady pockets.

Do not get involved in this permanent circus is the best option.

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2 minutes ago, Farangwithaplan said:
18 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Here's a crazy idea, see a lawyer and stop wasting your time asking anonymous posters on a forum who cannot ever give you the advice that you need but who will rejoice in giving you nothing but doubtful, anecdotal "evidence".

So assisting someone in refinancing to lower their current' crazy interest' in poor advice? Interesting. And as it is a financial matter, wouldn't an accountant or financial adviser be a better solution to a lawyer? Maybe we all need to be a little cautious of your advice.


Just to assist in future:

Accountants deal with sums. Lawyers did with right and wrong.


Happy to help. My first three consultation* posts are obligation free - even to you.

"So assisting someone in refinancing to lower their current' crazy interest' in poor advice?"

I didn't say that would be "poor advice", neither did you explain how the OP would be able to go about doing that!


"And as it is a financial matter, wouldn't an accountant or financial adviser be a better solution to a lawyer?"

No, it would be a situation he needs legal advice for to protect himself.   A "financial advisor"?  Are you having a laugh? 


"Maybe we all need to be a little cautious of your advice".



Just to assist you in future, accountants measure, disclose or provide assurance about financial information. Lawyers deal with legal matters by interpreting and applying law often to provide their clients with legal protection.

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4 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:
34 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Here's a crazy idea, see a lawyer and stop wasting your time asking anonymous posters on a forum who cannot ever give you the advice that you need but who will rejoice in giving you nothing but doubtful, anecdotal "evidence".

Why to bother to pay a lawyer and wasting time and money for a such thing?

Why?  Ok, let's think about it...because there is a huge amount of money at risk, perhaps?

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7 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Why?  Ok, let's think about it...because there is a huge amount of money at risk, perhaps?

Take one minute more and read what i have written, not only the first sentence.

The problem with the huge amount of money (And the risk associated) is not his problem at the moment

because is the problem of the thai girl, why he needs to get involved in this nightmare?

(See a lawyer should be the first step in the process)

You get it now or still not?

Edited by kingofthemountain
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