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Is it possible to register ownership of the new home   My 11 year old son

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Is it possible to register ownership of the new home-In the blue book
  My 11 year old son

In the land purchase the son and mother are registered as landowners

Edited by dauu
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A blue book has nothing to do with the ownership of the land or house. A blue book is a list of Thai citizens who are registered as living at the address.


Any Thai citizen can be added to the book, however they will have to transfer out of their old book.


(Non Thai citizens who have obtained Permanent Residency in Thailand can also be listed in a blue book, but that is probably outside the scope of this discussion).

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As said, the blue Tabien Bann book (household registration book) is the official record of who LIVES at that address. It's not in any way a document about ownership.


Note: All Thai citizens must have an official address, and this is what the Tabien Baan book is for. They are free to change the location of their official address but they must have an official address.


In many instances to make an application for 'something' a Thai person must present their Thai ID card and the Tabien Baan book (usually copy) to prove their identity and prove their address.


OWNERSHIP is recorded / shown on the land title document for the property.


Also, both items above (PLACE OF LIVING / OWNERSHIP) come under different government agencies which are not connected.


From my understand a child can be recorded as the OWNER of the property and the land title document would usually also state who is responsible to guide that child.


In any event property legally owned by children (where a child is recorded as the owner on the land title document) cannot be sold until the child reaches adulthood (age of maturity) and at that point the owner (now an adult) can make whatever decision they want about selling or not selling the property. The person listed as the guide (paragraph above) has no influence at law whatever on this point after the child reaches maturity.


Before maturity the only way the property could be sold is by a court order which is extremely rare and close to impossible to achieve and where it has rarely happened the court will supervise the handling of the proceeds of the sale (all obviously to protect the child from greedy relatives / scam artists etc.).



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Is it important who is listed first
In blue Tabien Bann book?

Can the son be the first?

Must be a registered adult in the Blue Book?
Because the mother wants to keep a record in the house where we live.

Edited by dauu
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23 hours ago, scorecard said:

As said, the blue Tabien Bann book (household registration book) is the official record of who LIVES at that address. It's not in any way a document about ownership.


Note: All Thai citizens must have an official address, and this is what the Tabien Baan book is for. They are free to change the location of their official address but they must have an official address. Example: Plenty of Thais add their name to the Tabien Baan book of a friend or another relative. Also many Thais are were recorded, at birth, on the Tabien Baan of their house where their parents live, and their name is still on that same Tabien Baan book, but perhaps many years ago they moved to another location to work or get married etc. This situation is very common. When I got PR I didn't own any accommodation, so for convenience my name was added to the Tabien Baan book of my driver and a few months later changed to the Tabien Baan book of a condo I bought. Later my Thai wife and then my son were added to the Tabien Baan of the Condo. Then later we sold that condo and for convenience of all we took the Tabien Baan book with us to the Land title office, so that when the name on the chanut (land title document) was changed we could hand the Tabien Baan book to the new owner. But I repeat the Tabien Baan does not in any way indicate ownership and the Land Titles officer made no mention of 'Where is the tabien Ann book? or similar.  When we handed the Tabien Baan book to the new owner the LTO guy just made a side comment 'dee mark' (very good).   


In many instances to make an application for 'something' a Thai person must present their Thai ID card and the Tabien Baan book (usually copy) to prove their identity and prove their address.


OWNERSHIP is recorded / shown on the land title document for the property (the chanut document).


Also, both items above (PLACE OF LIVING / OWNERSHIP) come under different government agencies which are not connected.


From my understand a child can be recorded as the OWNER of the property and the land title document would usually also state who is responsible to guide that child.


In any event property legally owned by children (where a child is recorded as the owner on the land title document) cannot be sold until the child reaches adulthood (age of maturity) and at that point the owner (now an adult) can make whatever decision they want about selling or not selling the property. The person listed as the guide (paragraph above) has no influence at law whatever on this point after the child reaches maturity.


Before maturity the only way the property could be sold is by a court order which is extremely rare and close to impossible to achieve and where it has rarely happened the court will supervise the handling of the proceeds of the sale (all obviously to protect the child from greedy relatives / scam artists etc.).




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The OP states mother and son are listed as owners, this implies they are listed on the land title deed as the joint owners of the land.


And as stated above the son can be listed as a resident in the blue book. I wouldn't be surpised that is already done as part of the title deed registration.

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On 10/6/2019 at 12:37 PM, dauu said:

Is it important who is listed first
In blue Tabien Bann book?

Can the son be the first?

Must be a registered adult in the Blue Book?
Because the mother wants to keep a record in the house where we live.

in the house book 1 person is registered as the house master. It's nothing to do with ownership, but the house master has to approve adding names to the book and I doubt the district office will list a minor as house matter. But again - the blue house book has nothing to do with ownership, and many owners are not registered in the blue books of their properties (a person can only be registered in 1 book so if a person owns more than 1 house he/she can't be listed in all books)


17 minutes ago, inThailand said:

And as stated above the son can be listed as a resident in the blue book. I wouldn't be surpised that is already done as part of the title deed registration.

ownership registration is done at the land office. House book registration is done at the district offices. Both incidents are not related

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On 10/5/2019 at 11:57 PM, dauu said:

Is it possible to register ownership of the new home-In the blue book
  My 11 year old son

In the land purchase the son and mother are registered as landowners

No, a Blue House Book, as other posters have also said, is a registration of who lives in a house, i.e. have a registered address in that house. Aliens (farangs) are listed in a Yellow House Book.


The House Book got nothing to do with ownership, but a "House Master" – or "Master of the House" – is registered, and only that person can permit names obtained in the House Book; but that is in no way an indication of ownership.


The House Master don't need to be listed in the Blue Book, I'm a alien, and I have my own Yellow House Book, but I'm also House Master, and only I can permit Thais to be listed in mu home's Blue House Book.


Ownership of property is listed at the land office, and is written on the back of the title deed. If you by "land Purchase" mean registering the names on the title deed – often of Chanute title – then that names are the owners. A minor, under 20 years of age, can own land, and other property, but only under guardianship. Normally a land office will not allow transfer of a deed, herunder sale of property, when the owner is minor.


On 10/6/2019 at 7:37 AM, dauu said:

Is it important who is listed first
In blue Tabien Bann book?

Can the son be the first?

Must be a registered adult in the Blue Book?
Because the mother wants to keep a record in the house where we live.

No, the names are listed per date of registration.


It's not unusual a house book includes names of folks that don't really live in the house, but need to registered at an address. That is why many workers in big towns, and in tourists destinations, or in building construction, are not registered in the area they work, as there is no house there they can be registered in.


For example, two small girls of my girlfriend's cousin officially lives in our house, as they otherwise could not attend school, as their mother live in a rented place without availability of a house book.


A name in a house book can to my knowledge not be removed before it's registered in another house book. Then the tessa ban-office (village administration) will call the house master to show up with the house book and have the names de-registered (stroked out).

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