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Bangkok could be completely underwater by 2050, new report claims


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12 hours ago, Time to grow said:

You would have to understand some basic concepts such as math for this to make any sense to you.

I've got hot and cold shivers up and down my spine.......what do you think that means?

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On 10/31/2019 at 6:14 PM, webfact said:

In its report presented to parliament the panel blamed rising sea levels and the fact that Bangkok is in a low lying flood prone region.

and exactly how fast is the water rising? It's about a 1.81 mm a year in NZ, or so the NZ government says.

Certainly the governments of NZ and Thailand don't seem particularly bothered.


I did try to find the official rise in LOS, but google is firmly in the climate alarmism camp and I didn't find any facts- just a lot of might be's maybe's, could be's, etc.


Has the government started making plans to evacuate themselves to higher ground? Don't need to answer, as I know they probably haven't, nor will they, IMO.


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22 hours ago, Time to grow said:

Maybe by your estimation. I am impressed by how valid the science proves to be. As an example:


Svante August Arrhenius was a Swedish scientist. Originally a physicist, but often referred to as a chemist, Arrhenius was one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry. He received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1903, becoming the first Swedish Nobel laureate. In 1905, he became director of the Nobel Institute, where he remained until his death. Arrhenius was the first to use basic principles of physical chemistry to estimate the extent to which increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide are responsible for the Earth's increasing surface temperature. Arrhenius pointed out, with the first referee journal article In "1896" predicting a global average temperature rise of 1.0°C (>1750 pre industrial baseline) by the year 2000. 

As it turns out, he was wrong. The planet had only warmed 0.75°C by 2000, over 100 years later. Some people would point to this example and say, "See, I told you so, these scientists haven't got a clue." Other people would use this as an excuse to throw out all scientific evidence on the basis that it might be wrong. 

Keeping in mind that civilization has advanced some in the last 120 odd years and our technology has developed a bit. I take Arrhenius's warning as remarkably accurate given the circumstances. The premise that CO2 and other green house gasses are warming the planet has not only been established science for over 100 years, his predictions were essentially dead on. Making an argument that he was some kind of conspirator, as many do, is ludicrous.


You claim there is no "human caused" precedence for a CO2 spike therefore it is an invalid assumption. There have been five mass extinctions with various causes but the one common denominator, they all had a massive spike in CO2. We have never had a CO2 spike like the one we are having now. The rate of change is unprecedented and makes the Great Dying of the Permian Period look like a Sunday stroll through the park. No scientist is going to even entertain your argument that excessive CO2 is not caused by humans or if it were, it's not a green house gas. CO2 in the atmosphere has been in a state of balance for millions of years and the human caused additional CO2 has disrupted the balance whether you like it or not.


Science is a systematic and logical approach to discovering how things in the universe work. It is also the body of knowledge accumulated through the discoveries about all things in the universe. Science is based on demonstrable and reproducible data supported by empirical evidence. Science is based on results through testing and analysis, on fact, not opinion or preferences. The only acceptable challenge to science is with science.


If you choose to ignore, discredit, or deny the science in this age of science and technology, you do so at your own peril. As I have said before, it makes no difference what you believe at this point anyway. I will try not to be judgmental but the astonishment is hard to overlook.

Yes...Global Warming/Climate Change disaster Alarmists like to quote Arrhenius. But they only look at his earlier work, and ignore his later work. (Alarmists are great when it comes to cherry picking) 

   But in 1906, Arrhenius amended his prior work and admitted that he hadn’t really understood or taken into account the affects of water vapor in the atmosphere. He lowered the degree to which he thought CO2 could warm the atmosphere….and even admitted that increased CO2 would be good for animals!

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On 10/31/2019 at 6:14 PM, webfact said:

The panel recommended a sea wall embankment be constructed from SriRacha to Hua Hin to help protect large parts of Thailand’s coastline from the rising sea levels.

and the usual suspects stampede to their stockbrokers in expectation of a good deal ( for them ) in cement factories.

They should have built one from way above Ayutthaya down to south of Chumphon years ago, but as usual, did nothing.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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18 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

and exactly how fast is the water rising? It's about a 1.81 mm a year in NZ, or so the NZ government says.

Certainly the governments of NZ and Thailand don't seem particularly bothered.


I did try to find the official rise in LOS, but google is firmly in the climate alarmism camp and I didn't find any facts- just a lot of might be's maybe's, could be's, etc.


Has the government started making plans to evacuate themselves to higher ground? Don't need to answer, as I know they probably haven't, nor will they, IMO.


The latest data I read was that globally sea levels are rising on average 4 mm/annum, and the rate is rising, as glacial and polar ice melt accelerates, coupled with thermal expansion of water. As pre-industrial era global average temperatures rise past the 2 C mark, as they surely will in not too many years time, the Chao Phraya Delta will become both unliveable in urban, low-lying areas and largely flooded in the rainy season. 2050 seems quite possible, given the measured rate of temperature and sea-level rises of the past few decades. 

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On 11/2/2019 at 12:36 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

and exactly how fast is the water rising? It's about a 1.81 mm a year in NZ, or so the NZ government says.

Certainly the governments of NZ and Thailand don't seem particularly bothered.


I did try to find the official rise in LOS, but google is firmly in the climate alarmism camp and I didn't find any facts- just a lot of might be's maybe's, could be's, etc.


Has the government started making plans to evacuate themselves to higher ground? Don't need to answer, as I know they probably haven't, nor will they, IMO.




5mm per year according to this.




....and subsiding about 20mm per year.

That adds up to net sea level rise of about and inch per year so not long before large areas of BKK become unliveable.

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On 10/31/2019 at 2:09 PM, Guderian said:

Immigration have just announced that applicants for Non-OA visas must now have a 50-metre swimming certificate.

And able to swim to the IM office unaided. 

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On 11/2/2019 at 8:07 PM, plachon said:

The latest data I read was that globally sea levels are rising on average 4 mm/annum, and the rate is rising, as glacial and polar ice melt accelerates, coupled with thermal expansion of water. As pre-industrial era global average temperatures rise past the 2 C mark, as they surely will in not too many years time, the Chao Phraya Delta will become both unliveable in urban, low-lying areas and largely flooded in the rainy season. 2050 seems quite possible, given the measured rate of temperature and sea-level rises of the past few decades. 

Juat look at how much sea level has risen in the past 140 years...  it's really horrifying and scary...

                    Evidence of Horrible Catastrophic Sea Level Rise


 La Jolla, California.... 1871:..about 148 years ago.... 

La Jolla, California....  recently,   about 148 years later..Is It Underwater?    

     Just look at that horrifying sea level rise, people ! !    Time to pack up and move to higher ground. 

   Another spot in La Jolla.... 1894.. about 124 years ago..... 

Same Spot Recently....Devastating Sea Level Rise 
     Should they retreat inland soon ?   

     Something fishy about this horrible sea level rise we're all experiencing..... 

   Liberty Island, New York - 1898

  Liberty Island These Days with horrible sea level rise

    Wow... looks like Lady Liberty is about to drown....  LOL  

  Scary Sea Level Rise at Fort Denison, Australia Over the Years. We're Doomed ! 

        Oh oh.... the fort in Australia is almost gone now compared to ealier...  55555

  Fort Denison data 'more accurate than satellite' on sea levels

        The Madives were supposed to be underwater by 2018.   But instead all the beaches are still there and new resorts and hotels being built.  They're not exactly panicking.  Tuvalu was supposed to be almost all gone...   instead.. it's growing.  


Feb. 9 (UPI) -- According to new research, the nation of Tuvalu, a group of islands in the Pacific, has grown significantly over the last four decades.

The findings -- published Friday in the journal Nature Communications -- challenge the notion that small islands will be lost to rising seas.


Scientists at the University of Aukland analyzed hundreds of high-definition aerial photographs taken of Tuvalu's 101 islands over the last 40 years. Since 1970, the nation's total size has increased by nearly 3 percent. The islands have added some 73.5 hectares, or 181.6 acres, of new land.

Despite rising sea levels, the study showed at least 73 of Tuvalu's 101 islands are larger than they were 40 years ago.



   Oh.... and Polar Bears are thriving...   

Edited by Catoni
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