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8 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

If you are really tired all the time, and not sleeping, you need to start to make some lifestyle changes. 

Good post, and I agree with most of it. But the above sentence is not the problem. 


The issue is a body clock which is all over the place due to an irregular sleep pattern. Three days with roughly the same wake up / sleep time feels like an achievement....


But I do take your overall point about not worrying and going with the flow ????

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23 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

In Pattaya we have sex until we are exhausted then fall asleep watching a movie with a chicken drumstick in your mouth. Works for me.

Thats how its done.

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25 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:


In Pattaya we have sex until we are exhausted then fall asleep watching a movie with a chicken drumstick in your mouth. Works for me.

From that perspective, it could be the healthiest place to live in Thailand ????

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I used to have sleep problems, and after taking antihistamin before bedtime, and changed my sleep rutines to be on scedule almost every night, no more problems. 


Also depends what I fill my days with and what I do in the evening and when I eat. 

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1 hour ago, JimmyTheMook said:

Cut meat consumption, you'll sleep better.


Ever see many unhealthy lions and tigers....eat meat (especially red meat) to live. I eat a <deleted> load of meat and sleep just fine.

Edited by Mutt Daeng
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In my case I didn’t feel as though I was getting a good nights sleep, also feeling lethargic. I had never been 72 before so I didn’t know how I was supposed to feel but as I get monitored by my doctor every 6 months for prostate cancer and type 2 diabetes I thought it best I let the doctor know.

The outcome was, after a blood test, that I was anemic. Probably brought on by a poor diet. I am now 2 months into a 6 month course of iron tablets and my sleeping has improved considerably.

Maybe worth having a blood test done if you’ve any worries.

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15 hours ago, DaRoadrunner said:

I guess its this one?



Does not state the ingredients? Is there a list of ingredients on the bottle?



I have also used SleepMore herbs from


Yes its that one, I used stuff from I herb did not work, this did the trick. Its not perfect but for me its better then everything else. Having said that I tried so much that works for others that i think its personal on what works and what does not work. A matter of trial and error. 

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13 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Reading through this thread I see people falling into the same old trap.  They are trying to control their bodies to do what they want it to do when they want it to do, like its a machine or clock.   That will never work.  It's like people eating at set times of day even if they are not hungry, and then complaining they are never hungry, or have digestive problems, or people forcing their kids to go to bed at a set time and ordering them to be asleep, when they are not even tired, leading to stress and arguments for hours until they do nod off.  Taking sleep medication will make you feel worse in the long run.   


Obsessing about your sleep is the problem. 


Your body will get all the sleep it needs by itself when it wants it.  Some people hardly need any sleep at all, and other sleep a lot.  That's normal.


If you have a few nights without much sleep, then your will feel more tired and sleep better then.  You are never going to go to sleep if you body is not needing to sleep.


A neighbour of mine always complained about he was so tired and could never sleep, and was on sleeping pills.  He would always fall asleep for several hours in the afternoon on his patio sofa and then say he was not tired at night (because he did not even notice he was napping in the day lol).  That is like may people who nod off watching TV, or even on the train / taxi home.  


No you won't be tired from missing one night of sleep before an appointment or something the next day.  It takes a few days of lack of sleep to get you really tired, not as soon as the next day.  You are worrying too much.


If you are tired on day from lack of sleep, the next night you body will sleep better to catch up on what it needs, if it even needs it.


If you can't sleep, you are not tired or in need of sleep, so get up and do some work, or something.  


If you are really tired all the time, and not sleeping, you need to start to make some lifestyle changes.  You need to exercise a lot more, get outside and do manual work, ride a bike and go swimming / walking etc.  If you are sedentary your body will not need a lot of sleep, even if you mind is tired from your office work.  Obviously don't drink caffeinated drinks, coffee, tea, etc several hours before bed, and not eat a big meal.  


If its stress making your mind wander and worry, then you need to sort out the stress first, not start popping sleeping pills. 



I think this is written by someone who never experienced sleep problems. I woke up every two hours for over a month. It destroys you.


What your talking about is an occasional bad night.. sure.. but if you have it every night then you got a problem. 


You write the same <deleted> most people do who don't understand the problem.


I have had years of sleeping problems, i never nap, do a lot of exercise.. banished cafeine at one time.. nothing helped. Sometimes those basic things you say dont work.

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  1. Used to do shift work,2 to 3 night duty,got so damned tired 4th night so shattered sleep was utterly impossible. could never sleep in daytime,but doc gave me knock out pills so i could get back into a rhythm worked a treat,but took 2 days for effect to wear off
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Before I moved to Thailand around 3 years ago I had real problems with sleep. I'd zonk out really quickly but would wake up and not be able to get back to sleep again, lying awake and getting annoyed sometimes for hours.


After I moved here I changed my lifestyle,  by adopting a ketogenic lifestyle (low carb high fat) and I have had major improvements in many areas (20 Kg weight loss, put my type 2 diabetes into remission, came of 80% of many meds) and one unexpected one - sleeping like a top 8 to 10 hours every night.


I am in bed really early around 8 or 9 PM, practice intermittent fasting (only eat between 10 AM and 4 PM) and wake at first light every morning around 6 AM. I was always a napper before now no need for sleeping in the daytime. Walking 3 km just after dawn and just before dusk also helps. I rarely drink alcohol now.


I also had a sleep disorder where I would act out actions in my dreams such as kicking a dog I would actually kick out. The wife has had a few narrow escapes. This now happens very infrequently.

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About five years ago I developed severe tinnitus after a bad ear infection and it has been constant in both ears ever since. I stopped sleeping because of it. Couldn't fall asleep. The volume is horrendous. After months of an hour or two a night of sleep, at best, I went to a doctor who referred me to a shrink. She prescribed sleeping pills. I told her I did not want to take them as I did not want to get addicted to them. She told me I had two choices. Take the pills or die with six months. She said without sleep the organs fail. Resulting in death. I got it. Been using Rivotril ever since. Been sleeping quite well. I average seven glorious hours of sleep per night. It was worth it. A life without good sleep is a pale shadow of a life. 

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Just now, spidermike007 said:

About five years ago I developed severe tinnitus after a bad ear infection and it has been constant in both ears ever since. I stopped sleeping because of it. Couldn't fall asleep. The volume is horrendous. After months of an hour or two a night of sleep, at best, I went to a doctor who referred me to a shrink. She prescribed sleeping pills. I told her I did not want to take them as I did not want to get addicted to them. She told me I had two choices. Take the pills or die with six months. She said without sleep the organs fail. Resulting in death. I got it. Been using Rivotril ever since. Been sleeping quite well. It was worth it. A life without good sleep is a pale shadow of a life. 

Really bad luck hope you find a solution.

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4 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Really bad luck hope you find a solution.

I have looked and looked. Tried nearly everything. Neuros say it is incurable. There is a doctor in Germany who operates. Costs $250,000. 30% chance of success and 10% chance of mental retardation. Not my kind of numbers. Anyone who has found anything that helps, I would be grateful for the info. Even if I could bring down the volume a bit. Trying Chinese medicine at the moment. No results yet. 


I have not experienced silence in over five years. 

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I have looked and looked. Tried nearly everything. Neuros say it is incurable. There is a doctor in Germany who operates. Costs $250,000. 30% chance of success and 10% chance of mental retardation. Not my kind of numbers. Anyone who has found anything that helps, I would be grateful for the info. Even if I could bring down the volume a bit. Trying Chinese medicine at the moment. No results yet. 


I have not experienced silence in over five years. 

There is a product called SoundLess made by https://herbactive.co.uk/

I have no idea if it will help you as there are many causes of Tinnitus.


As for surgery causing mental retardation.... at least you would fit in well here!

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12 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

I presume you read Dutch? Perhaps you could enlighten us?



Google Translate shows ....


DroomSap has the following unique ingredients:

Herbal tincture of organic herbs , see below for the unique composition of this tincture.

Doxylamine succinate 0.326%

Natural honey 17% 

Other ingredients:  vegetable glycerin, sirupus simplex, carboxymethylcellulose, citric acid, potassium sorbate, vanilla and alcohol (3% vol). 

The unique Dream Juice tincture with a mix of 7 organically grown herbs contains:

Oats:  can have an entertaining effect on the nervous system: it nourishes and revitalizes the system.

Hops:  can have relaxing effects and can have a mild sedative effect. It can also help with menopausal symptoms. 

Mistletoe:  can support blood circulation for a healthy blood pressure, can reduce cramping and have a calming effect. 

Hawthorn:  can support the heart and can work to maintain a healthy blood pressure.

Horse chestnut:  can help you to get rid of grinding thoughts.

Passion flower:  can work on the relaxation and relaxation in the event of inner unrest and can stimulate the willingness to sleep. 

Nightcap:  can be used for nervousness, nerve pains and irritability. It can help to find balance and can have an anxiety-inhibiting property. 

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On 11/2/2019 at 3:21 AM, DaRoadrunner said:

There is a product called SoundLess made by https://herbactive.co.uk/

I have no idea if it will help you as there are many causes of Tinnitus.


As for surgery causing mental retardation.... at least you would fit in well here!

Thanks. I have always considered myself at least half retarded. Never go full retard, as Kirk Lazarus infamously said.


I will look into this, as I have dozens of others. One never knows. Though there are so many tonics, herbs, and techniques out there designed to dupe people who suffer from this, and accomplish nothing at all, besides ridding one of cash. At 110 pounds sterling per liter, it had better do something!

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On 11/1/2019 at 12:38 AM, DaRoadrunner said:

Yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Using your computer late at night, which exposes you to blue light, will not help you sleep.

I use f.lux on my computer. At night it switches to orange light. I use my laptop most nights until I sleep. I never have a problem sleeping quickly now. It's a free program that can be downloaded from the net.

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On 11/2/2019 at 11:07 AM, spidermike007 said:

I have looked and looked. Tried nearly everything. Neuros say it is incurable. There is a doctor in Germany who operates. Costs $250,000. 30% chance of success and 10% chance of mental retardation. Not my kind of numbers. Anyone who has found anything that helps, I would be grateful for the info. Even if I could bring down the volume a bit. Trying Chinese medicine at the moment. No results yet. 


I have not experienced silence in over five years. 

Search on YouTube for tinnitus remodulation, or tinnitus sound therapy. There are some sound files you can listen to. One or two of them eliminate or greatly reduce my tinnitus, but the effect is temporary. Perhaps listening to it long term will have a more lasting effect. The following video works quite well for me, but the effect is temporary. Use with headphones.


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On 11/2/2019 at 11:07 AM, spidermike007 said:

I have looked and looked. Tried nearly everything. Neuros say it is incurable. There is a doctor in Germany who operates. Costs $250,000. 30% chance of success and 10% chance of mental retardation. Not my kind of numbers. Anyone who has found anything that helps, I would be grateful for the info. Even if I could bring down the volume a bit. Trying Chinese medicine at the moment. No results yet. 


I have not experienced silence in over five years. 

I have Tinnitus too. It is a loud high pitched sound in both ears. Nothing seems to help. But luckily I can ignore it completely (at least until now). Here it helps that I cannot sit around without doing or thinking anything. So I always get distracted and don't focus on the Tinnitus. And on some days I don't have it and realize it by accident that it is not there. And no doctor ever could explain to me why it comes and goes. I tried every diet to find out a reason for this. In the meantime I gave up. It only disturbs me when I am at a noisy place and try to talk to people. But perhaps the noise would get on my nerves anyway. I googled for months to find a cure. But there seems to be none. 


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47 minutes ago, DavisH said:

Search on YouTube for tinnitus remodulation, or tinnitus sound therapy. There are some sound files you can listen to. One or two of them eliminate or greatly reduce my tinnitus, but the effect is temporary. Perhaps listening to it long term will have a more lasting effect. The following video works quite well for me, but the effect is temporary. Use with headphones.


You can download a sound generating app where you can adjust the frequency to find the one that covers your tinnitus. Fascinating but when you switch it off the effect is gone very quickly. There is also a kind of hearing aid that you can put into the ears that does this. I have never tried one. 


The app I have is the Frequency Sound Generator on Android. You can adjust many things and can save your settings. It is free. 


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As we age, our need for sleep is less. I sometimes break my bed rest at 2 am, noodle around on the internet for an hour or so, then go back to bed. If one worries about sleeping, it will only get worse.

Everyone's physiology is different. If I drink alcohol in the evening, my sleep is more disrupted than when I abstain. One of my neighbors swears by a whisky or two just before bed.

Melatonin does nothing for me. Codiphen ( antihistamine ) gives me about ten hours uninterrupted sleep. I take it once or twice a week.

It's a matter of working out your own strategies for getting a good night's sleep, and checking with a doctor that the strategy is sound.

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I used to get leg cramps in the middle of the night or when stretching out of bed early in the morning.  But in the past several years, I've joined the 10,000step/day club and those cramps are gone.

I usually get up twice during the night to pee.....but am quick back to bed and sleep well.


On rare occasions when something is on my mind, I take a single 200mg advil.   That small dose seems to work a treat for me.


age 69

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