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Trump “snubbed” by ASEAN in its summit with US


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13 hours ago, zydeco said:

Then all the people on TVF constantly complaining about American imperialism and interference in other countries should be happy, right?

It depends ... whether you are for freedom of expression or not ...
Look what's happening in Hong Kong and do not falter.
It will be as in Tien An Men blood bath except that, with modern technology everyone will know.
What do you prefer ?
A relative real liberty or a yoke without pity?

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10 hours ago, EricTh said:

I can understand why Thailand PM must attend because it's held in bangkok but I am surprised why Vietnam and Laos leaders even bother to attend.

Because the leaders of these two communist countries have understood what is happening.
The Chinese ogre is devouring all the SE Asia.
In the 20th century a French politician wrote a book in which he explained that the next wars will be water wars.

the country that will control the fresh water will be the master of the world.
And what is China doing for several years?
It builds numerous dams on the Mekong which is the feeding river of a good part of the Asean countries: Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam.
By controlling the flow of the Mekong, China can put down the economies of these four countries.


Some reading :



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11 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

Yes, very good at selling themselves to the highest bidder, whichever way the wind blows. 


Just like the massage girls who - 


Tells you: "I not like Thai man, him boxing me. I like farang, good heart, give many money for take care me."


Tells her Thai boyfriend: "Oi, I hate farang. Him very dumb and 'kii niaow' cheap. I not massage the Farang."


Tells her Chinese customer: "I like man China. Very rich and same same like Thai people. 'Wo ai ni' mean I love you. I not like white man. Them bad heart."


Tells her occasional Indian customer: "I like man India. Very handsome. Dark same same me. Same same Issan lady. I not like white skin. White skin look like lady."  


It's called making a living, going with the flow. It's the same where ever you work, calling out BS for what it is in your company in the West doesn't do you any good either.

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10 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Actually, he comes pretty close in a variety of ways:


--wholeheartedly embracing Putin and Kim, who arguably are worse than a lot of the ASEAN leaders.

--ignoring lawful Congressional subpoenas

--ignoring the lawful prohibition against using his position to enrich himself

--holding young immigrant children in Immigration detention centers where they end up dying due to maltreatment.

--publicly labeling opposition lawmakers and whistleblowers who go against him as treasonous traitors.

--encouraging his political rally supporters to attack opponents.

--giving public support to White Nationalists and racists.

etc etc.






Nonsense all msm and liberal talking points

All POTUS have a relationship with foreign leaders(putin and Kim)

Ignoring opposition subpoenas!

Enrich himself ,lol he doesn't ! Matter of fact all POTUS upon leaving have enriched themselves as a result of the office.

WB protocol doesn't pertain to the Office of the President it was created for intel assets

Racist and white nationals ,lol another fallacy with all dem accusations


Edited by riclag
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15 hours ago, zydeco said:

Then all the people on TVF constantly complaining about American imperialism and interference in other countries should be happy, right?

No they just seem to be completely  silent on this thread. The habis here are so predictable. Probably out hunting and gathering links for posts tomorrow! 

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1 hour ago, Assurancetourix said:

Because the leaders of these two communist countries have understood what is happening.
The Chinese ogre is devouring all the SE Asia.
In the 20th century a French politician wrote a book in which he explained that the next wars will be water wars.

the country that will control the fresh water will be the master of the world.
And what is China doing for several years?
It builds numerous dams on the Mekong which is the feeding river of a good part of the Asean countries: Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam.
By controlling the flow of the Mekong, China can put down the economies of these four countries.


Some reading :



But Thailand has Songkran instead????

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1 minute ago, alex8912 said:

But Thailand has Songkran instead????

Exact :tongue: 


and when a provincial governor asks the inhabitants to pay attention to their consumption of water and to avoid wasting it one sees the next day the owners of various vehicles wash them with great water.
Thai dislikes government or regional guidelines and does what he wants to do without dealing with further consequences.

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15 hours ago, VYCM said:

Geeze, what's with the flag right of photo.

The flag at the right is the correct protocol the only thing strange is that all the country flags of ASEAN are on there It simply could have been the US and the ASEAN flags on stage. 

Edited by kingstonkid
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3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

China has woken up to its true potential,....



" When China wakes up ... the world will quake is an essay by Alain Peyrefitte published in 1973 at Fayard. It has sold more than 885,000 copies, counting only the French edition. It has been republished in two volumes in paperback, subtitled respectively Regards on the Chinese Way and The Medal and its reverse.


( ISBN2-253-00929-6 )




The title of the book comes from a prophetic phrase attributed to Napoleon I: "Let China sleep, because when China wakes up the whole world will tremble." According to the historian Jean Tulard, this apocryphal quote was invented for the film The 55 Days of Peking released in 1963. For others, he would have said this sentence in 1816 in St. Helena after reading The relationship of travel in China and in Tartary of Lord Macartney, first ambassador of the King of England in China at the time

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16 hours ago, mfd101 said:

The one thing you can say about the Thais on international policy, over many many years going back to the C19th, is that they're pretty good at playing both ends against the middle and sneaking thru the little gaps ... They even managed to survive 1941-44 as a Japanese flunky and then get invited to San Francisco for the founding of the UN!


They are past masters at it!


Grovelling to your face and stabbing you in the back!

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

The Thai Foreign Ministry has tried to play down what has been seen as a partial boycott by ASEAN countries today of the ASEAN-US summit in which only three of the leaders of the regional grouping were present.

Pee Trump off at your peril.... 

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19 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Why should the leaders of other countries show up to a U.S. organized event that the U.S. leader doesn't bother to attend?


That doesn't strike me as a snub.... but rather, other countries sending officials from their countries of a similar level to those sent by the U.S.


Speaking personally, though, I really wish it WAS an actual snub of Trump, because no one deserves it more.


Others might also well say, it was Trump himself who snubbed the other ASEAN countries by deciding to not participate in the summits himself or even send the vice president, and instead sending functionaries.


You poor Soul......lol

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15 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

Pardon my jumping in. 


Just a small point.


The USA is MUCH MUCH MUCH more significant, in nearly every imaginable way, than all of ASEAN combined.


So, where it is OK for the USA to send a minister level guy, the ASEAN countries should have their top guys present. 


They are not peers with the USA. 


And with the exception of (tiny) Singapore, the rest of the ASEAN countries are fairly useless, other than to assemble stuff at low labor costs. 


Their is another world power waiting in the wings which has far more influence in Asia than America especially after the disaster called Trump

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4 hours ago, the guest said:

Just wondering why the US is part of ASEAN, since it is not in Asia.

because they cant keep their nose out of anything.


ASEAN - nothing to do with the yanks.


Its South East Asian countries.

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On 11/4/2019 at 3:30 PM, webfact said:

Kyodo News quoted a US diplomat as expressing US concern with ASEAN’s “intentional effort to embarrass” President Trump by partially boycotting  the summit.



President Pokahooker doesn't need any help in the embarrassment department - he's doing a bang-up job all by himself.

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On 11/4/2019 at 4:15 PM, zydeco said:

It's one thing to acknowledge that Trump is a lowlife cheat and con artist. It's something else to side with dictators, presidents for life, and serial human rights offenders just to score a cheap point against Trump. However bad Trump is, he is nothing compared to Xi and his concentration camps, who ASEAN praised, the Communist dictators in Laos and Cambodia, the genocidal Burmese, the actual murderer in the Philippines, the Singapore dictator, the Thai military government, and the president for life in Malaysia. That is whose side you're on.

jeez mate I can see the vein in you forehead popping. Go and have a lay down.

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On 11/4/2019 at 8:17 PM, Fex Bluse said:

Yes, very good at selling themselves to the highest bidder, whichever way the wind blows. 


Just like the massage girls who - 


Tells you: "I not like Thai man, him boxing me. I like farang, good heart, give many money for take care me."


Tells her Thai boyfriend: "Oi, I hate farang. Him very dumb and 'kii niaow' cheap. I not massage the Farang."


Tells her Chinese customer: "I like man China. Very rich and same same like Thai people. 'Wo ai ni' mean I love you. I not like white man. Them bad heart."


Tells her occasional Indian customer: "I like man India. Very handsome. Dark same same me. Same same Issan lady. I not like white skin. White skin look like lady."  


You get around quite a lot. And multilingual. I'm impressed

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On 11/4/2019 at 8:24 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I wasn't siding with or endorsing any of those thuggish governments at all.


I was simply pointing out the flawed reporting in the OP article by referring to the summit presence of the various countries as a "snub" to Trump.


And, more to the point, whether the other countries are thugs or angels, how are they snubbing anyone by sending minister-levels officials to a U.S. summit where the U.S. also is represented only by U.S. officials of the minister-type level?


John, don't waste you breath. We have the perfect storm of frothing anti Thai, anti Trump, anti anything happening at the moment. Give it a few hours and the storm will pass.

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On 11/4/2019 at 5:15 PM, zydeco said:

It's one thing to acknowledge that Trump is a lowlife cheat and con artist. It's something else to side with dictators, presidents for life, and serial human rights offenders just to score a cheap point against Trump. However bad Trump is, he is nothing compared to Xi and his concentration camps, who ASEAN praised, the Communist dictators in Laos and Cambodia, the genocidal Burmese, the actual murderer in the Philippines, the Singapore dictator, the Thai military government, and the president for life in Malaysia. That is whose side you're on.

Well said three quarters of leaders at that meeting were either dictators , despots or charlatans once again well said Zydeco.

Edited by chainarong
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