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US truck driver Pim becomes an Internet sensation


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12 minutes ago, JaiLai said:

1M baht a month, think that might be a little bit exageratted........just a bit.

If she owns / leases her truck, that can be real. But, it wouldn't happen every month.


5 minutes ago, johng said:

Now what about that long list of occupations  prohibited to aliens ?

As an owner operator, this rule wouldn't apply.

Besides, the US has never really seemed to enforce this policy.

I worked with 2 green card holders that finished their careers, through retirement, working highly sought after jobs. The union even accepted them. Neither had any skills that would entitle them to be selected over citizens.

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2 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

A green card holder is a legal permanent resident. They have all rights of a US citizen but they cant vote or become President , can even join the military. Cannot be discriminated against in any way.

There you have it.


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11 minutes ago, jonclark said:

Good Grief - A young girl has gone abroad and actually made something of herself and yet many of the people on here can only be bitter, moan and make snide comments that the rules in the country which they have chosen to live prohibit them from the same success / opportunities.


Can i respectfully point out that left she high school (not uni) and went into truck driving in Thailand, and for a 16 - 18 year old girl to drive a truck in Thailand takes some gumption, but she was determined and kept at it and is now reaping the rewards.I am sure she faced many challenges and obstacles. Likewise if people here who moan about the laws of the land showed the same degree of determination in making a success of their time here, despite the obvious hurdles and hoops to jump through they would all probably be happier and more content in the place they have chosen to live. 

Yeah but why does she need to broadcast it, there's plenty people in every country that come from humble beginings that go on to great success without having to let the world know.


45,000 followers......why?

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30 minutes ago, Barry343 said:

If it said 30000 to 40000 baht the story would be possible believeable, unless she was carrying contraband.


With almost half a million followers, she may be supplementing her trucking money with some serious YouTube and FaceBook money.


Edit;  My bad, not enough coffee.  That's 45,000 followers, not 450,000.  Still could result in significant revenue from YouTube / FaceBook and others...


Edited by impulse
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2 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Why not share and give inspiration to others and to show that hard work and determination can take you where you want to go.45,000 followers lookout she's just getting started.

Maybe bragging?


She's a truck driver, not a rock star!

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12 minutes ago, DLock said:


Most posters are happy she made a success of herself.


But you miss the point, or as a Thai apologist, choose to.


Thailand can never provide the same opportunities granted by most western countries. They are xenophobic, scared and protectionist of foreigners gaining any foothold or taking any jobs or money from Thais.


Nothing wrong with pointing out the obvious, unless you prefer to just ignore it like a proper Thai.


Your call.



Sorry for a second I thought you were talking Australia!This story actually proves you wrong about Thailand not providing opportunities and not all Thais are not xenophobic,scared and protectionist.

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