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Corruption Versus Democracy:


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The Nation

Wed, March 28, 2007 : Last updated 7:46 am (Thai local time)



Corruption versus Democracy: the ultimate pact?

The intertwined bodies of Democracy and Corruption loom over the Kingdom of Thailand.

Their latest showdown looks like anything but. The World, Heaven and hel_l gasp in absolute amazement as what started off as an epic battle between the Angel and the Demon seems to be transforming into something beyond anyone's imagination.

Are they still fighting? Nobody can really tell. Each swore to send the other to hel_l, but now their mutual fiery hatred has somewhat subsided. They have stopped trading blows and their thunderous roars have ended. Democracy is now strangely subdued, and somehow willingly so. Corruption, looking much stronger, surprisingly does not try to finish the job. Instead, his powerful skills of persuasion seem to be all that is at work for the moment, as Democracy struggles to remain conscious and, more importantly, alive:

Corruption: Come and join me, my dear friend. Now you know who's real and who isn't.

Democracy: We are still fighting, aren't we? But who are you? Who am I?

Corruption: That's the whole point. That's what I've been trying to tell you since we started this silly war. I will refresh your memory. I'm the real essence of politics - almost everywhere on earth. You are just something that was imagined by those who don't have the real power. You are always a flash in the pan at best. But forget about all that. We are about to become one, just like we used to be.

Democracy: But I … I can't. This country still has hope and faith. I just can't abandon the people.

Corruption: Who says you have to do that? I'm offering you a way out here. All you need to do is open your mind and accept the ultimate truth.

Democracy: What's the ultimate truth?

Corruption: YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT ME. That's the truth that I've been trying to say all along. Show me a democracy untainted by graft and I will show you that it's only in your dreams. You need me to sustain yourself, dear boy. You need me to finance your progress. You need me to win an election. You need me to keep your political challengers at bay.

Democracy: But there's real goodness in this world. There are a lot of people who are honest, decent, and who never steal or frame others.

Corruption: And who will never be players in politics. Don't you see? Our pact is for the people who really matter. No political power can be maintained through decency. Honesty is democracy's worst enemy.

Democracy: You can't be right. Only through honesty can I live.

Corruption: You've got it all wrong. See what happened to you in Thailand? Things were going so well until some idiots started thinking that a political leader should be as clean as a baby. They accused a popular and efficient leader of lacking honesty and the rest is history. My friend, if you demand that honesty be a prerequisite in politics you are in for a long, vicious coup-election cycle.

Democracy: Are you saying Thailand's democracy crumbled because of the clamouring for graft-free politics?

Corruption: Yes, but I'd rather call it sheer stupidity. And I'm saying it's time you stopped being so ungrateful. I have been practically funding you but what have I got? I'm your guardian angel but I'm called your number one enemy. Do you really think that's fair?

Democracy: You love to twist and distort. You're trying to possess me, just like you did Dictatorship or Fascism.

Corruption: If you don't accept me, Dictatorship or whatever will take your place. Don't get me wrong here; whatever possesses you will strike a deal with me in no time. But trust me, people would rather see me with you. We are a perfect match because we can complement and defend each other.

Democracy: A lot of people will be deeply disappointed in me.

Corruption: Only those who are extremely self-delusional. Many more have adjusted themselves to the reality some time ago. Politics is about grabbing and taking over resources. Governing is just a side issue. You can talk ideologies all you like, but at the end of the day it's all about who gets what.

Democracy: You're quoting a movie again!

Corruption: Nice to see you're warming to this a little. But to tell you a little secret, I think "Star Wars" sucks. No Jedi ever returns. They all become Darth Vader, and Darth Vader they remain for eternity.

Democracy: I'm the last line of defence. You have consumed every other ideology. I'm nothing if I condone abuses and graft.

Corruption: You already have. I'm just proposing that we make it official so that we can spare the world a repetition of the Thai circus.

Democracy: Allowing you to prevail over me would mean that things would go downhill. This is crazy.

Corruption: Going downhill ... are you kidding me? It's already a goddamned freak show out there. The Thai "elite" protesting against corruption called themselves "pro-democracy", but some blame them for your destruction. The poor Thai villagers want to protect their elected, albeit corrupt leader and surely they can be a truly democratic force. A scandal-plagued former leader has portrayed himself as a champion of democracy. A military junta calls itself your guardian. Come on, let's end this nonsense.

Democracy: Supposing I agree, what do I get in return?

Corruption: You will live. When everyone accepts me as a fact of life in democracy, no power hungry generals can take advantage of a little graft here or a little scandal there. You will have your space - elections, the right to assemble, freedom of speech and so forth. Stop believing in fairy tales and we both shall live happily ever after. Now, do we have a pact or not?

And Earth, Heaven and hel_l continue to hold their breath ...

Tulsathit Taptim


I like the last paragraph and the " Stop believing in fairy tales and we both shall live happily ever after. "

This sums it up nicely with regard to the Thai perspective of Puyai telling the other 95-99 % of the population how it is and how things really worked under the last administration.

IMHO as always

marshbags :o

Edited by marshbags
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Enjoyable, but compromise is still compromise, accepting a slippery slope gives you little sympathy when you fall. The lack of independent journalism and the ignorance of the masses brought down Thaksin. Only when the public has access to a free press can democracy function on their behalf. Until then you get bullies, and in that case, a smart bully is better than a dumb one. That’s the best you can hope for here

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