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Major issue that keeps you from Coming back to Thailand


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57 minutes ago, swissie said:

P*ssy is 100% more expensive than before.
- The quality of service is 50% less than before.
- The Ladies are 50% less attractive than before.
- The Thai-BHT is 30 % more expensive than before.

 Are you sure they were ladies?

If I paid 100% more and got 50% less from 50% less attractive ladies I would not go back either,

What a ripoff!!!

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43 minutes ago, sirineou said:

 Are you sure they were ladies?

If I paid 100% more and got 50% less from 50% less attractive ladies I would not go back either,

What a ripoff!!!

Yes, I know. Lousy mathemathics. But like I said, most of us came here for the Temples.:smile:

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On 11/12/2019 at 4:03 PM, Kwasaki said:

Well having money can help you put up with anything.

Phetchabun in the mountains seems to be free of pollution.

I agree, Khao Kho National Park is called little Switzerland. This area has a much cooler climate than the rest of Thailand

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17 hours ago, MadMuhammad said:

I have no issue whatsoever keeping an amount in a financial institution in the country I have chosen to reside in. I thought about what would be required to relocate and some of the compromises needed to make the transition smooth and stress free. Money in the bank here is just part of that process. 

You crow about being able to retire to Thailand then proceed to whinge about the ‘foreign crooked country’. If it’s so ‘unsafe’ why would you even consider relocating here? Or do just enjoy pointing out how superior your home country is? Furthermore, you then go on to complain you have had issues with your own financial institutions. 
I feel That you’re a serial complainer first and foremost. 

  This forum is about what people do not like about Thailand.  For you to bash somebody that lists what they don't like is really stupid

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I've never thought too much about the dangers of pollution until I inadvertently landed in Kuala Lumper when Indonesia were burning plantations, the smog made me ill for the bulk of my time there. Same in Chiang Mai when I landed in May thinking the smog would be gone ... it wasn't. 


So now pollution is uppermost in my mind and one reason why Thailand is now down as a 3 month per year maximum destination. I'd only consider retirement in a clean air country.










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On 11/12/2019 at 2:51 PM, Pravda said:

I can  put up with anything in Thailand. Noise, traffic, bad drivers, <deleted> western food, rude immigration, Visa issues, Money requirements..

Dealing with local people on a daily basis .....who arent too bright .

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On 11/13/2019 at 12:30 AM, gk10002000 said:

no desire to tie up 800k baht in a Thai bank account when that money could be safe and sound and earning over 5%

banks here are safe and if you had kept the 800k - purchased at 44 to the dollar, it would be worth a good bit more... and I do know of banks in USA going under... 

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On 11/13/2019 at 9:11 AM, sfokevin said:

Who among us came here looking for a high IQ Thai?... :coffee1:


People who bother with and get high IQ scores are, in my mind, dull and nerdy.


I have absolutely no idea where I stand on the Pisa scale, I guess that if I look up

my home country then that will tell me exactly where I stand and I can look down

at all those countries below me with disdain.

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On 11/14/2019 at 1:05 PM, kenk24 said:

banks here are safe and if you had kept the 800k - purchased at 44 to the dollar, it would be worth a good bit more... and I do know of banks in USA going under... 

of course and of course.  But I don't put money in a bank to wallow.  I invest it.  So many people have no idea of investing and living off the dividends and passive income.  All they think about is spending down lump sums or withdrawing money from a stagnant company 401k

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1 hour ago, gk10002000 said:

So many people have no idea of investing and living off the dividends and passive income. 

Agreed... and I am an investor too... which means always considering the % and the where and what of it... and I understand the loss of opportunity which comes with "purchasing" sometimes... when I buy a home, I lose the opportunity to make money with that money, but I gain a quality of life that might not be available w/a rental home. The 800k in the bank is not a lot for me and the fact that the lost opportunity cost buys me entry is a small price to pay for living here. So, I don't see my money in a Thai bank as wallowing, but as a small cost of admission.. 

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My main reason for not living in Thailand is that I chose to live in China on the balance of life satisfaction probability.


If you made the wrong decision, stop blaming Thailand, it's entirely your own fault.


I just visit Thailand when I feel like it, enjoy a while there and go home.

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8 hours ago, kenk24 said:

Agreed... and I am an investor too... which means always considering the % and the where and what of it... and I understand the loss of opportunity which comes with "purchasing" sometimes... when I buy a home, I lose the opportunity to make money with that money, but I gain a quality of life that might not be available w/a rental home. The 800k in the bank is not a lot for me and the fact that the lost opportunity cost buys me entry is a small price to pay for living here. So, I don't see my money in a Thai bank as wallowing, but as a small cost of admission.. 

agreed. And if you live to a budget and don’t over spend that ‘lost opportunity’  actually gives you a high return when it comes to living costs and quality of life. 
As mentioned earlier a poster is griping about ‘losing’ approx $1325p.a. At 5%.
In my instance my basic living costs in Metropolitan Melbourne were approx $625p.w. before setting foot outside my door for any sort of fun & entertainment,  and I was lucky enough to own my own home.
My total budget was give or take $4500aud pcm. Whereas here I can live comfortably on a budget of 65K pcm (approx $3Kaud give or take) all in including entertainment. 
So ones ‘lost’ $1365usd @ 5%, of which one would have to pay taxes on mind you, is actually a gain of approx $18000aud p.a. loosely speaking. 
I’m not a finance guru but that seems like a solid return to me 


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1 hour ago, MadMuhammad said:

agreed. And if you live to a budget and don’t over spend that ‘lost opportunity’  actually gives you a high return when it comes to living costs and quality of life. 
As mentioned earlier a poster is griping about ‘losing’ approx $1325p.a. At 5%.
In my instance my basic living costs in Metropolitan Melbourne were approx $625p.w. before setting foot outside my door for any sort of fun & entertainment,  and I was lucky enough to own my own home.
My total budget was give or take $4500aud pcm. Whereas here I can live comfortably on a budget of 65K pcm (approx $3Kaud give or take) all in including entertainment. 
So ones ‘lost’ $1365usd @ 5%, of which one would have to pay taxes on mind you, is actually a gain of approx $18000aud p.a. loosely speaking. 
I’m not a finance guru but that seems like a solid return to me 


Well, yes, there is a comparative savings in living here... just think how much more you could have saved if you had a home in San Francisco and a weekend home in London... mostly to figure oppt cost, I value the 800k against what else I could do with that leftover money... I can get a safe 2-3% in USA, or a riskier 10% or more if I let it ride in the US stock market... if I get 1% on my 800k here... that means I am only losing 1% agst the 2% I might get in the bank in USA... though if you figure in currency appreciation, it rivals my stock gains by having money here... 

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2 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

Well, yes, there is a comparative savings in living here... just think how much more you could have saved if you had a home in San Francisco and a weekend home in London... mostly to figure oppt cost, I value the 800k against what else I could do with that leftover money... I can get a safe 2-3% in USA, or a riskier 10% or more if I let it ride in the US stock market... if I get 1% on my 800k here... that means I am only losing 1% agst the 2% I might get in the bank in USA... though if you figure in currency appreciation, it rivals my stock gains by having money here... 

Glad I ain't got any cash to worry about........????

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On 11/16/2019 at 12:06 PM, kenk24 said:

Agreed... and I am an investor too... which means always considering the % and the where and what of it... and I understand the loss of opportunity which comes with "purchasing" sometimes... when I buy a home, I lose the opportunity to make money with that money, but I gain a quality of life that might not be available w/a rental home. The 800k in the bank is not a lot for me and the fact that the lost opportunity cost buys me entry is a small price to pay for living here. So, I don't see my money in a Thai bank as wallowing, but as a small cost of admission.. 

and just how does one get the money out if one returns to their home country?  Just ATM withdrawal?  Can one transfer the money out of thailand without any Thai permissions needed beyond basic transfer procedures?

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39 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

and just how does one get the money out if one returns to their home country?  Just ATM withdrawal?  Can one transfer the money out of thailand without any Thai permissions needed beyond basic transfer procedures?

I have no idea... I don't take money out of Thailand, never did, and have no plans to... I live here. I have family here. 

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On 11/13/2019 at 9:49 AM, Dazinoz said:

I wonder how accurate are the published IQ figures for Thailand. Any IQ test I have done requires some form of reading and writing. As a considerable (???) percentage of Thais can't read nor write how do they fit into these figures? Of course some of those that can not read or write are probably highly intelligent but have never had the opportunity to show it. Whereas others, like my ex gf, have the IQ of room temperature.

Thai literacy compares very favourably with the USA. And how many yanks speak Thai?

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On 11/13/2019 at 1:10 PM, Don Chance said:

First of all the good thing is there are areas in south of Thailand that are not polluted. Krabi, Songkla, out on the Islands.


What puts me off are Thai people, they just do not seem to care.  I'm here in Kerala now and always amazed at how nice, friendly, genuine and people are. Not all of course. But people really have feelings here and look you in the eye. I don't find that so much in Thailand or SE asia.

You sound a bit needy. Yes Thais are self contained compared to many indians.

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14 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

Thai literacy compares very favourably with the USA. And how many yanks speak Thai?

I always thought, especially after my first few trips that the local Thai literacy rate was quite good.  All the girls I met up with could read and write, and do basic math.  Of course their world "facts" were not that great but so what? That is not a measure of literacy.  They may have great knowledge of local history and South East Asian things, whereas I having grown up in New England knew little about Southern Californian local history as an example.  I am ex military so I know a fair amount about WW 1, 2, etc, European geography, speak some French and Greek.  Many Thais had no real idea of just how big Thailand is, say relative to other countries or even some USA states.   While I would like to believe that America has great literacy rates, many studies show American High School graduates horribly lacking in basic english and math skills. 

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On 11/15/2019 at 9:03 AM, Blue bruce said:

gk10002000 made some very good points. Not  that I am Thai bashing as I like living but everyone must admit it is more difficult

Only for 4 days a year. Visa extension and 90 days. The rest of the time it's the same as it was, except for more expensive and less good looking ladies.

The latter are not necessary for life in LOS, but they do make it better.

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20 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

and just how does one get the money out if one returns to their home country?  Just ATM withdrawal?  Can one transfer the money out of thailand without any Thai permissions needed beyond basic transfer procedures?

Yes. I transferred most of my 800,000 out by bank transfer.

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On 11/17/2019 at 10:30 AM, sunnyboy2018 said:

For me its the sadness and fear of the Thai people since the coup. The massive prison population The dirt poor poverty of so many struggling Thais ground down by their own power elite. They know they have no future and no hope.

I don't know where you live, but none of the places I lived were like that. Sadness and fear- perhaps you saw what you wanted to. I saw people going about their lives at about the same level of happiness as other countries. 

Even in the village people had more money, better houses than they used to, and had electricity, water, paved roads, tv, telephone and internet.

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On 11/12/2019 at 11:04 AM, Puchaiyank said:

One could live with the noise, traffic, bad drivers, lousy western food, rude immigration, Visa issues, Money requirements...and even pollution...


At some point in time you must ask yourself...why in the world am I putting up with this bunk?...and paying Thais to use and abuse me?


No wonder they think we have low IQs...and are here in Thailand to be exploited!  ????

Sitting here in the USA, I have 6 Thai relatives (Wife's siblings & nieces/nephews) that I sponsored to come here. They fix my cars, mow my lawn, rake leaves and clean gutters for "free".  But it's still better than going back there.  All 6 own a car, and the two elder siblings have bought a house. 


They love to visit Thailand, a month at a time.   Only one has become a citizen so far, but two more will follow shortly.  The fee was about 24,000 Baht, but will go up soon.  Chump change.

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