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Brit tourist tells of Thai prison terror after beaten inmate died in his arms


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3 hours ago, zydeco said:

What about the embassies in this story?


1) Where is the American Embassy? Did they actually allow the outright murder of an American citizen by Iranians in a Thai prison to go without investigation?


2) Did the British Embassy actually tell this guy to turn himself in, knowing he would be put in these conditions, rather than urging him to get the money for a flight out and paying the fine at an airport?

"Where is the American Embassy? Did they actually allow the outright murder of an American citizen..."

Nowhere does it say that he was murdered!


"Did the British Embassy actually tell this guy to turn himself in, knowing he would be put in these conditions, rather than urging him to get the money for a flight out and paying the fine at an airport?"

Of course they did, what else could they do? 

When he contacted the Embassy that is exactly what he would have been told to do, try to get some money sent to him.  The fact that he was told to hand himself in suggests that he was unable to do obtain funds and the British Embassy is not there to repatriate, FOC, deliberate overstayers.

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4 hours ago, KhaoTan said:

If IDC knows these gangsters are picking on certain citizens such as US citizens they need to at least hold them separately.  The guy who died in his arms after being denied water and bullied by the gangs was 41 years old.  Here is his obituary. RIP. Obituary of Rickey McDonald  He was a guy who was educated and was loved, have some respect. 



on that obituary .  why would he ask that question if he already knows?

Kai isaacs


Hello. Did Rickey pass whilst in the IDC in Bangkok?

Edited by atyclb
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57 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Rubbish if you obey the immigration law here, which is hardly difficult, you are NOT going to end up in the IDC

bit like obeying the road traffic act here.  How that work out for you?, pay the BIB off in the end.

Folk in glass houses etc.

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57 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Rubbish if you obey the immigration law here, which is hardly difficult, you are NOT going to end up in the IDC

bit like obeying the road traffic act here.  How that work out for you?, pay the BIB off in the end.

Folk in glass houses etc.

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5 hours ago, KhaoTan said:

If IDC knows these gangsters are picking on certain citizens such as US citizens they need to at least hold them separately.  The guy who died in his arms after being denied water and bullied by the gangs was 41 years old.  Here is his obituary. RIP. Obituary of Rickey McDonald  He was a guy who was educated and was loved, have some respect. 

You are assuming that the Officers know or for that matter even care, judging by rep[orts over the years a sp[ellin the IDC is not nice and possibly it is like that to deter others. However they owe a duty of care none the less. 

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54 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

More unlikely, exaggerated and embellished garbage published by a red top rag that pays for sensationalised stories.  Odd how in these tales of imprisonment the 'victims' are always incarcerated with "Thai gangster and murderers", the visa overstayers, petty criminals and those convicted of minor offences, who would constitute most of those prison populations are never mentioned.


If he really sent £2000 to himself, that could only be collected from a MoneyGram office on production of his passport.  That suggests that he sent it to someone else who would have had every right to collect the money!  If it paid out in error to the wrong person with no ID MoneyGram would have recompensed him!


"Kai admits he made a mistake by going to stay with Thai friends for several months before contacting the British embassy for help in March this year".

Isaacs admitted that he voluntarily put himself on overstay for several months! 

I wonder how he managed to survive for several months bearing in mind that he allegedly had no money when he arrived here?


"Their own countries didn’t want them back so they had been there for years".

Garbage. No country can deny entry to it's own citizens, assuming they have no other nationality!


A load of Mirror tosh.

That last statement is incorrect. Some totalitarian states do that now and then. There's an Indonesian fringe Islamist in Malaysia whose country doesn't want him back. They foisted him on Malaysia.

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5 hours ago, 300sd said:

The question is what kind of a country treats people this way? 



No, the question is, what kind of a gullible fool wires money to a Thai girl and arrives in the country with the money gone along with the girl and then proceeds to overstay his 30 day visa by 7 months. Not too mention not even having enough cash in pocket to buy a return ticket (which he should have had in the first place) or a freaking credit card. 


No sympathy. Not one iota. He's an idiot for doing what he did. 

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6 hours ago, Vacuum said:

Question is why did he do it? Ignorance, stupidity?

Both, but a more important question: what did he expect when he broke the law in Thailand? A free ride back to England or maybe some help from RTP to continue his vacation in Thailand on overstay? 

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6 hours ago, colinneil said:

So Kai Issacs thinks i can make serious money out of this, just stretch the truth make it sound dramatic, ker ching.

“There were people from 47 different countries."


Well, I suppose he had time to count them all! ????

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