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Senior Democrat says next step underway in Trump impeachment probe


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8 minutes ago, rabas said:

I do beg to differ. Article 2 of the treaty designates a central authority to make and receive requests to implement formal criminal investigations, which for the US is the attorney general. A lot of groundwork would come before such a request.


As CEO and the AG's direct boss, Trump may well discuss and agree on details of any important formal investigation with the other head of state prior to submission. That's their job. The idea they are not allowed to talk is just silly.


Anyway, the senate will get it all worked out if there is an impeachment.



Keep to the facts, and not to fantasies: Trump did not 'discuss'. He wanted Z to open an investigation and to announce it quickly. It was nothing like: "in case we open an investigation into Biden would you be ready to honour the treaty and help us with this investigation?". It was nothing like that.


PS The impeachment trial will be presided by Roberts. Don't dream too much.....

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4 minutes ago, J Town said:

Republican Senators who have no intention of running again are confirming exactly what you are saying. They are exhausted of jumping from one lie to the next, attempting to defend the indefensible. They're having to choose between getting re-elected or telling the truth. You can't have both with this guy.

Lindsey Graham has to be the biggest boot licker ever. When he thought McCain might be president or yield power in the Senate he was McCain's best friend , After all trump said about McCain ,just as soon as McCain died Graham became trump's best friend. I personally think  Ghrham might be a worst person than trump (If that's possible), at least trump is honestly bad .

Not one patriot in the bunch, all out to line their pockets. IMO, unless big money is removed from the equation (good luck with that happening) we will see a lot more of that from both sides of the isle .

Big money wants scumbags that they can control.

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40 minutes ago, candide said:


PS The impeachment trial will be presided by Roberts. Don't dream too much...

Roberts is the ideal person to add legitimacy to an erstwhile snipe hunt. Vehemently anti-partisan, they say he can spot a snipe miles away.


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1 hour ago, candide said:

people who have nothing to testify, such ast the Bidens who have nothing to say about what Trump did or not. It was just a diversion

wrong. I learned from the Mueller investigation that it is normal for investigations into one crime to throw up a whole load of unrelated crimes which result in charges against the wrongdoers. In the Mueller investigation they were looking to nail Trump for colluding with Russia which made Hillary lose her election, yet all they found was procedural errors resulting in small charges for peripheral players. No collusion charge against Trump. Multiple sundry charges for others. Remember this.

 Here in the Schiff show, they were gung-ho to catch Trump for quid pro quo'ing with US aid money. And they failed. Trump did not do this awful thing. There is just no proof. Pres Z confirms there was no pressure. And yet, there was quid pro quo, and there was a video of the wrongdoer boasting about him doing it. So, what happens? Well, they ended up catching the wrong guy for the right crime. Half a success? Not sure why all the whinging and moaning. It's as if they wanted the only crime that counts is quid pro quo-ing while orange. But that is a hard sell.

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15 minutes ago, candide said:

Mueller's investigation was investigating the Russian interference in election. It found some people working for Trump could be involved in it (I.e. they had contact with Russians or wikileaks) and further investigated.

And some of those people are now doing time in the grey bar hotel. Poor Trump, surrounded by all those guilty people. Absolutely staggers the imagination!

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5 hours ago, Catoholic said:

since when is there something wrong with "quid pro quo"? everyone does it everyday, well except for crooks who want something for nothing.  what is wrong is that when democrats lose an election they scream, cry, protest, make up false information (aka lie) and bog down the entire gov't. They will be held accountable in the next election cycle. the democratic party is collapsing under the weight of their own incompetence and corruption. Goodbye and good riddance.

Tell me how many bills have been sent to the senate that republicans refuse to even vote on then get back me.

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4 hours ago, candide said:

Two false equivalences in the same post, congratulations. Mueller's investigation was investigating the Russian interference in election. It found some people working for Trump could be involved in it (I.e. they had contact with Russians or wikileaks) and further investigated. It also sometimes found less related evidence about some of them and have transferred the case to other investigators or courts. But they were all people investigated for the main motive. 

In this case it is an impeachment enquiry about Trump and the Bidens are in no way suspect of collaborating with Trump for this QPQ.


Your second false equivalence between Trump's QPQ and Biden's QPQ has been explained to you many times so I will not lose more time on it. By the way, if there is matter to start an investigation into Biden according to the US law, why is it that Barr didn't do anything?

To answer your last question. 


Because they got nothing. Its also irrelevant to what trump is being investigated for, but trump apologists hate facts.

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24 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Tell me how many bills have been sent to the senate that republicans refuse to even vote on then get back me.

Just shy of 400 but only about 70 have passed in the senate.


But take note of the new extreme left leaning Democratic house where  people like AOC (when not fighting disposals) help push left of Eden legislation. McConnell even calls himself the “grim reaper” of Democratic legislation, which he derides as socialist.

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1 hour ago, Sujo said:

To answer your last question. 


Because they got nothing. Its also irrelevant to what trump is being investigated for, but trump apologists hate facts.

I know the answer. It was implied by the question.

I also know it is irrelevant to the impeachment's motive but it's twice ridiculing for Trump. He's not only been spoted for a mean and stupid abuse of power, but also on top of it for a making a baseless claim. Double moron.

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