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UK PM Johnson criticised for response to photo of sick child


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11 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

He refused to even look at the picture of the sick boy sleeping on the floor of the hospital.

He could at least pretend to care.


He did look at the photo though and commented on the photo he looked at .

Did you not read that bit of the story which stated Boris looked at the photo and commented on the photo ?

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2 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:


sounds about plausible


question is; why does Labour opt for this way forward? (or downward if you prefer)

The party is stricken. Its truly working class members are pi*sed off with the influx of eastern Europeans, taking jobs, houses, and jumping the NHS queue. They feel the middle class leadership hasn't responded to this threat to their livelihoods. Hence the rise of UKIP, the Brexit party, and the current shift to the right of the Tory party to swallow Farage's supporters.

I read somewhere the British government has the right under EU laws to limit free movement of labour, but never did, is that correct?

Anyway, the Labour Party has never seriously addressed these issues, and has failed to point out to the working class that under a no-deal Brexit or Johnson's Brexit, they will be truly screwed. No more subsidies from the EU for economically depressed areas, no more minimum wage, no more EU protection of human rights. Investment will shrink, and so will jobs.

But somehow they think Boris will 'get Brexit done', freeing British talent to explore world markets long denied.

It's like 1914, only without the guns.

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3 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:


sounds about plausible

his have

question is; why does Labour opt for this way forward? (or downward if you prefer)

Probably makes more sense to ask those type of questions after Thursday when Labour (probably) will lose. In the meantime you might want to check out those MPs who lost the Labour whip and why. Labour previously had to go through several election losses with Michael Foot and Neil Kinnock before having a serious re-think. Returning to the left-wing banner with Corbyn who appears more bonkers than either Foot or Kinnock or even Benn, is just how bad things have got.

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1 hour ago, bannork said:

The party is stricken. Its truly working class members are pi*sed off with the influx of eastern Europeans, taking jobs, houses, and jumping the NHS queue. They feel the middle class leadership hasn't responded to this threat to their livelihoods. Hence the rise of UKIP, the Brexit party, and the current shift to the right of the Tory party to swallow Farage's supporters.

I read somewhere the British government has the right under EU laws to limit free movement of labour, but never did, is that correct?

Anyway, the Labour Party has never seriously addressed these issues, and has failed to point out to the working class that under a no-deal Brexit or Johnson's Brexit, they will be truly screwed. No more subsidies from the EU for economically depressed areas, no more minimum wage, no more EU protection of human rights. Investment will shrink, and so will jobs.

But somehow they think Boris will 'get Brexit done', freeing British talent to explore world markets long denied.

It's like 1914, only without the guns.


when EU last was significantly expanded several member states established control with and limits to movement

from the new members, ie Rom. Bul. and the like

as far as I remember there was a time limit on the limitation, 5 years or whatever, dunno if they could have

done it permanently


get Brexit done --> freeing British talent to explore world markets long denied


wow, that was some sentence (or fragment thereof)

you would probably need to be quite full of yourself to utter such as a politician


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5 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Trying to play Gotcha! with the NHS or any other topic against Boris is fair game, but the very same Labour supporters attempting to get on this bandwagon are the very same individuals who will excuse the internal stink in the Labour Party and Corbyn's evasiveness on the other side of the blame coin. What the election is boiling down to is choosing between 2 not very pleasant leaders. On that count Boris is winning. Without Corbyn, Labour could have romped it. With him they are going to lose. That is the tragedy.

But Corbyn was elected as leader and romped home as a clear winner so it's obvious he and his policies are popular with the rank and file membership. And whether we like it or not they run the Labour Party..

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7 hours ago, khunken said:
“We have got to fight against privilege, against the notion that a half-witted public schoolboy is better for command than an intelligent mechanic. England is governed by an unteachable ruling class that too frequently escapes into stupidity, failing to see that an economic system in which land, factories, mines and transport are owned privately and operated solely for profit ... does not work. Only a socialist revolution could unleash the native genius of the English people. Of course, the bankers and the larger businessmen, the landowners and dividend-drawers, the officials with their prehensile bottoms, will obstruct for all they are worth. But, never mind: if the rich squeal audibly, so much the better”.
Who wrote this & when?
A clue is that it wasn't Karl Marx, Jeremy Corbyn or any of the previous Labour leaders so hated by the Tory propaganda supporters.

Well the answer is George Orwell who wrote it in 1941.

As with so much of his writings, it is as true today as it was in 1941, especially the 'half-witted schoolboy' perfectly describing the current PM.


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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

But Corbyn was elected as leader and romped home as a clear winner so it's obvious he and his policies are popular with the rank and file membership. And whether we like it or not they run the Labour Party..

What is popular today doesn't necessarily continue when it hits the buffers of electoral failure.

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8 hours ago, khunken said:
“We have got to fight against privilege, against the notion that a half-witted public schoolboy is better for command than an intelligent mechanic. England is governed by an unteachable ruling class that too frequently escapes into stupidity, failing to see that an economic system in which land, factories, mines and transport are owned privately and operated solely for profit ... does not work. Only a socialist revolution could unleash the native genius of the English people. Of course, the bankers and the larger businessmen, the landowners and dividend-drawers, the officials with their prehensile bottoms, will obstruct for all they are worth. But, never mind: if the rich squeal audibly, so much the better”.
Who wrote this & when?
A clue is that it wasn't Karl Marx, Jeremy Corbyn or any of the previous Labour leaders so hated by the Tory propaganda supporters.


44 minutes ago, khunken said:

Well the answer is George Orwell who wrote it in 1941.

As with so much of his writings, it is as true today as it was in 1941, especially the 'half-witted schoolboy' perfectly describing the current PM.

2 points.

The first is that Jeremy Corbyn could not be described as anything like an intelligent mechanic or even approximate as such. Never did a day's work in his life. Professional politician through and through. Not only that, his fans should check what type of school he attended before throwing the class envy label around.

The second point is that George Orwell loathed Stalinism and all it stood for. So then, who is Corbyn's right-hand man dictating the shots? Why non other than Seamus Milne ex-Stalinist Tankie and all that tradition.

The very idea that George Orwell would be sitting in Corbyn's corner just another example of Labour supporters living the past and not doing a very good job of it.

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49 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


2 points.

The first is that Jeremy Corbyn could not be described as anything like an intelligent mechanic or even approximate as such. Never did a day's work in his life. Professional politician through and through. Not only that, his fans should check what type of school he attended before throwing the class envy label around.

The second point is that George Orwell loathed Stalinism and all it stood for. So then, who is Corbyn's right-hand man dictating the shots? Why non other than Seamus Milne ex-Stalinist Tankie and all that tradition.

The very idea that George Orwell would be sitting in Corbyn's corner just another example of Labour supporters living the past and not doing a very good job of it.

Corbyn may not be a mechanic (which I didn't claim anyway) but he is intelligent (far more than Boris) and as you probably well know, Orwell's comparison is not to be taken literally but alludes to a working class leader having more all-round ability than a privileged toff with few brains.

Yes, I know that Orwell hated Stalinism but you fail to point out that he was a socialist supporter which the current Labour party is advocating. Your typecasting some Labourites as Stalinists is a scaremongering tactic from both right-wingers and centrists that does not hold water.

There are a few nationalisation features in the Labour manifesto that are OTT but overall they've got it right.

The only area that Corbyn has failed to be clear on is his Brexit stance, which is correct IMO on a confirmatory referendum but wrong on any attempt to re-negotiate the agreement.

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12 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

The picture is a staged set up. There's another one of a baby on a chair. Expect more of this over the next 2 days. Ask Corbyn "how low will you go ? " The answer is, lower than the gutter.

General election 2019: The misinformation war over the boy in the hospital https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/50728920

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3 hours ago, SheungWan said:

What is popular today doesn't necessarily continue when it hits the buffers of electoral failure.

But Jeremy and his lackeys knew that when they announced their policies. They did not realise how their crackpot ideas would go down with the working class voters.


I'll say no more. Just wait and see what happens on election day. Corbyn and his followers will be trounced and seen to be the headbangers that they actually are.


If you want to place a 10,000 baht bet on it send me a personal message.

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2 hours ago, khunken said:

Corbyn may not be a mechanic (which I didn't claim anyway) but he is intelligent (far more than Boris) and as you probably well know, Orwell's comparison is not to be taken literally but alludes to a working class leader having more all-round ability than a privileged toff with few brains.

Yes, I know that Orwell hated Stalinism but you fail to point out that he was a socialist supporter which the current Labour party is advocating. Your typecasting some Labourites as Stalinists is a scaremongering tactic from both right-wingers and centrists that does not hold water.

There are a few nationalisation features in the Labour manifesto that are OTT but overall they've got it right.

The only area that Corbyn has failed to be clear on is his Brexit stance, which is correct IMO on a confirmatory referendum but wrong on any attempt to re-negotiate the agreement.

Ken, Jeremy took Diane Abbott as his bed mate. He readily admits to it.


Even though her black and immigrant constituents have elected her as their MP for over 30 years it just portrays your Jeremy as a political opportunist.


What has he to offer the white British working class who his labour Party have betrayed since he and they firmly appeared on the political scene in the 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. 

They (the WWC) are no longer so typically apathetic. They are going to vote this time. Wait and see.

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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

Ken, Jeremy took Diane Abbott as his bed mate. He readily admits to it.


Even though her black and immigrant constituents have elected her as their MP for over 30 years it just portrays your Jeremy as a political opportunist.


What has he to offer the white British working class who his labour Party have betrayed since he and they firmly appeared on the political scene in the 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. 

They (the WWC) are no longer so typically apathetic. They are going to vote this time. Wait and see.

Whats the difference between a White Working class , Black Working class and Asian working class ?

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4 hours ago, khunken said:

Corbyn may not be a mechanic (which I didn't claim anyway) but he is intelligent (far more than Boris) and as you probably well know, Orwell's comparison is not to be taken literally but alludes to a working class leader having more all-round ability than a privileged toff with few brains.

Yes, I know that Orwell hated Stalinism but you fail to point out that he was a socialist supporter which the current Labour party is advocating. Your typecasting some Labourites as Stalinists is a scaremongering tactic from both right-wingers and centrists that does not hold water.

There are a few nationalisation features in the Labour manifesto that are OTT but overall they've got it right.

The only area that Corbyn has failed to be clear on is his Brexit stance, which is correct IMO on a confirmatory referendum but wrong on any attempt to re-negotiate the agreement.

Corbyn intelligent? Couldn't even pass the course he was registered on at University. All round ability? No evidence for that. Toffs? Corbyn went to a public school. I have already pointed out that Corbyn's right-hand man is an old school Stalinist Tankie and as for the waving away of where some Labour Party members are coming from then you must have been asleep re the reports of Hard Left entryism the last few years. Plenty of water there to sink a battleship. As for the little matter of Corbyn's evasiveness re Brexit, rubbish economics and the racist stick revealed from the Labour Party internal docs, it is pretty pathetic that some hacks here are rushing to defend a useless Labour Party leader. PS, the next time you want to claim a George Orwell on the side of Corbyn, better to read what Orwell actually wrote before employing the quote machine and secondly make some effort to read about Orwell's political fights on the Left. PPS, so now the Shadow Health Secretary admits that the voters cannot stand Corbyn. Well fancy that!

Edited by SheungWan
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9 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

The difference is the right-wing thugs who want to attack those who are different.

That isnt a difference between Black / White and Brown people .

You just wanted to attack people who have a different political viewpoint than you do , by accusing them of attacking people who are different to them 

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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

That isnt a difference between Black / aking White and Brown people .

You just wanted to attack people who have a different political viewpoint than you do , by accusing them of attacking people who are different to them 

Right-wing thug supporters of the neo-Fascist grouplets (who will win zero seats in the General Election) have form re physically attacking minority individuals. Its what they do.

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5 hours ago, sanemax said:

Whats the difference between a White Working class , Black Working class and Asian working class ?

Their colour and features, sometimes their language, often their accent, where their loyalties lie and the fact that they choose to associate with those from their own communities while exhibiting a reluctance to blend in with those from other communities.


It's why there are now racially divided ghettos in the UK and Europe just like there are in the USA.


It's the same in Thailand. The only real integration you see in places like Pattaya are instances where some Westerner with a bit of money teams up with a much younger woman who would not give him the time of day back in his own country. Having been one of those Westerners I'm quite prepared to admit it.

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4 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Their colour and features, sometimes their language, often their accent, where their loyalties lie and the fact that they choose to associate with those from their own communities while exhibiting a reluctance to blend in with those from other communities.


It's why there are now racially divided ghettos in the UK and Europe just like there are in the USA.


It's the same in Thailand. The only real integration you see in places like Pattaya are instances where some Westerner with a bit of money teams up with a much younger woman who would not give him the time of day back in his own country. Having been one of those Westerners I'm quite prepared to admit it.

Its always colour (black etc) and features (anti-semitism etc) with the nutters (zero Loonie Party MPs, but trying to hitch a ride)

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9 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Right-wing thug supporters of the neo-Fascist grouplets (who will win zero seats in the General Election) have form re physically attacking minority individuals. Its what they do.

That used to happen in the early 1980's , doesnt happen these days

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